Author Topic: Removing Stunts for Refresh / Powers  (Read 4643 times)

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Removing Stunts for Refresh / Powers
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2011, 03:57:51 PM »
Unless there's a really, really good reason for it, I always use this GMing guideline:

Make your character and play it for a bit. If, for whatever reason, you feel that the choices you made were bad after a few sessions, you're free to rework your character however you need. Just make sure to tell me that you plan to do it, and show me the sheet when you're done.

So if we got a couple of sessions or even a couple of stories into a game and one of my players came to me with that situation, my response would be, "Sure. Just tell me what you changed after." I find it much preferable to have a little hiccup like that at the beginning of a game than to get a few months in and have everything explode.

Even if we made it a few months in before these feelings of inappropriate decisions happened, I'm still good with changing things. I'd just want it to be more of an organic change to the character rather than an initial course correction. Which sounds exactly like what you're doing. So I'd want to wait until appropriate Milestones happened, at which point I'd be totally fine with letting you shift things around.

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Re: Removing Stunts for Refresh / Powers
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2012, 02:21:47 AM »
I think it's fine to get rid of a Mortal stunt, particularly if it becomes redundant. For example, one player in a game I'm in has Takes One To Know One, so his character can use Deceit instead of Empathy to detect lies. Eventually, he plans to boost Empathy once he's got a couple more skill points to spend, at which point the skills will be equal, making the stunt effectively wasted space.
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