Author Topic: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!  (Read 3202 times)

Offline arthurfallz

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Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:19:21 AM »
When I was reading Blood Rites, Harry was afraid to cast his spell in the basement of the homeless shelter because without his Blasting Rod, he had too little control to make sure his magic behaved as he wanted it to. He consistently seems to be afraid to use his magic without his blasting rod, which in the novels is a great plot device.

In the game, the Blasting Rod does not provide such a staggering mechanical benefit that his magic is so crazy without it. Now, in the spirit of assuming that the game could simulate the novels, is this an example of Harry's Aspects being compelled (can't cast recklessly because you might hurt people), or just something lost in translation between books and games?
I reserve the right to change my opinion the moment I am proven wrong; that's called learning.

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 04:46:36 AM »
It definitely seems to me like a compel of his "Not so subtle, still quick to anger" aspect.

Offline citadel97501

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 05:26:04 AM »
It definitely seems to me like a compel of his "Not so subtle, still quick to anger" aspect.

Well Said, that was what I saw especially when you notice he has a Power level on his fire magic of 6, and a control of only 3, that is a really good way to have uncontrolled magic even without an aspect. 

To be honest, I think Jim's Character Harry would have some major issues in any table top game run by people I know. 

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 11:49:09 AM »
Actually, the reason Harry doesn't like to cast fuego without is blasting rod is because Fuego is one of his Rote spells.

From YS257+YS258: Focus items add their bonuses automatically if they are tied in to
the rote, but there’s a caveat: if the wizard does the rote with the focus item, then that item is a requirement for the rote every time he wants to use it. (This is why Harry gets so nervous about entering combat without his staff and blasting rod—he loses the benefits of the rote spell and has to roll each spell as a normal evocation.)

Offline Vargo Teras

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 05:45:07 PM »
(This is why Harry gets so nervous about entering combat without his staff and blasting rod—he loses the benefits of the rote spell and has to roll each spell as a normal evocation.)
A normal spell which, as noted above, he's got -3 control relative to his power, without the control bonus of his blasting rod.  One unlucky roll, and he's either eating a moderate consequence or lighting the entire building on fire.

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2012, 07:31:33 PM »
All of the above.

When Dresden casts Fuego as a Rote (which requires the control bonus from his rod), it's automatically controlled successfully.  While he could theoretically cast the same spell as a non-Rote, even with his rod he has almost a coin-flip chance of suffering for doing so, and without his rod his chances of failing control are significantly higher.  Dresden can actually invoke the "Quick to Anger" part of that aspect as a bonus to his fire spells (magic can feed off strong emotions, including anger) which ironically improves his control.  Of course, the GM could also argue that such emotions could lead to a loss of control, opening up the possibility of a compel.  Given that Dresden is perpetually short on Fate points and that his GM is Jim Butcher who loves doing evil things to him, which situation is more likely?  :)

So yes, I think Dresden prefers casting Fuego as a nice, safe, Rote, because he knows his GM hates him and will make him suffer otherwise! ;D

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 08:04:13 PM »
Dresden can actually invoke the "Quick to Anger" part of that aspect as a bonus to his fire spells (magic can feed off strong emotions, including anger) which ironically improves his control.

Actually recent word from Fred would have it that rules wise one may improve one's power with an invoke. So because the aspect makes more sense for power, one would think that he would be limited to invoking it for that purpose.

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2012, 08:39:17 PM »
Actually recent word from Fred would have it that rules wise one may improve one's power with an invoke. So because the aspect makes more sense for power, one would think that he would be limited to invoking it for that purpose.
True.  Though I think it would make more sense to have it add its +2 to the final attack strength, rather than to the attack roll, the control roll, or the power.  The problem with adding it to power is that it makes it cheaper to cast a more powerful spell, but makes it more likely to fail to control the spell.  Sometimes this might be what you want, but most of the time that means that the aspect is a liability.  But adding to the damage after all the rolls and control issues are settled means that you can boost damage without benefitting control or accuracy, which seems to make sense to me.

I think that Fred's answer ("An invoked aspect is a +2, right? Apply it to anything appropriate that has a numerical rating") lets you do either of those things.

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2012, 12:49:38 AM »
At least on attack, unless you hit the 0 power basement from duration and/or area, I'm unsure why you would ever prefer a boost to power over a boost to the discipline roll, but I suppose it's good to know you can?

Makes more sense if you are swimming in tags for a block or the like and the alternative is taking sufficient stun that you would need to eat a consequence...

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Re: Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2012, 01:35:38 AM »
Yeah, the benefit comes mostly for blocks, maneuvers, or counterspells. Although as mentioned above some aspects will only be appropriate for power (or as Becq mentioned as an increase in weapon rating, post casting).