Author Topic: Spellmans Syllabary  (Read 4477 times)

Offline Todjaeger

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Spellmans Syllabary
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:44:38 AM »
This thread is intended to showcase spells created for forum member's personal campaigns, as well as to attempt to model spells from the various Dresden Files novels, comics and short stories.  As part of this, discussion of the game mechanics for the spells, as well as the comparison in power for specific spells and whether there are perhaps better ways to model specific spells, or achieve specific effects.

If there is sufficient interest, then perhaps a Resources Page could be created for any finalized spells, and/or the spells themselves could be added to various online DFRPG resources.

DFRPG Resources wikispace Spell list
Butchered New Haven campaign Spell list

At present, the specific spells I'm most interested in having others look over are the six as follows:

Old Burial Ground Binding Circle*
This Binding Circle was cast by Eric Holt to contain a powerful spirit entity or perhaps ghost within the Old Burial Ground on BSA Camp Mattabessitt.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Binding
Complexity: 12
Duration: One month
Effect: An 8-shift Block containing the Bound entity within it's grave site

The spell is intended to create a temporary barrier to passage through a doorway.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Wards
Complexity: 3
Duration: Sunrise
Effect: A Block of Good (+3) strength versus entry.
Variations: Spell Complexity can be increased to raise the strength of the Block and/or Duration. Additionally Symbolic Links can be created at +2 complexity each, to alert when the Block is attacked or breached.
Notes: Requires an actual doorway/threshold with door for the spell to be cast upon.

Eric Holt's Cabin Ward*
This is the Ward around caretaker Eric Holt's cabin at BSA Camp Mattabessitt in Bethany, CT.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Wards
Complexity: 16
Duration: One month
Effect: An 8-shift Block on entry into the cabin
Notes: Wardflames provide warning to those within the cabin if supernatural entities or beings approach within 100 yards of the cabin. Additionally, the key to the lock in the cabin door is a symbolic link, alerting Eric if something comes into contact with the Ward while he's away from his cabin.

This spell provides a ritual method to open mundane locks.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Transformation
Complexity: 3
Duration: none (immediate)
Effect: Spell immediately unlocks a Good (+3) quality lock. Examples of Good (+3) quality locks include Masterlock padlocks and most house deadbolt locks.
Variations: The Complexity can be increased so that the spell take effect on better locks, and/or in more difficult circumstances (i.e. multiple locks, a Threshold, etc.)
Notes: Locks on exterior doors of something with a Threshold (home, Church, etc) are protected by the Threshold as normal. Also any locks on a cemetery gate are also protected by a Threshold, if the caster is within the cemetery when casting the Unlock spell.

Eric Holt's Coat of Toughness*
This spell is intended to transform a coat of jacket into a protective garment which makes the wearer tougher than they would ordinarily be. At least for a little while...
Type: Thaumaturgy, Transformation
Complexity: 9
Duration: A scene (about 15 minutes)
Effect: Temporarily provides the wearer the benefits of the Supernatural power Inhuman Toughness (Armor: 1, 2 bonus boxes in the Physical Stress track)
Notes: The effects of this spell stack with Supernatural Recovery powers, but not with Supernatural Toughness powers. It also follows the normal Armor stacking rules. If the garment with the spell cast on it is within a Circle when the Circle is closed, the spell ends immediately. Similarly, if the garment crosses a Threshold without the bearer being invited in, the power of the spell is immediately reduced by the value of the Threshold. If the remaining power is insufficient to sustain the spell, it ends immediately. At the end of the spell (whether duration is reached or something ends the spell prematurely) the garment which was the target of the spell begins to break down and disintegrate. 
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Lastly, the duration clock starts immediately after the spell is finished, not when the garment is first donned for wear/use.

Old Burial Ground Aura of Misdirection*
The Aura of Misdirection is intended to steer the casual hiker and/or exploring Boy Scout away from the Old Burial Ground on Camp Mattabessitt and hopefully avoid having someone accidentally release the entity Bound within the circle.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Psychomancy
Complexity: 14
Duration: One month
Effect: A 5-shift Block opposed by Lore, Scholarship or Survival, depending on whether which skill is highest, to proceed to the Old Burial Ground. Those who fail to overcome the Block get re-directed around or away from the actual location of the Old Burial Ground.

More spells to follow as they either come up in game, or if additional ideas come to mind.


D'Oh! :-[  Just spotted the Custom Spell thread in the Resources Collection, after I somehow missed it previously.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 06:48:51 AM by Todjaeger »
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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 11:31:05 PM »
Since you've managed to include the majority of Elaine's spells from White Night, I was curious about how you'd handle her spell that made a ghoul's head "vanish" from  it's shoulders. I'm not sure whether it's Air magic using enhanced air pressure or lightning magic using...whatever gives lightning the power to decapitate,though it's probably the former.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 09:21:38 PM »
How about copying these to the Resources board or the wiki or both?

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2012, 06:02:19 AM »
How about copying these to the Resources board or the wiki or both?

Actually what I was looking to do, was get some discussion of the spells here, and then once the spells have been "finalized" as it were, then update them on the campaign wiki which is public and have them listed in the Resources thread and the DFRPG resources wiki.

Unfortunately between work and re-reading the series in reverse order (making notations on spells cast and effects as I go...) I haven't had as much time to add things onto this thread.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2012, 07:34:47 PM »
What jumped out at me in these spells was the comparative weakness of the wards/blocks.
They're substantially short of what a reasonably optimized thaumaturgist should be aiming for, as well as what would give pause to a reasonably optimized evocator could casually throw against them (assuming at least chest-deep power levels or thereabouts).
The Lock spell in particular would likely not stop anything more significant than an unmotivated break-and-enter criminal.  Maybe that's all that was required for the situation, though, but if I was running in supernatural circles, I would be aiming higher.

On second read, the Coat of Toughness needs to have a Fate Point cost if it's going to actually be granting a Power rather than simply providing armour.  See the Temporary Power rules.
Also, RAW states that any Toughness power MUST have an attached Catch, even if it's just 'unkown, +0' and even if various entries in OW forget this or leave it out.  House rules may differ, but if it's intended for common board use, it should diverge as little as possible.
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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2012, 10:46:59 PM »
What jumped out at me in these spells was the comparative weakness of the wards/blocks.
They're substantially short of what a reasonably optimized thaumaturgist should be aiming for, as well as what would give pause to a reasonably optimized evocator could casually throw against them (assuming at least chest-deep power levels or thereabouts).
The Lock spell in particular would likely not stop anything more significant than an unmotivated break-and-enter criminal.  Maybe that's all that was required for the situation, though, but if I was running in supernatural circles, I would be aiming higher.

On second read, the Coat of Toughness needs to have a Fate Point cost if it's going to actually be granting a Power rather than simply providing armour.  See the Temporary Power rules.
Also, RAW states that any Toughness power MUST have an attached Catch, even if it's just 'unkown, +0' and even if various entries in OW forget this or leave it out.  House rules may differ, but if it's intended for common board use, it should diverge as little as possible.

At work presently so only a quick reply for now.

The main practioner in the group at present is a "Hedge Wizard" with thaumaturgy who was just able to advance his skills to Conviction, Discipline and Lore of Good (+3), the group itself is still at "Feet in the Water" power level.

For the "Lock" spell, that is primarily intended as a spell the hedge wizard can quickly (potentially...)  cast to provide a persistent barrier to prevent or delay pursuit, i.e. locking a door without having a key or lock.

More to follow later,

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2012, 11:28:46 PM »
This was so useful as I was sitting at my screen unable to think of good water based evocation spells. Thanks for the inspiration!

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2012, 06:54:41 AM »
the group itself is still at "Feet in the Water" power level.

That puts an entirely different spin on things.
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Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2012, 07:22:25 AM »
On second read, the Coat of Toughness needs to have a Fate Point cost if it's going to actually be granting a Power rather than simply providing armour.  See the Temporary Power rules.  Also, RAW states that any Toughness power MUST have an attached Catch, even if it's just 'unkown, +0' and even if various entries in OW forget this or leave it out.  House rules may differ, but if it's intended for common board use, it should diverge as little as possible.

Okay, the commentary here is much like what I've been looking for actually, so thanks for this.  I'll re-read the Temporary Powers rules to see what/where the "Coat of Toughness" spell needs to be tweaked.

As for the Catch:  From my perspective I covered this in the Notes section, I just didn't emphatically state that it was a Catch, and that was the magic of the spell itself is subject to attack, dampening or disruption.  Crossing a strong Threshold, or suddenly finding oneself within a Circle which gets closed, can and would respectively cause the spell to unravel.

Okay, below is a new spell entry for an NPC that will likely be a recurring NPC in the Butchered New Haven campaign.

Slim Jim's Entropy Blessing*
This spell is intended to give Slim Jim an edge when he visits the casinos, by taking some of his 'bad' luck and giving it to other people, while Slim Jim takes and benefits from some of their 'good' luck.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Entropomancy
Complexity: Varies; 15 shifts in this case, based on conflict vs. the target’s Conviction
Duration: a day
Effect: Caster has the That's How I Roll temporary—but sticky—Aspect applied to him.
Variations: Call up a bit more power to make the luck last longer.
Notes: That's How I Roll can be invoked for devastating effect when characters are gambling.

It's slow going adding more spells, as I've come across ~34 different spells mentioned at least once in Changes alone.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2012, 08:37:31 AM »
15 shifts seems like a lot for an ordinary aspect. And shouldn't it affect the target, not just the caster?

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2012, 01:00:51 PM »
15 shifts seems like a lot for an ordinary aspect. And shouldn't it affect the target, not just the caster?

I modeled the Entropy Blessing on the mild Entropy Curse, the major differences between the two is that the Entropy Blessing is supposed to give the caster 'Good' luck at the expense of another (the target) and the spell duration which is an entire day.  The idea being that Slim Jim casts the spell upon himself before heading up to the casinos for a day of gambling, but with the odds stacked in his favor and not the house's favour.

The mild Entropy Curse has a Complexity of 9, against a target (Harry I believe) with Good (+3) Discipline and the Aspect of Bad Luck was Sticky, but only lasted for a scene.  Given that this Entropy Blessing is intended to work against casino security and dealers, I figure they would have Great (+4) to resist the spell's effects and/or realize that something odd was going on, which would require a base Complexity of 10 for a Sticky Aspect.  The real kicker is that the spell duration is an entire day, which automatically adds 5 to the Complexity for the total of 15.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2012, 03:19:10 AM »
Since you're putting an aspect on yourself only, other people's skills shouldn't matter. Which gives a cost of 4+duration, IIRC, for a sticky aspect.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2012, 05:39:55 AM »
Since you're putting an aspect on yourself only, other people's skills shouldn't matter. Which gives a cost of 4+duration, IIRC, for a sticky aspect.

This is where it gets into being a judgement call and RAW interpretation. And why I'm interested in having others look over these spells and provide their thoughts and input.

In looking at the RAW, Sticky Aspects can be applied by either exceeding an opposed roll, or by exceeding the environmental difficulty.  Generally if you're putting a Sticky Aspect on yourself, then you'd just need to exceed the environmental difficulty.

Now Slim Jim's Entropy Blessing spell is specifically meant to make Slim Jim luckier when he visits the Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun casinos.  With that in mind, I modeled the spell as being opposed, even though Slim Jim is putting the Aspect on himself, since he'd be using it to make opposed roles against the casino staff and security.  The alternate idea would be that the spell would need to exceed the environmental difficulty, but I'm not sure what the environmental difficulty would need to be, to beat the odds in a casino.

So far, here are some of the more unique spells which have appeared in Changes.  Please note the Spoiler and warning, read Changes first!
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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2012, 06:31:20 AM »
On second read, the Coat of Toughness needs to have a Fate Point cost if it's going to actually be granting a Power rather than simply providing armour.  See the Temporary Power rules.
Also, RAW states that any Toughness power MUST have an attached Catch, even if it's just 'unkown, +0' and even if various entries in OW forget this or leave it out.  House rules may differ, but if it's intended for common board use, it should diverge as little as possible.

Okay, here is the revised Coat of Toughness spell.  Group input is indeed desired.

Eric Holt's Coat of Toughness*
This spell is intended to transform a coat of jacket into a protective garment which makes the wearer tougher than they would ordinarily be. At least for a little while...
Type: Thaumaturgy, Transformation
Complexity: 9
Duration: A scene (about 15 minutes)
Effect: Temporarily provides the wearer the benefits of the Supernatural power Inhuman Toughness (Armor: 1, 2 bonus boxes in the Physical Stress track)
Notes: This spell has a casting cost of One (1) Fate Point and the granted Inhuman Toughness power has a Catch: Water.  The casting cost could be increased to Two (2) Fate Points to have a Catch: Unknown.  The effects of this spell stack with Supernatural Recovery powers, but not with Supernatural Toughness powers. It also follows the normal Armor stacking rules. If the garment with the spell cast on it is within a Circle when the Circle is closed, the spell ends immediately. Similarly, if the garment crosses a Threshold without the bearer being invited in, the power of the spell is immediately reduced by the value of the Threshold. If the remaining power is insufficient to sustain the spell, it ends immediately. At the end of the spell (whether duration is reached or something ends the spell prematurely) the garment which was the target of the spell begins to break down and disintegrate.
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Lastly, the duration clock starts immediately after the spell is finished, not when the garment is first donned for wear/use.

Also, if the other spells look good (even if possibly underpowered) from a RAW perspective, let me know and I will add them to the DFRPG Resources wiki and the Resources thread.  More to follow.

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Re: Spellmans Syllabary
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2012, 07:23:02 AM »
I would recommend de-capitalizing the references to 'Supernatural Recovery' and 'Supernatural Toughness' (becoming instead 'supernatural Recovery/Toughness') so as to avoid confusion as to whether the power is specifically referencing the median versions of those power continua.

Other than that, I would suggest that an additional option be given to grant Supernatural Toughness (possibly with a slightly higher Complexity) for the same FP cost at casting, since Water is a sufficiently ubiquitous catch to grant the requisite refund to accommodate that, even if it would require personal knowledge to know to use it.
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