Author Topic: Master List of Focused Practitioning Fields  (Read 6304 times)

Offline SunlessNick

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Re: Master List of Focused Practitioning Fields
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2011, 12:47:32 PM »
There have been times when metalwork, especially blacksmithing, was considered a magical skill.  While I share the opinion that Mab was just referring to technology, an actual Rituals (metal) might be available - letting you craft metallic objects, but also finding ores and extracting the metal from them, perhaps.  Or you could just make it Rituals (Crafts) like the Enchantress above, and generally use metal for it.

Offline Magickal_Grenadier

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Re: Master List of Focused Practitioning Fields
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2011, 07:30:31 PM »
Er ... not as such.  [nitpicking] Iron responds to magnetic fields, are attractic to magnetic materials, and can be made into magnets by (for example) applying a very strong magnetic field.  (And iron is also not unique in these aspects, there are other metals -- nickle and cobalt, for example -- that behave the same way despite containing no iron.)  I think that if iron made things magnetic, computer manufacturers would think twice about using steel cases on computers.  As it is, the fact that iron reacts to magnetic fields actually leads to the use of steel as magnetic shielding for computers.[/nitpicking]

Of course, driving on freeways would be a lot more ... interesting if all iron (and therefore steel) was magnetic...   ;D

 ::) Wow so that's what that feels like. I really need to stop doing this to people. :P
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Offline CottbusFiles

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Re: Master List of Focused Practitioning Fields
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2011, 05:28:39 PM »
At least as currently defined, the Dresdenverse (ie, WoJ) and RAW (DFRPG) don't allow for any compatibility between magic and all but the most rudimentary technology.  So no -mancies that involve technology, electronics, computers, etc.

Of course, Jim could always change this in the next book, or the book after.  But for now, I think it's pretty clear that tech and spooky don't mix.

You might also want to nail down the list a bit more in terms of powers used (ie, Channeling vs Rituals).  For example, Pyromancy is Channeling(Fire), Ectomancy is Rituals(Ghost theme), etc.  I would probably classify Enchantress as Rituals(Crafting) (ie, turning non-magical things into magical things via enchants), though if you want to include enchantments on people, then you might treat it as a theme, instead.

Also, Psychomancy and Neuromancy are really just Rituals(Psychomancy), since the YS version of Psychomancy covers both reading and manipulation already.

You can still do "mad science" Sons of Ether style. You can't use mortal technology or influence it but you should be able to use Science to create magical technology, like a tesla-coil-lightninggun or a selfmade car using a magical propulsion system.

at least in my opinion
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