Author Topic: Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace  (Read 2622 times)

Offline meg_evonne

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Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:01:39 PM »
I need to remove the double space between sentences. Yeah, I know that is old school, but I'm old. I learned. It's now automatic to only put in one space.

My problem: I'm working on a complete manuscript that uses the two spaces.  In older versions of Word, I could go into a manuscript, find double spaces and then replace with single space. I need to do that, but the 'find' feature comes up as a side bar with the manuscript highlighting the spots. I've used help key, but cannot find out how to 'replace' the double with single.

Although I have paid for Microsoft Office on all of my computers, this doc comes up as word start 2010. I'm afraid that it might be a feature that isn't available unless I convert over to the other format? What a pain...

Anyone a wiz at this and can help me?

And... I've my granddaughter overnight. How do you young people with kids manage to write at all? No wonder I had to wait until they were in high school etc...  I admire you who do!
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Offline LizW65

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Re: Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 12:14:16 AM »
I think you should be able to click "save as" and make a copy of it in the latest edition of Word.  Or even copy and paste the entire thing into a new file.  I converted an entire manuscript from Works to Word doing this.
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Offline Chlis

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Re: Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 02:16:49 AM »
You want to change it from double spacing to single? Or no line spacing?

Click page layout at the top of word, then where it says spacing, set both before and after to 0. This should remove the double spacing. If you wanted single spacing I'm pretty sure it's after set to 5. 10 is double.

Hope this helps.

Offline MClark

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Re: Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 03:23:52 AM »
I think the OP wants to remove two spaces between a period and the first letter of the next sentence and replace with one space.

There was a blogpost (sort of snooty in tone and I don't remember where I read it) a few weeks ago about this. When typing on a typewriter, the rule was two spaces between period and first letter-supposedly to help with keys not jamming, IIRC. With typesetting, the rule is one space. Since computers are most like typesetting, you should only use one space. I have not checked any style manuals to see what they say.

I found this article.

The article is written for changing 1 space to 2 space, but if you scroll down, one of the comments describes changing 2 space to 1 space. You have to turn on 'use wildcards'. I could not get Word 2007 to recognize the Find string though when I tried it on a simple test document. YMMV.

Offline Aminar

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Re: Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2011, 03:33:08 AM »
If that's the case just put .__(Underscores are spaces) into the search field and ._ into the replace.  Then repeat for relevant punctuation.  "__  ?__ !__ etc.