Could you give us a few examples of your method, perhaps based on some of the examples already presented in this thread?
Edit: And maybe a few more like, Mental Illusions, Sensing Emotions, and Projective Empathy?
I can come up with a few, but if you want me to provide rulings and justifications on anything specific, please post a concise list of items for which you'd want my input:
Mental Illusions, resisted by Discipline, used to project a mere image - possible Law 3 violation, possible Lawbreaker stunt
Mental Illusions, resisted by Discipline, used with intent to influence a decision - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Mental Illusions, resisted by Discipline, used with intent to cloud a mind - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Optical Illusions, resisted by Alertness or Discipline, used to project a mere image - no violation
Optical Illusions, resisted by Alertness or Discipline, used to obscure a target - no violation
Optical Illusions, resisted by Alertness or Discipline, used to obscure a trap or otherwise trick a victim into death - Law 1 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Projective Empathy, resisted by Discipline, used to communicate - gray area, Law 3 violation unlikely
Projective Empathy, resisted by Discipline, used to mislead - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Projective Empathy, resisted by Discipline, used to project sensory data likely or intended to cause psychological damage - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Projective Empathy, resisted by Discipline, used to project sensory data which accidentally causes psychological damage - gray area, Law 3 threat
Mind Control, resisted by Discipline, used to do anything (picking a different sweater, murdering a politician, marital infidelity) - Law 3 violation
Mind Control, resisted by Discipline, used with intent to influence a decision - Laws 3 and 4, Lawbreaker stunt
Mind Control, resisted by Discipline, used with intent to cloud a mind - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Mind Control, resisted by Discipline, used with intent to change an Aspect - Law 3 and/or possibly 4 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Mind Control, resisted by Discipline, used to change an Aspect to obedience of the caster - Law 4 violation, Lawbreaker stunt
Sense Emotions, resisted by Discipline, only to gain a vague sense of target's emotional state - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt, but little chance of White Council prosecution - this one is special, because a spellcaster will argue that this isn't netting any more information than an acute Rapport check, but the fact is that it's not a mundane Rapport check - this is like saying that the bolt of negative energy ultimately isn't any worse than a handgun, which sidesteps the point - this one also presupposes that people's minds give off energy, and if you're scooping emotions from the air AROUND the target, it's not mental invasion, but that is a presupposition without sufficient precedence in the fiction to matter
Sense Emotions, resisted by Discipline, to get a clear sense of target's emotions, make assessments, and/or discover Aspects - Law 3 violation, Lawbreaker stunt