Basically, we have very little canon idea of the power of the Faerie Ladies. About all we know is:
-Harry and a bunch of pixies were able to kill Aurora with cold iron; Harry was able to physically hold Aurora down during the process.
-Harry considered Lily and Maeve to be well out of his league in anything like a fair fight (as of PG, at which point he has Hellfire, but not Soulfire or
-The Wardens' files list the Archive as on par with the Faerie Ladies; after seeing Ivy in combat, Harry considers this underrating her.
-Lea is second only to Mab in Winter, thus presumably stronger than Maeve.
But "somewhere between Harry on the one hand and Lea or Ivy on the other" is a pretty big range. These Lady stats are about where I personally see them falling (about equal in some theoretical sense of 'power' - and thus in game terms in Refresh cost - to the strongest mortal wizards, but weaker in most if not all direct applications of that power), but I'm not necessarily claiming this represents a 'canonical' power level. Also, these are based off the Our World writeups but more powerful, not totally-from-scratch creations.
I also think supernatural recovery and toughness might be too high.
OK ... why? (Honest question, not complaint.)
Cold iron bypasses, so Aurora still dies fast even if she had Mythic in both (which IMO she might well have had if she had been Lady for thousands of years or whatever). IMO high powered fae are supposed to be *really tough* short of cold iron (or opposite-court magic/trappings).
Strength (as in the power) sort of makes having heavy hitter bodyguards useless to some extent.
I agree. Also, holding down even a dying being with Supernatural Strength would probably be pretty nasty for Harry. I don't get the feeling Aurora had any more physical strength than a human of her size.
Why does Lily not have Supernatural senses?
Maeve only has it because her OW writeup does; Lily's doesn't. I tried to add powers to/raise skills from the OW writeups (given what they say about being a minimal version) rather than totally rebuilding the characters from scratch; this is one case where I followed OW; it made sense to me - given that Maeve's held her position waaaay longer, her senses would plausibly be more refined.
Do they really need incite emotion.
Probably not!
I felt they ought to have some way to inspire/cause feelings associated with their courts; but rethinking it what they really need is some sort of 'aura of influence' power that places relevant scene aspects that can reflect that as well as stuff like plants sprouting from the woodwork when Lily walks into MacAnally's (in PG).
I'm not sure how that should be balanced/what it should cost; it doesn't strike me as something they actively do, a maneuver, as much as something that just *happens* (though they can likely restrain it).
(Shagnasty from TC would have something like this too, now that I think of it, since he creates fear & distorts ley lines just by being around.)
something like...
Aura of Influence [-0]As a highly potent supernatural being, your very presence affects the area around you, altering it in subtle or overt ways that correspond with your nature.
Description:Musts: You must have a High Concept which reflects being some sort of supernatural major player or heavyweight, such as
The Summer Lady,
Angel from On High,
God of War.
Skills Affected: None
Effects: Powerful Presence - Simply by being present in a scene, you apply a sticky scene aspect which must somehow relate to the associations of your High Concept (for example, the Summer Lady might apply
Heat of Passion or
Rampant Plant Growth; an angel might apply
Holy Light or
Feeling of Divine Nearness). You may attempt to suppress this ability when you enter a new scene by making a Discipline roll (default difficulty Superb, though areas directly hostile to or unusually resonant with your High Concept may affect this), in which case no aspect is applied.
I agree the skills are way too high. Maeve has acted sort of scared of Harry.
OK, I will reconsider the skills.
I don't think that particular example applies though (assuming you're thinking of PG... I don't remember it in SK, and that's the only two books they interacted) ... Harry has a long history of killing, defeating, or successfully defying beings well above his notional 'power level' - and Harry had just reminded her that he killed Aurora. Harry was bluffing Maeve, and got away with it. (Plus, Harry's Intimidation is Great; Maeve, both in OW and my version, has only Fair Empathy).
I also feel the athletics skill seems quite low on all of these Fae. Once they don't have spells to fall back on...they will get pwned like n00bs><
This strikes me as a bit conflicting with the other comment on skills