Author Topic: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse  (Read 4950 times)

Offline zeromig

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Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« on: December 11, 2011, 01:27:21 PM »
Hello, everyone--

Long time game admirer, and some-time lurker here. I'm about two sessions into a game I'm STing, and wanted to share (*ahem* open myself up for feedback) some powers I'm attempting to bring in from White Wolf's "Scion" rpg. The campaign is a Scion game, but it's its own setting. As the players are still at a very low refresh (they're starting out as mortals because I'm fond of the hero's mythic journey archetype), these powers haven't come into play yet, but they will, soon, and I would love to have more experienced folks take a look at them.
Basically, each character is a Scion of a deity, and have access to four domains/purviews, each with their own talent trees of power. Each power is 1 refresh point per asterisk, but they must be followed in order within their domains/purviews, since it's an accumulation of power, and at the final power (three asterisks), rolls are pretty much not necessary at that point.

* Access to one additional purview
** Access to two additional purviews
*** Access to additional three purviews
**** Access to additional four purviews (and so on)
* Assumption of the Land: Test:Empathy, costs 1 fate points. Standing in a place, a Scion can take in the lore of the land, know its blights and taints, and reveal Titans in the vicinity, per shift success. The Land also works to keep him safe in an area (costs 5 fate points).
* Lay Token Geas : Test:Empathy or Presence as an opposed roll. If successful, the target is bound by a geas (chosen by DM) for 2 months per shift success, to a maximum of a year-- or if the Scion spends 1 refresh pool point, the geas becomes permanent.
* Astral Projection: Cost 1 fate point, Test:Presence. Leave your body for 1 hour per shift success-- to a limit of 10 miles, extendable by shift successes. Be visible at will, pass through walls, but do not affect the physical world. Body is left inert and unprotected, though.
* Beast Ward : Can ward off creatures, or attract them, as per Test:Empathy or Survival.
* Mystery : Clear your head, and look at the world.without analysis. Roll Intelligence + each point invested in Mystery. The Scion can ask the storyteller 1 question per success. as though they gleaned something from all they've seen or experienced.
* Fate Binding : Test:Presence. Spend 1 fate. Targets must be able to see you, after you have interacted or inspired them in some way.  They become willing followers, converted to your cause.
* Goodnight Kiss : When activated, the Kiss sets the target to sleep until the next dawn-- nothing will wake him except a touch from the Scion who originally kissed him.
* The Enchanting Kiss : When activated, the Scion can make any target feel the pangs of any emotion she deems fit-- except love. Effects last until the next sunrise.
* The Black Kiss : Only given under specific circumstances. When a god or powerful magical creature is murdered, it can wet its lips with blood, and whisper the target's name, who then receives one stress damage that cannot be healed, until it atones for the killing.
* Divine Sense : Test:Presence or Empathy. Detect the presence and powerlevel of any supernatural or magical beings or creatures around you, though not with pinpoint accuracy or to track. Shifts determine range. Also used to hide yourself from the same ability.
** Devour Essence : Basically, when you come across a spirit, or kill another creature or god, you can "consume" the spark of their divinity, with wildly varying effects, even death if the divinities are too incompatible. Test:Endurance, or Conviction.
* Commune with Machinery : Speak to the animist spirits residing within technology.
* Lashing : Create weapon:1 waves of your pure will, that can act as psychic projectiles. Test:Presence, Empathy or Conviction for attacks.
* Telekinesis : Take 1 mental stress and 1 fate point to activate. Test:Conviction, difficulty based on target item's weight and size. Manipulate items with your mind. Attacks made with items are done with Conviction.
* Just Lucky : Once per game session, the Scion can pay 1 fate point to reroll any roll, and take the better of the two results. Scion gains the Lucky aspect.
* Marionette : Test:Presence and take 1 mental stress. Manipulate animals, individuals or minions through your will. Opposed as though it were mental stress.
* New Aspect : Scion can gain an additional Aspect of their choosing.
* Masterful Athletics : Although this is better-suited as a stunt, you choose one application of the Athletics skill at the time this power is taken. Spend 1 fate point to gain +1 whenever doing that application.
* Temporal Viewing : Test:Investigation, Discipline or Empathy, can see shift successes number of days into the past. Must be in, or have a token of an item found in said location, but extra shift successes can also expand the area seen. Difficulties are much higher for seeing the future.
* Regeneration : Scion pays 1 fate point, and takes 1 mental stress to heal 1 level of physical stress (ie., a Scion with the 5th stress box filled in must pay 5 fate points, and take 5 mental stress and so on)
* Telepathy : Test:Empathy. The Scion can communicate without spoken words, sending messages directly to target minds. +1 target per shift success, costs 3 shift successes to maintain a conversation without line of sight.
* Visions : You are visited by prophetic dreams that can divulge the future, but are encrypted. Which are dreams, which are visions? If the Scion has the stunt Lucid Dreamer, they can confer with his guardian spirit or other targets with a Test:Contacts.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:29:58 PM by zeromig »

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2011, 01:30:50 PM »
* Animal Communication: Test: Survival. Speak with animals.
* Animal Command: Test: Survival. Command animals. Simple commands. Take 1 mental stress.
* Animal Aspect: Test: Survival. The character receives one Aspect based on an animal. Each shift increases time beginning from “half a minute”.
* Faunaphagia : Test: Survival. Eat a piece of meat from an appropriate animal to gain that animal's powers. Can extend duration with fate points.
* Ride Animal : Test:Survival. The Scion takes control of an animal associated with his parent.
* Animal Feature: Test:Conviction. Change one body part to that on an associated animal for the scene. Extra 5 successes gain an additional feature.
* Animal Form: Test:Survival. Completely turn into an associated animal, using stats of said animal except for mental skills/knacks. Can communicate with other animals of that type.
* Create Animal : Scion can create a mundane, loyal specimen of a chosen animal for one scene. Must pay the cost of the animal in fate points. Takes 1 physical and mental stress.
* Paper Tiger : draw animals or use images of animals to conjure the real animal, using an Evocation test and fate points to bring it to life.
* Epic Enhancement: Test:Survival. Increase all natural stats of an animal by +2, and double its dexterity, or increase its size by 50%.
* Hybrid Chimera: Test:Survival. Can combine multiple animal types into a number of adult hybrid animals.
* Protean Understanding: The Scion can apply all the previous abilities of the Animal purview to any animal, regardless of what animal he started with.
*** The Beast: The Scion spends 10 fate points, and becomes the paragon of this domain for one scene. Can hear the thoughts of all animals, and they will do any tast he tells them to. Immune to all mortal weapons. Cannot be trapped, cannot be ambushed. Grows to massive size. Is the perfect hunter, tracker and killer. Temporarily gain the aspect Avatar of Animals.

* Eye of the Storm: In the middle of pandemonium and chaos, if the Scion simply does nothing involved or intrusive, she is untouched in the confusion, but still affected by environmental hazards.
* Hornet´s Nest: Test: Alertness. Scion can determine what actions to do to cause the most chaos in a situation as quickly as possible, or to diffuse it.
* Paralyzing Confusion: Test: Empathy. The target receives “Paralyzed” as Aspect for Shift/rounds.
* Sabot : Costs 1 mental stress, and test:Craftsmanship. Break the most complicated machinery with the power of her mind.
* Recurring Distraction : Costs 1 fate point per penalty point. The Scion utters a silly song, or a nonsense phrase or witticism, and every person who hears it becomes confused and distracted for 24 hours. They gain a penalty to all rolls in that time equal to the fate points spent. Distraction can be opposed with Empathy.
* Crawling Chaos : Test:Empathy, and costs 3 fate points. As on Paralyzed Confusion, except if another victim comes close enough to the paralyzed target, they are paralyzed too. Instead of rounds, the aspect lasts for hours. Only characters with equal or greater than the casting Scion's empathy may oppose the effect, via empathy, and is immune to it thereon.
* Instant Riot : Costs 5 points, test:presence. Scion causes a riot with a well-timed incendiary phrase or cry. Five people immediately fall into its thrall, every shift success adds another person. Lasts for shift success hours, or until police break it up, or the Scion releases the energy.
* Insanity : Test:Empathy, cost 5 or more fate points. Each shift success affects another person, fate points also add. Weaker targets or creatures go permanently insane as their mind is touched with chaos. Stronger targets may oppose-roll to resist, and become temporarily insane.
* Shuck Fate : Take 1 mental stress, cost 2 fate points. If the Scion gets a fatebound follower, they may redirect the followers to another target.
* Unintended Purpose : Test:Craftsmanship, costs 10 fate points and 1 mental stress. Scion can use any nonliving mundane item at hand as though it were a different item of similar size.  Function lasts for number of shift successes days.
*** The Void : Take 1 mental stress, costs 10 fate points. Gain aspect Avatar of Chaos for one scene. Without shape or size, Scion becomes the Void. Men go mad at his wake, his gaze breaks down physical structures and reforms them into nonEuclidean geometric forms. Gods and titans can only stare in confusion at his passing.
* Night Eyes: see in the dark.
* Shadow Mask: Test: Deceit. Spend a fate point to create a mask of shadow, impervious to human eyes  (except those using Night Eyes) or electronic surveillance. Lasts 24 hours even if unconscious, dispellable by will.
* Afraid of the Dark: Instill a moment of terror in a target, causing 1 mental stress; can be resisted.
* Shadow Refuge: Test: Stealth. Spend 1 fate point. Only supernaturals senses can perceive the character. Can hide in any shadow, and evade electronic surveillance.
* Shadow Step: Costs 1 fate point. Step into one shadow large enough to hide you, and emerge from another within line of sight.
* Shadow Craft: Test:Stealth, inflicts 1 mental stress. Can reshape shadows. For an additional mental stress and 1 fate point, can create non-mechanical items from the shadow.
* Shadow Shroud: Create pitch black in an area, lasting as long as the Scion wills it and stays within it.
* Shadow Bodies: Costs 1 mental stress, and 1 fate point per body. Create one shadow copy of yourself, each immune to bashing and can weild physical weapons or Shadow Craft weapons.
* Strike Blind: For 5 fate points, render a target that you can see as Blind. Additional 1 fate point blinds another target. Resisted by Endurance rolls, but is permanent for mortals, or X days for supernaturals, where X is the shifts of success.
* Oubilette : For 10 fate points, toss a victim into a world of blackness. Can be retrieved by anyone with this ability, with a successful Awareness test to find them if they are not the creator of the darkness.
* Eclipse : Test:Stealth. As Shadow Shroud, except the radius is in miles, lasts for X hours, where X is the number of shifts of success.
*** The Abyss: Spend 10 fate points to gain the Aspect Avatar of Darkness for one scene. All creatures fear the Abyss's approach, striking mortals blind, engulfing even supernatural creatures. Those in your wake stand still, and emerge weakened and pale, if at all.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 01:31:55 PM »
* Death Senses: Can touch, smell, see and hear ghosts. Can look at a dead body, and get the general cause of death.
* Euthanasia: When a target is physically TakenOut, you can end them permanently, though they must be WILLING.
* Unquiet Corpse: Test: Presence. Spends one Fate. Turns the touched corpse into a zombie, until destroyed or until the Scion dies.
* Summon Ghost : Spend one fate point, and while holding a relative's hand or an item of the ghost's, summon a ghost. No compulsion is created.
* Mother's Touch: Costs 1 fate point. Grapple ghosts or deal lethal damage with attacks. If someone is possessed, damage is rolled separately for the ghost and the victim.
* Exorcism : Take 1 mental stress. Force out a possessing ghost by touch, on an opposed roll. Or, banish a ghost to the Underworld temporarily by touching its incorporeal flesh, on a test:Conviction roll. Also, can drive back 1 ghost on an opposed test:Conviction.
* Haunted Mists : Costs 1 mental stress and 1 fate point per variable. Expel a mist to X yards, and become inactive for X rounds. Any ghosts caught in the mist become material, and cannot leave. Mist lasts for the duration of the scene.
* Open Underworld Portal : Costs 5 fate points. Open a one-way portal to a safe portion of the Underworld owned by your pantheon. Can bring willing living creatures along, but mortals are trapped forever as ghosts.
* Ghost Control : Give commands to a ghost whose momento you hold.  Ghosts may resist; if successful they still obey the letter of the command, but pervert the intention.
* Strike Dead/Deny Death : Costs 10 fate points. Kill or revive any being of 8 points or lower.
*** The Reaper : Spend 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Death for one scene. Mortals die in droves, and your Scythe kills weaker gods with a touch. Can kill or deny death to a wounded Titan.

* Safely Interred: The Scion is never harmed by being buried by collapsing rubble.
* Echo Sounding: Test: Alertness. Stomp or knock on the ground to learn its depth or find holes, or to get distance/depth to a specific item underground.
* Shaping: Test: Craftsmanship. Can shape stone, clay or other earth with hands. Costs 1 fate point per cubic foot at a time.
* Earth Armor : Costs 1 fate point. Earth forms a plate armor and helmet around the Scion that lasts for the scene. Can make a Test:Craftsmanship to make it look nicer, treat as Armor:2, but can be increased with 2 fate points per +1 Armor.
* Earth Travel : Costs 1 fate point. Move through the earth like a swimmer.
* Earth Body : Test:Endurance to become a statue for a scene, as Armor:3, but can be increased with 2 fate points per +1 Armor. May also pay 3 fate points at any time to become mobile.
* Landslide : Costs 3 fatepoints. Change the shape of bare earth to a distance of 50 yards. Test:Conviction to extend the range or duration (originally, for 1 scene)
* Earth Creation : Create a sphere of anything the Earth domain would include, up to X cubic yards, where X is the number of fate points paid.
* Property Infusion : Give an earth material the properties of another, for 5 fate points per property.
* Magma Control : Costs 10 fate points to become immune to, and animate lava. Lava is as a Weapon:4, and deals 1 physical stress on anything it clings to per successive round. Attacks with lava are made via Conviction or Craftsmanship.
*** The Shaper : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Earth for one scene. Rebuild or destroy fortifications, pin a god in his temple, or trap a Titan's limb for just long enough.
* Green Thumb:  One plant or patch survives for a year without food or water. Costs 1 fate point per plant per year.
* Cleanse: Test: Survival. Immediately end a blight or infestation in a number of plants equal to the shifts of successes.
* Bless or Blight: test: Survival. 1 Fate. Protect a patch of land from blights and infestations for a year, or trigger blights and infestations. One acre is affected per shift success.
* Natural Camoflague : Test:Stealth. You are almost impossible to detect in plants, but opposed tests can reveal your general location. Supernal Hunter is required to find you.
* Twist Plants : Test:Survival. A number of plants equal to success shifts reshape themselves to my desire, and then grow as normal.
* Accelerate growth : Pay 1 fate point per acre of plants to grow to maximum size at a highly increased rate.
* Verdant Creation : Test:Conviction and 1 fate point. Number of success shifts' worth of square yards of large plants spring into existence, and take root as if affected by Green Thumb.
* Eternal Bloom : Test:Survival. Plants in the area are granted eternal life, regardless of environment or nutrition. Costs 2 fate per square mile, up to the number of shifts successful.
* Impossible Hybrid : Test:Craftsmanship. Costs 5 fate points to create a new kind of plant hybrid from any two species.
* Endless Season : Costs 10 fate points for all plants in an area to act as if in a different season. Minimum is 1 mile and 1 year, but extra fate points can be paid for extra miles or years.
*** The Green : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Fertility for one scene. Extend consciousness to any point on the same plane with plants, who act as an extension of your will. Can hedge in a titan, or dizzy it with poisons.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 01:32:44 PM »
* Fire Immunity: Never take damage from fire, nor smoke inhalation, but does not protect gear.
* Bolster Fire: Costs 1 fate / scene. Remove a fire's need for fuel, must be able to see the fire to start, but then may leave. Fires cannot be larger than a campfire. Or, create a candle flame on your fingertip.
* Fire´s eye: Costs 1 fate. See out of any fire that has been previously affected by Bolster Fire. Can last as long as desired, but blocks normal sight while active.
* Blazing weapon : Costs 1 fate/weapon. Reach into a fire, and pull out a weapon, with the enflamed aspect on it. Fire immunity is needed to handle the weapons, or protect from them. Or, put the enflamed aspect on any existing weapon, for one scene.
* Flame travel : Costs 1 fate point, to enter a flame and emerge from one within line of sight.
* Inferno : Test:Conviction or Craft, costs 3 fate points to fill an area (up to shifts of success) radius and (your height) tall with bonfire-intensity flames, that last for the scene but can be extended with fate points.
* Devil Body : Take 1 mental stress to engulf your body in flames. Unarmed attacks have the enflamed aspect on them. Fire Immunity prevents this damage. Can climb across flammable surfaces. If you have Flame Travel, you may use yourself as the entrance flame. Can also create unending stream of flame projectiles.
* Control Fire : Costs 5 (or more) fate points, and Test:Conviction to control/create 10 cubic yards (+10 extra per fate point spent) of fire. Actions made by the fire require Conviction or Craftsmanship tests. Lasts for the scene.
* Ifrit : Test:Presence and costs 5 or more fate points. Turn shift successes number of willing mortal worshipers into being of fire, +1 for each additional fate point spent. Grants devil's body ability, and 1/2 your fate point pool as spendable fate points. Lasts for shift-successes days, and then they die.
* Rain of fire : Test:Survival and 10 fate points cost, to conjure rains of fire filling (success shifts x 100) square yards with bonfire-intensity flames that last for the scene. Rain lasts for 10 minutes. Every round unprotected deals 1 physical stress.
*** The Devourer : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Fire for one scene. Your touch obliterates and your heat drives back or burns. You scorch forests and boil oceans. You can scour a god to the bone.

* Frost Immunity : Never take damage from ice or cold, or its hazards, but does not protect gear.
* Uller's Stride : Costs 1 fate. The Scion can speed his travel by gliding on a thin layer of snow/ice, left behind as a trail until it melts.
* Hrimthurssar's Touch : Costs 1 mental or physical stress, and 1 fate. Scion's hands are suffused with deathly cold. Spending an extra fate point freezes a large amount of liquid, equal to the fate pool's amount in cubic yards.
* Frozen Panoply : Costs 1 fate per creation. Can create things made of ice that does not melt until the Scion decides or for a scene, including armor, weapons, igloos, sculptures, etc. Requires various tests.
* Winter's Mercy : Costs 1 fate per recipient. Extend frost immunity to other beings for one scene.
* Chill the blood : Costs 1 fate, and test:empathy as an attack. A target's blood is chilled, taking a penalty for the scene, and slowing them down.
* Blizard Call : Costs 1 mental stress and 3 fate. Test:Conviction or Craftsmanship. An area of 5 yards in radius per shift success is affected by a sudden cold front, controlled by the Scion.
* Frozen Heart : Costs 4 fate, opposed Test:Empathy or Discipline or Conviction. Emotionally-dampen passions and virtues in a target. With enough shift successes, they are unable to use any fate points.
* Flash Freeze : Test:Endurance or Survival, costs 5 fate points. Freeze a single item or creature in an instant, as if at absolute zero. Shift successes affect another target.
* Ymir's Hand : Costs 10 fate points. Inflict glacial, numbing cold over an area whose radius is in miles, equal to shift successes. Living creatures stagger and freeze their blood. Stronger creatures may resist, or take a -1 penalty to Athletics and Awareness when in the area.
*** The Cold :  Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Frost for one scene. Scion resembles a statue of ice, gaining Armor:4. Can send a blanket of snow and ice, freezing mortals, and shattering touched objects and creatures with cold. Can also quell passions and souls, or freeze titans in place for a time.

* Vigil Brand: Spend 1 fate point to leave a mystical brand on a person through touch. When they are in danger, test:empathy. Shift successes on the roll gives a clear understanding of the danger. Can check up on them at any time.
* Aegis: Test: Endurance. 1 Fate point. The target receives SHIFT/Armor for 24 hours.
* Ward: Test: Endurance. +1 Fate point. Create a ward that bars entrance to a certain type of threat, up to 500 square feet per fate spent, lasting for 1 day per shift success. Characters may attempt to break the ward, and must defeat the shift successes.
* Unseen Shield : Take 1 mental stress, cost 2 fate points. Test:Endurance. Create a sphere of force around self up to 500 square feet. Ghosts, spirits and physical beings cannot pass, but may try to break it down. Treat as Armor:4, with 5 physical stress boxes. Lasts for one scene.
* Come Running : Costs 3 fate points. When Vigil Brand triggers a warning, you may instantly travel to that location.
* Confer Knack : Take 1 physical stress, 3 fate points. Bestow any epic stamina knack you possess to a mortal if they take in your blood. Lasts for 3 days. You may only loan one knack at a time, and recipients can only take one at a time.
* Confer Immunity : Costs 1 refresh point (not fate point). Confer an immunity to a mortal marked with your Vigil Brand, lasts for 1 year per fate refresh spent. Can confer : night vision, falling immunity, fire/frost immunity, water breathing, buried-alive immunity, or the ability to avoid chaotic situations (as per Eye of the Storm - Chaos).
* Appropriated Vigil : Test:Empathy. Costs 1 fate to check up on a Vigil Brand-marked subject, or 5 fate points to be passively aware of all of the brands for the day. May be used with Come Running.
* Divine Resolve : Test:Empathy. Add shift successes to another's conviction, empathy or presence for one scene, to avoid a supernatural effect.
* Salvation Sacrifice : Become the new target of all damage received by someone you have Vigil Branded, at a cost of 2 fate/attack.
*** The Sentinel : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Guardian for one scene. You have armor and a shield, but no weapon. Your armor protects any who stand behind you, and your shield protects an entire city. None may pass without your permission.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 01:33:38 PM »
* Assess Health: Test:Empathy. Automatically assess the medical condition of a living person in your presence. Tells health, addictions, illnesses or diseases.
* Bless of Health/Curse of Rotten: Test: Scholarship. Cost 1 fate point to take away or restore reproductive capabilities in a target for 1 year per shift success. If they are pregnant, the fetus can be given or cured of various negative effects.
* Heal/Infect: Test: Scholarship. Cure stress/shift. Causes stress/shift.
* Cradlesong: Test:Scholarship. Put shift successes number of people to sleep. Lasts for 1 hour per fate point spent, plus 1 mental stress. Can be resisted by Test:Endurance by those stronger than your Scion.
* Control Aging:  Test:Scholarship. Your touch greatly modifies a mortal target's aging rate. 1 fate point per two levels of time accelerated or decelerated, modified by shift successes.
* Restore/wither : Costs 1 fate. Heals 1 physical stress per fate point, or inflicts it. Can restore a limb, organ, etc. No roll necessary if target is mortal, otherwise, opposed Test:Endurance.
* Holy Font / Epidemic : Costs 1 mental stress, 1 fate point. As Heal/Infect, but works on 3x(1 fate point spent) people per activation.
* Human Clay: Costs 10 fate points. Shape a mortal's flesh like clay, as Test:Craftsmanship.
* Human Hybrid : Costs 1 mental stress, and 10 fate points. May Test:Scholarship to merge a human with animal, plant or inanimate object; difficulty is twice the human's stress track.
* Plague/Cure : Costs 10 fate points. Create or radicate a disease. If creating, test:Scholarship; shift successes determine difficulty to heal, and incubation time (starting at 30 days, minus 1 day per shift).
***  The Savior/Scourge : Costs 1 physical stress, 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Health for one scene. Anyone who looks at the Savior feels no pain, and is healed of all wounds and diseases. Addictions ease, and body readjusts any chemical imbalances. Those who see the Scourge are plagued with weakness, vomitting, and disease. The Savior can heal a God torn asunder, while a Scouge can drive away a titan.

* The Subtle Knife : 1 fate per item. Scion bestows the unobtrusive aspect on a handheld item for one scene, making it hard to find.
* Stolen Face : Test:Presence, cost 1 mental stress and 1 fate. Even rudimentary attempts at disguises are empowered to be believable, especially if the Scion has a specific item owned by a specific target that is being impersonated. Or, make a new identity entirely.
* Fool's Gold : Test:Burglary, costs 2 fate per item. Turn an ordinary object to resemble any other object of roughly the same size (leaves into gold coins, for example), and functioning as expected.
* Dreamcraft : Costs 2 fate per subject, Test:Presence or Empathy. Success shifts dictate how many senses are fooled into perceiving a hallucination, lasting as long as the Scion concentrates on it. Costs 3 fate per person to share the hallucination.
* Loaned Identity: Test:Presence, costs 5 fate. Disguise a person or significant object as something else. Can be modified with other powers.
* Fantastic Vista: Test:Survival, costs 1 physical stress and 3 fate points. Conceal an entire landscape or feature of the background, even under interaction or scrutiny.
* Hidden Name: Costs 1 mental stress and 4 fate; test:stealth. For one scene, any power or ability that would detect the Scion must overcome the shifts of success. Still visible, but harder to scry or pinpoint, or cause misdirection to another person.
* Dreamworld : Cause 1 mental stress, costs 5 fate points per participant. Extends Dreamcraft to put the target into a completely  imaginary world in his mind, completely in control of the Scion.
* False Pretenses : Test:Presence, 5 fate points per scene. For one entire scene, the Scion gains the Aspect: Protean body, shifting his body and appearance at will.
* The Best Trick : Costs 10 fate points, Test:Craftsmanship. Using tiny elements, the Scion creates entire illusions indistinguishable from reality, even if it's completely imaginary. All created items behave as expected, or as the creator dictates, and no one can disbelieve it away. Lasts for 1 hour per shift of success, can be boosted by 1 fate point per hour.
*** The Trickster : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Illusion for one scene.. Appear to be anyone or anything, cannot be distinguished from the real thing if it does not wish to be. Cannot use the powers of other beings, but can appear to do so. Can trap a city in a dreamworld. Makes any lie sound plausible, even to other gods.

* Judgment: Test: Empathy. Intuitively tell if a target is guilty of knowing something the Scion suspects, or is lying.
* Guilty Apparitions: Test: Presence. Costs 1 fate point. If guilt is known, the target is cursed with guilty hallucinations, for shift success number of days, ended early if the target confesses or amends.
* Shield of Righteousness: 1 Fate Point. Prevent damage from the next attack if it is being made against an innocent victim.
* Dream Wrack : Costs 1 mental stress.  A target is wracked with nightmares of a crime, and is unable to gain fate points or health. Can be resisted.
* Scarlet Letter : Test:Empathy or Discipline. Costs 1 mental stress and 1 fate point. Touch the skin of the guilty to place a mark. Later, you can spend 1 fate point and command the victim to draw attention to the mark, and explain it was placed there. Lasts for shift success number of years, but dispellable by any Scion who spends 1 mental stress and 1 fate. Can be made permanent if the Scion spends 1 refresh point on it.
* Sympathy Pains : Test:Discipline, cost 1 physical stress and 1 fate. Tie multiple people's health together. When one takes damage, the rest take it too. If one dies, they all die except for the initiating Scion. Those about to die may break the bond with a successful Endurance roll, and fall unconscious instead.
* Psychic Prison : Costs 3 fate. Stare into a victim's eyes and oppose-roll Intimidation to confine them to a psychic prison for shift success minutes, though it feels like years to the victim.
* Sanctify Oath : Costs 10 fate. Test:Presence. Those who fail to resist are bound to an oath by fate.
* Overworld Judgement : Cost 10 fate. Those of equal or lesser power must accept your statement as law, unless successfully resisting. The target gets 1 mental and physical stress.
* Divine Enforcement : Test:Empathy. Spend a scene in a society to learn its laws. For 1 fate, you are able to cite a law from another area. For 5, you learn of all those within shift-success miles who have or are breaking the law. Spend 1 mental stress to enforce it.
*** The Arbiter:  Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Justice for one scene. See in all directions, and silence all dissent. Mortals cannot be unrighteous and no one can lie. Past sins burn and even Titans must remain imprisoned.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 01:34:56 PM »
* Smoking Mirror: Spend 1 fate. See a bird's eye view of the area, reflected in the mon. Does not function on a new moon, but can see through cloud cover.
* Tidal Interference: Test: Presence. Minus 1 in the targets defense. Each shift is one target affected.
* Phase Cloak: test: stealth.Once per scene, and lasting the scene, you can turn part of your body invisible. On a botch, the Scion takes on the aspect Full Moon for the scene.
* Lunacy : Test:Presence. Costs 1 fate/target or per range. Targets go temporarily insane.
* Eclipse Halo : Test:Presence, costs 1 fate. A halo of fire appears behind your head. Those looking directly at the Scion are blinded for shift-success number of actions. Useable once per scene, lasts for the scene.
* Phase Body:  Costs 3 fate. Turn parts of your body invisible and intangible. Useable once per scene.
* Moon Chariot : Create a flying chariot capable of supporting (1 fate point spent x 200) lbs. Max speed is 500 mph.
* Tranquility : Test:Presence to travel to any point that can see the moon clearly. Costs 3 fate points (payable by travellers) to bring along additional passengers.
* Lunar Estate : You have a fully stocked and staffed estate on the moon, which can only be found by invitation. Unwanted travel there requires Psychopomp access.
* Finger Moon : Costs 10 fate. Pluck a silver disc from the sky, and bring it back later. It orbits you, automatically blocking mundane projectiles, but gives defense bonuses against supernatural projectiles.
*** The Mirror : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Moon for one scene. Look like anything you can see, blot out the sun, reflect light. Drive mortals mad or pacify them. Redirect a titan's attack to as many targets as desired.

* Unerring Orientation: If the locale is familiar, you know how to get from one point to another. If unfamiliar, know compass directions. Can study a map for five minutes and retain the information forever. For spending 1 point, you can tell the distance/direction to home.
* Where are you?: test: alertness. If in remote contact with someone, know how far and in what direction they are.
* Unbarred Entry: costs 1 fate. The Scion may activate this to walk through one step's worth of material.
* Come along : costs 1 fate/target. Bring other willing people or ghosts you are aware of, when using other Psychopomp abilities.
* Terra Incognita : Test:Awareness. Feel your way to the nearest Terra Incognita, and get an idea of what must be done to enter. Can also aid in finding a path to the Under or Overworlds.
* Marathon Sprinter : Spend 1 fate point. Gain +5 to running until you stop. Difficult terrain may force a test roll.
* Rainbow Bridge : Test:Awareness. Costs 1 fate / 200 miles. Instant teleportation to anywhere you can see or determine the latitude and longitude of.
* Ride Along : Cost 5 fate points. Confer the effects of Come Along, Unerring Orientation, Where are You?, Terra Incognita and Marathon Sprinter to a vehicle you control.
* Otherworldly Portal : Test:Awareness, and pay 5 fate. Open the doorways between the World, Overworld, Underworld, and terra incognitas attached to those.
* Co-Location : Take 1 mental stress and spend 5 fate points per duplicate. Exist in multiple locations at once.
*** The Way : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Psychopomp for one scene. Overcome and surpass all obstacles from any place to any other, even the deepest heart of a titan.
* Sky´s grace: Take no damage from falls of any height, or double jump distance. Can also reduce knockback to a single yard.
* Wind´s Freedom: 1 Fate point. Movement (including dashing) now works vertically as well. If the Birthright item channeling the boon is dropped, the Scion falls immediately.
* Storm Augmentation: Test: Presence. The target receives “Stunned” as Aspect.
* Wind Grapple : Test:Melee. 1 fate point per opponent per scene. Use wind to grapple someone at range. Bonuses from knacks don't apply.
* Cloud Sculptor : Test:Craftsmanship. Costs 1 fate. Reshape the clouds in your field of vision.
* Levin Fury : Costs 3 fate per target. Hurl a lightning bolt (weapon:3) at a target. Can also attempt to parry bolts creted by this boon, and thereby gain control of them.
* Tornado Tamer : Test:Discipline or Conviction. Costs 4 fate point. Keep a pet tornado at your call. Directing requires a roll every action. Tornado can carry yourself at 100mph, though you cannot attack from within.
* Create Air: Costs 5 fate. Test:Endurance. Create (shifts of success x 1000) cubic yards of pure air, or blast a 90-degree arc out to (shifts x 10) yards. Those inside must resist with Might or be knocked back, or be knocked down.
* Cloud Body : Costs 10 fate points. Your body becomes immaterial like a cloud, and you are immune to physical harm (any harm you did take is fully healed). You fly at your normal speed, and cannot manipulate any items.
* Weather Husbandry:  Costs 10 fate points. For one scene, control the weather.
*** The Storm : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Storm for one scene. Cover the sky and see with perfect clarity. Drown mortals, or drive them away. Destroy homes and monuments. Scorch a titan with lightning or force it into shelter.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 01:36:46 PM »
* Perfect Timing : Test:Scholarship or Perception. Always know time down to the second. Can also sense supernatural time-distortion in a given area.
* Sense Age : Test:Perception. Can sense age of persons or objects. More success shifts allow for deeper reading of an item's past.
* Aurora : Test:Presence. Costs 3 fate. The Scion shrouds himself in the blurry light of an aurora, and becomes hard to pin down. Gain +shifts success to defense for one scene.
* Still Object : Test:Awareness. Freeze an object in time and space for several minutes. Only supernatural forces may move the object while frozen.
* Twist Time : Test:Conviction. Costs 1 fate per time shift. Scion may change the way time affects individuals. Shift successes can determine how many targets are affected.
* Lucky Star : Test:Awareness. Costs 5 fate. The Scion studies the night sky for one night. Shift successes determine the fate as written in the stars, and enhances all rolls involving one skill (chosen when the Scion uses the ability). Lasts for 1 week.
* Starfire : Costs 5 fate. The Scion shrouds himself in the light of Venat (aka Regulus), one of the Royal Stars in persian myth, adding to damage and possibly blinding enemies.
* Freeze Moment : Costs 5 fate per subject. Test:Perception. The Scion steps outside of time, and pulls/pushes others outside of time. Can only act with things outside of time, everything else is immovable. Time-freeze lasts for success shifts-number of successes.
* Celestial Estate : The Scion is given a home in outer space, anywhere he wants it to be. Includes environmental damage to anyone not invited.
* Cloak of Stars : Test:Lore. Costs 10 fate. The Scion uses darkness as a cloak, dotted with tiny stars, may use it for shift-success number of rounds for extra defense against melee attacks.
*** The Crown : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Stars for one scene. Travel freely within time-- past, present, future, sideways-- but not manipulate it. He can freeze anyone in time or hurl a titan into the sky, and wander the farthest reaches of the Universe.

* Penetrating Glare: see clearly through smoke, fog, murky water you're in, and other barriers to seeing clearly. Can see perfectly in dim light.
* Divine Radiance: Costs 1 fate. For one scene, emit sunlight (100 watts or lower) in a radius or a beam. Or, flash bright enough to give one target a -2 penalty until its next turn. Can focus this light tight enough to light flammables.
* Heavenly Flare: Test: Presence. The target tests Endurance. If fail, he gains “Blind” as aspect for one scene. If tie, receives -1 penalty/action.
* Missile : Costs 1 fate/missile. Ammunition forged from sunlight.
* Burn : Costs 1 fate per damage, 1 physical stress. Anyone touching you takes X fate lethal damage, that lasts for one scene.
* Solar Prominance : Test:Presence, costs 3 fate. Disrupt all electronic communication for (shift-success) number of rounds. Lasts for (shift successes) number of minutes, and moves with you.
* Sun Chariot : 1 fate per 200lbs. Creates a flying chariot capable of supporting the paid weightload. Requires a Drive test, or an Conviction test, to control the horses,
* Inexorable Gravity : Test:Presence or Might. Costs 5 fate or 10 fate. Those within (shift successes) yards who fail to resist cannot move away. If 10 fate is spent, only those the god wants to be trapped will be, no tests.
* Bleach : Test:Presence. Costs 5 fate. Those within (shift successes) yards take 4 physical stress. Can also activate Burn ability simultaneously for free, and thereafter, anyone touching you suffers 2 physical stress.
* Solar Crown : Costs 10 fate points. Pluck a crown from the sun, and later, create a miniature sun that protects against ranged attacks for 1 scene. Mundane projectiles are vaporized. Against supernatural ones, you gain +1 to dodging. Can stack with Finger Moon ability.
*** The Glory : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of the Sun for one scene. The glory pushes back all darkness and can be seen from all points on the plane. It can soothe cold mortals, or blind them, and burn them to dust. It can make a Titan stare in awe, or steal its sight, and its heat dry a Titan's flesh into leather.

* Blessing of Bravery: test: Presence. During one combat per game session everyone of the Scion's side receive 1 Fate Point.
* Battle Cry: Test: Presence. Every enemy have -1 penalty per Shift/rounds.
* Warrior´s Ideal: test: Presence. Those who fight against the character receives Shift penalty per Shift turns. Only usable once per scene.
* Battle map : Test:Survival, costs 1 fate. Create a 4-yard 3D map of a battlefield you've scouted within 24 hours, lasts for the scene.
* Riastrad : Costs 1 fate. Transform into a hideous paragon of courage and battle.
* Morale Failure : Test:Presence. Costs 1 fate/5 troops. Troops affected will not attack the Scion's forces unless their commander wins an opposed test. Opposing Scions with Blessings of Bravery can cancel this if they get more shifts.
* Army of One : Test:Endurance or Presence. Costs 2 fate/duplicate. Create up to shift-successes duplicates of yourself. They have your stats, abilities, relics, etc. They may not use any boons or knacks while they exist, but any currently-active ones at the time of activation are shared to all the copies. You share one fate point pool with all of them. Last for 1 scene.
* Colossus Armor : Costs 10 fate. Wear a massive, heavy suit of armor, treated as Armor:5. For 2 more fate, an appropriately-sized weapon is included, that deals Weapon:5.
* Blessing of Ammunition : Costs 5 fate. Give a weapon infinite weapon for 1 scene, or forever, if the fate points spent are from the refresh pool instead.
* Follower Army : Costs 10 fate. Test:Presence. The difficulty is equal to the number of dots the target followers (the birthright) represent. Success shifts modifies the number for one scene.
* Surreal Draft : Costs 10 fate. Test:Presence. Create (shift success x 100) followers from a substance whose purview is assocated with you. They are treated as Seasoned Cops or Grunt Soldiers, and wear Riot Gear (armor:2), armed as you see fit.
*** The General : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of War for one scene. The General is armed, armored, and commands an army with perfect loyalty and morale. Extras die in droves and lesser heroes fall easily. You may call out an opposing general for a duel that cannot be refused, even by a Titan. Even if you lose, the enemy is sorely wounded.

* Water Breathing: breathe under water.
* Water Control: test: Craftsmanship. Controls water. +2 physical defense.
* Changing States: Test:Craftsmanship. 1 Fate point. Change the  state of a body of water by touch. Affects 5 cubic yards per shift success, or per fate point. Can create weapons or use blasts of steam and ice projectiles.
* Create Water: Test:Craftsmanship. Costs 2 fate points. Creates shift-successes gallons of water. Takes one minute.
* Dessicate : Test:Might. Costs 1 fate. Touch deals (activation shift successes - soak ) lethal damage.
* Water Mastery : Costs 5 fate. Tests:Craftsmanship. As Water Control, but allows the Scion's use of Strength. Also stiffens water so that others may walk on it. Affects up to 50 cubic yards of water.
* Water Vortex:  Test:Discipline or Conviction. Costs 4 fate points. Keep a pet tornado at your call. Directing requires a roll every action. Same as Tornado Tamer (Sky purview), but requires vast amounts of water to form.
* Purify Water : Test:Endurance or Fortitude. Costs 5 fate points. Purify (success shifts x 100) cubic yards of water completely. Cannot be reversed for shift-success number of days.
* Liquid Form : Cost 1 fate point, 1 physical and mental stress when reverting either way. Submerge your body, and physically become water, and ignore crushing water depths. Lasts for as long as the Scion is submerged. Or, your body becomes water. You are undetected by mundane means while in water, and are immune to non-electrical or -heat attacks.
* Tsunami : Costs 10 fate points, test:Craftsmanship. Same as Water Control ability, except with far more amounts (shift-successes x 1000 cubic yards) of water. If another fate point is spent, the water will never evaporate, or leave the shape you give it.
*** The Flood : Costs 10 fate points to gain the aspect Avatar of Water for one scene. The Flood is vast, shapeless and strong. It can drown mortals and crush gods in its depths. It can freeze, scald or drown a titan.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2011, 01:44:20 PM »
Finally, aside from all the other domain powers, there are some pantheon-specific powers, as well.

ARETE : The Greek pantheon
* Skill Mastery : Gain +2 to one trapping (application) of a skill.

CHEVAL : The Voodoo pantheon
* Rada's Eyes : Roll Empathy; difficulty is modified by distance. Have a picture of the target, or something they created, or some token. By meditating, you can experience their 5 sense. Can't be used on a target with more points in Cheval.

* Pietro's Hands : While using Rada's Eyes, and doing an opposed Presence roll, once per scene you can control the target to do one physical action (success shifts determine how complex that task is).

* Horse : On another contested Willpower roll, the Scion now completely inhabits a target (Success shifts determine the duration).

HEKU : The Egyptian Pantheon
* Ren's Harvest : When someone speaks of the Scion's deeds, or if he sees/reads news of his exploits (context must pertain specifically to the Scion), roll Empathy. Gain fate points based on the Successes rolled.

* Sekem Blaze : Look into a foe's eyes, and spend a fate point. Target immediately sees the fire in your eyes, and ceases all aggression and flees. Targets with higher refresh are unaffected; those with equal refresh may spend a fate point to counter-act the effect.  Can only affect one victim per action with this. If the Scion attacks someone affected and cowed under this effect, the effect is broken.

* Sekem Barrier : Spend 1 fate, roll Command. The radiance of your divine heritage fills you, affecting all who look upon you. Works as Sekem Blaze, en masse.

ITZTLI : The Aztec Pantheon
* Maguey Sting : Deal 1 physical stress to yourself, shedding blood, as a token to the divine parent. Cannot be healed for that session. Gain 1 fate point.

* Combat Sacrifice : Self-impose a defense penalty when protecting others in danger. When you take a hit, you gain 2 fate points per defense penalty point taken.  Can be used as often as the Scion wishes.

* Obsidian Mutilation : As Maguey Sting, deal damage to oneself (once per week). However, you can deal as much damage as you wish, and gain 3 fate per damage self-inflicted.

JOTUNBLUT : The Norse pantheon
All these powers require losing 1 physical stress to activate.

* Bestial Endowment : A Scion grants an extra point in any trait to a beast, which makes it completely loyal to the Scion, though still untrained. Spend 1 fate point.

* Human Endowment : Imbue a Human with 2 skill points in Conviction, Endrance or Presence. This marks him as belonging to the Scion, and irritable with everyone else, for a fate point.

* Heroic Endowment : As with Human Endowment, but spend 3 fate, gain loyalty for 1 scene, and the target gains 3 to conviction, endurance or presence.

TSUKUMO GAMI : The Japanese pantheon
* The Wakeful Spirit : Test:Presence. Gain the attention of an animist spirit, and chat with it. Duration based on success shifts. The spirits take on anthropomorphic features of their origin or nature.

* The Watchful Spirit : Spend 1 fate, test Empathy or Rapport. Coaxe information fro a target, and ask it to do a task that would separate it from its anchor, or do a passive task.

* Helpful Spirit : Test Rapport/Presence, and with proper respect and decorum, a Scion can convince a mundane object to enhance its function. Pour 1 fate per improvement point, and the Scion gains a bonus to the mundane use of said object for a day. Can also pay 1 fate point per extra day desired).

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2011, 03:03:02 PM »
Wow... That's a lot of powers... To be honest I didn't feel like reading the whole thing, but I did pick up some of the general idea from your first set. Most of my observations are on your attitude towards this as a whole.

So You're coming out of white wolf, that's good, it's a storytelling system. However Fate is even more abstract and story based if you can believe it. Many of the things that you have outlined as individual defined powers are in fate actually parts of other powers. Consider the fact that many (but not all) of the things you have outlined I could probably do in the current DFRPG with three to six refresh. I know scion tends to be a high powered game with lots of "points" but in DFRPG 12-15 refresh is already considered a lot because of what you can do with that much refresh. By the time your characters have ten to twenty of those powers a character in DFRPG would be capable of almost all of them and be able to do them many times better.

Personally I see that you are trying to limit your players with these powers, defining them in that way. Aspects is where DFRPG does that. If you want a player to be capable of X but not Y then have them take an aspect that defines their power (their high concept will likely serve this purpose well). If they are a scion of so-and-so then that will define how their powers manifest.

At an even higher level you seem to be defining specific story events or narrative tricks. DFRPG generally avoids this, giving specific mechanical effects and allowing the player/GM to fill in the story as appropriate. A good example is that in conflict most powers only allow you to attack, block, or maneuver -mechanical effects- but make little mention of how this works from a story perspective. One person with evocation may be throwing mortal magic fireballs around, while another could be using their own half-god power to influence probability and make things fall on people. Same power, two drastically different narrative effects.

To get more specific, if I were to take thaumaturgy (admittedly a 3 refresh ability) I would be able to do probably one third to one half of the things on that whole list. Add evocation (another three refresh) and I would be able to do almost all of those (with less skills necessary by the way). Six refresh instead of fifty or sixty.

Finally one of the things I've noticed is that you may still have an issue grasping fate points and stress (not an uncommon issue). I'll deal with the former first.

Fate points are not equal to white wolf's equivalent (it's been a long time since I last played anything of theirs). Spending five fate points in a single action is more than a little ridiculous, and usually results in twenty or so shifts of effort (really impressive when you consider that 8 is epic or legendary or whatever). I would be surprised if anyone told me that they had spent more than twenty in a single session. Consider as well that if your players have all of their refresh tied up in their myriad of powers then they aren't going to have any fate points to spend in the first place. There are only a handful of powers in DFRPG that require fate points, and most of them have a pretty drastic effect (All creatures are equal before god is a decent example, for one fate point the wielder is allowed to completely ignore all toughness, recovery, or immunity powers). Looking at your Astral projection power for example, that's something that a normal DFRPG character could do with Ritual (a 2 refresh power that would allow so much more than just astral projection) without spending any fate points.

To address the latter, stress is much more abstract than any other concept of damage that I've run into in any other system. Stress is not equal to injury. Stress is...stress. When someone takes stress it represents the effort that they have expended in avoiding injury. If a character has every stress box filled he still does not have a scratch on him so long as he has no consequences. For that matter one hasn't even been hit by an attack until one takes consequences. Even if you overcome my defense by eight, ten, twenty shifts you have not hit me unless I take a consequence, and even if I take a consequence there's no guarantee that I've been hit either, as I can take consequences that were received while avoiding the attack (I.E. you shoot me with a gun and I take the consequence of "Bruised hip" to represent me diving and landing poorly). I'm getting a little off track, but the crux of this is that if you want to represent injury, then you have to inflict consequences.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2011, 06:01:57 PM »
(First off welcome to the forums)

Agreed with Sinker.  Powers in DFRPG are very diverse, and it's very much about belief of will versus pre-defined magic.  For example, lightning could be drawn from any of the 5 DF elements (water/earth/fire/air/spirit) with the correction rationalizations.  It's very free form, and is limited only by the players' creativity (and the GM drawing the line  ;D )

Plenty of these things translate well once you take in the physics of the Dresdenverse (ie Worldwalker for Astral projection, etc.)- it's a question of how narrow you want power sets to be (not exactly easy with DFRPG).

Definitely look into the concept of Focused Practitioners- they usually have more specific skill sets that match more of what you're describing- but this system encourages players to push those bounds.  Your lists would be seen somewhat as examples of things they could do, and the mechanics behind them.  (Ex: Your death list would become sample necromancy magic, and the mechanics behind them).

Your check, as the GM, is determining the difficulty/mechanics behind the magic, their job is to explain HOW they channel their magic in such a way.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2011, 08:22:45 PM »
Mapping Scion to Fate....

You might want to check out a more general Fate board...

Some of these power could be covered by sponsored magic (divine parent) - allowing Thaumaturgy at Evocation speeds and replacing the FATE point cost with a combination of FATE points, tapped Aspects, and sponsor debt.  We are talking 4 or 5 refresh for something that could you many of those powers and still be more limited in scope than the standard Thaumaturgy and Evocation combination.

But that wouldn't cover everything you want to do.  The powers that allow you to roll to gain FATE points are more or less outside the scope of the system.  Powers that do things like "protects against ranged attacks for 1 scene. Mundane projectiles are vaporized. Against supernatural ones, you gain +1 to dodging" are also beyond the scope of the system - effectively being an unbreakable block that lasts far longer than it should.  Might be possible using Thaumaturgy at Evocation speeds (you'd have at least 20 shifts to play with from the ten FATE points + the normal die roll) but even then there's a chance that someone (or something) could break the block.  And there are others, like "You have a fully stocked and staffed estate on the moon, which can only be found by invitation" which are beyond anything that a power could do without devoting a lot of time and effort into building the estate.

As new powers go, they look doable - as long as there are lots of FATE chips at the table.  Far more than the average game has.  Your best best might be to allow a combination of FATE points and 'sponsor debt' to fuel the powers - with each point of debt being used to draw the PC more into his own legend, making him behave more like reality thinks a demigod of blah ought to behave.

Again, you might want to translate into a more generic version of FATE rules than trying to make it work in Dresden - where you will have to alter the setting as well as the rules.

If your group goes ahead with this I'd love to know how things went. 

To get more specific, if I were to take thaumaturgy (admittedly a 3 refresh ability) I would be able to do probably one third to one half of the things on that whole list. Add evocation (another three refresh) and I would be able to do almost all of those (with less skills necessary by the way). Six refresh instead of fifty or sixty.

I have to disagree with you here.  I cannot see a way to use Thaumaturgy and Evocation to duplicate many of these powers.

The OP is clearly not going to be using the RAW or setting as written - he's looking for a more anime / cinematic game then DFRPG is built for and seeking ways to modify the system get them.

I see this more of a "how do I use the basics of the system to play a different game" (like the various threads on how to adapt DFRPG to a standard FRPG) rather than "do these powers fit the standard setting and RAW" thing.

FATE, and its child DFRPG, is elastic enough to accommodate multiple styles of play and if someone wants to toss out half the rules to make a variant game work then that's what someone does.


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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2011, 05:50:58 AM »
Wow, this is a lot of stuff. I almost feel proud for having read it all.

Alright, general comments:

-These powers feel very different from DFRPG powers. The canon set of powers rarely involves tests or stress hits or FP spending. I like this difference, it gives this set personality.

-FP are worth much more than you seem to think. Having 10 FP is very rare unless one is playing a powerful mortal.

-Stress doesn't work the way you seem to think it does. Taking 1 stress makes absolutely no difference to me unless I'm in a fight, and it's not usually a big deal if I am in a fight.

-Some of these powers use skills and concepts that this game doesn't normally have. Purviews? Birthrights? Knacks? Melee? I don't know what you're talking about.

-This game generally doesn't measure anything in real-world terms. The references to pounds and yards and so on are therefore probably not a good idea. I suggest you use effective Might and zones instead.

-The mortal/supernatural divide in this game is pretty narrow. So it's generally not good juju for powers to treat mortals as lesser.

-Aspects don't actually do anything unless they are invoked or compelled. I can fight normally with DEAD, PARALYZED, and BLIND aspects unless I get compelled. So the powers that work by giving something an aspect need to be reworked.

-Many of the effects here can be modelled by existing powers or stunts. Physical Immunity, Supernatural Sense, Cloak Of Shadows, and spellcasting powers all could be used for some of the effects that you want.

-Generally speaking, powers in this game are clearly defined in mechanical terms. What they do inside the game world is left to the group's imagination. These powers seem to take the opposite approach, where the in-character effect is defined while the mechanical one is left vague. I suggest that you use the game's standard model here, there are good reasons for it.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2011, 05:55:50 AM »
-Generally speaking, powers in this game are clearly defined in mechanical terms. What they do inside the game world is left to the group's imagination. These powers seem to take the opposite approach, where the in-character effect is defined while the mechanical one is left vague. I suggest that you use the game's standard model here, there are good reasons for it.

This is one of the main things that I was trying to say, but Sanctaphrax sums it up much better. Thanks Sancta.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2011, 07:10:26 AM »
Any time.

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Re: Converting WW's Scion game for Dresdenverse
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2011, 04:43:47 PM »
Take the essential idea in Scion. Throw out the entire system as WW presented it, and begin making your own ideas. You get away from battery-powered heroes (always a plus), and can dispense with some of the less balanced and coherent abilities lurking in Scion.

Some of the core concepts as I would see them;
  • Scions are very tough and durable. Wizard's Constitution as a base.
  • Fatebinding (can't ask for a better named ability in the FATE system) is a massive part of Scion. Probably the most important theme. This is an excellent control for all of the Scion's abilities in general - that when they do spend Fate Points, mortals around them get drawn into their story, cast into archetypes. This basically happens anyways in most games, so you don't have to invent much of a system for it.
  • Create general guidelines using the powers in Scion as how you want them to function. Let the players make their own. If you want to simulate the feel of Scion: Hero, have the players purchase Items of Power to start.
  • Give out Milestones often, and Major Milestones should come up more often as to increase Refresh. You might even consider them every second story.
  • Consider that each character might, instead of a Pantheon Purview, get a Pantheon Aspect, and define what that Pantheon is about. This is a way to tie in those Virtues which don't convert over well.
I reserve the right to change my opinion the moment I am proven wrong; that's called learning.