Author Topic: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?  (Read 15239 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2012, 05:45:32 AM »
But it isn't quite the same as an Ambush. The Ambush trapping requires you to hide first.

This doesn't seem to involve hiding. Do you have to roll Weapons to conceal your violent intentions or something?

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2012, 09:59:23 PM »
 I like the idea of an Iaijutsu based power,though I'm wondering if it should be edited so it's worded better or just rewritten entirely.

Here's an rewritten version of Sword of the Great Tengu,hopefully that makes more sense
Sword Of The Great Tengu [-3]
Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority and grants the wielder access to a small measure of the king’s sword skills while in combat.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defense of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord .If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense
[-0] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made Katana. It is treated as Weapon: 2 when used in one hand and Weapon: 3 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed Katana
[-3]  Tengu’s Guiding Hand: The sword is possessed by the Tengu King via a mind meld, who guides their sword at need. The user gains the full effect of these abilities provided they are physically holding the blade:

True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purposes, Sword of the Great Tengu grants a +1 to the wielder’s Weapons skill.

Always at hand : The sword appears, drawn and in its wielder's hand, as combat is initiated.  If the wielder is surprised, the sword will defend at Good automatically.  If the wielder is initiating combat, this forces an Avoiding Surprise roll even if the victim was aware of the wielder.  (Note:  This only works once against any given target.)

Unnatural Edge: The sword treats Toughness powers as if they were one step weaker (Mythic becomes Supernatural, etc.),and deals a +1 bonus to hit and inflicts two additional stress.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 10:24:06 PM by Jebm »

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2012, 01:06:13 AM »
It doesn't look like you've accounted for all the stunts / powers yet.  Here's what I'd recommend...

Quote from: modified sword
Sword Of The Great Tengu [-4]
Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority and grants the wielder access to a small measure of the king’s sword skills while in combat.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defense of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord .If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense (This seems extremely restrictive.)
[-0] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made Katana. It is treated as Weapon: 2 when used in one hand and Weapon: 3 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed Katana
Tengu’s Guiding Hand: The sword is possessed by the Tengu King via a mind meld, who guides their sword at need. The user gains the full effect of these abilities provided they are physically holding the blade:
[-1] True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purposes, Sword of the Great Tengu grants a +1 to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-1] Always at hand : The sword appears, drawn and in its wielder's hand, as combat is initiated.  If the wielder is surprised, the sword will defend at Good automatically.  If the wielder is initiating combat, this forces an Avoiding Surprise roll (as Stealth's Ambush trapping) even if the victim was aware of the wielder.  (Note:  The Ambush trapping only works once against any given target and doesn't work if the target has seen the character draw the katana before.)
[-1] Unnatural Edge: The sword treats Toughness powers as if they were one step weaker (Mythic becomes Supernatural, etc.)
(I'm not fond of these but leaving them in with some different wording.  You'll want to reword them if you keep them.  I'm afraid I let some of my feelings about the mythological capabilities attributed to katanas bleed through.   :-[ )
[-1] True Aim II Another +1 bonus to hit.
[-2] Anti-Tank Katana The katana is weapon 4 in one hand and weapon 5 in two.  (This is how you get the two extra stress.)
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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2012, 01:35:23 AM »
Yeah I'd borrowed the  consequential restrictions from a  Template for the Erlking's Emissary,if you guys can give me some suggestions for a more fitting wording feel free . As for the wording on Unnatural Edge given all of the Japanese myths surrounding various Katana in folklore I'd say it fits rather well but I'll probably rewrite them nonthless. Also the fact that you named a power Anti-Tank Katana has made my day ;D though shouldn't that be included in the It Is What It Is section?
 As for the stunts and powers math has never been my strong suit due to being discalculic so I left them out.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:41:32 AM by Jebm »

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2012, 01:43:55 AM »
Also the fact that you named a power Anti-Tank Katana has made my day ;D.
Glad you got a laugh out of it!   ;D  The name stems from modern Western fairly tales on how well katanas cut though, can't take credit for it.

Edit:  I might rephrase the weapon increase and leave weapon values out of the "It is what it is" section but I wouldn't include increases there - not unless you think all katanas should have it at least.  :)  Seriously though, "It is what it is" should describe the default off the shelf model.  Then add your stunts and powers to modify.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:48:27 AM by UmbraLux »
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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2012, 01:59:52 AM »
So how much damage can this baby deal when used by someone with inhuman or supernatural strength?. Also I'm currently trying to figure out an application of Tengu magic by using enhanced air pressure to increase the impact power of an melee or projectile weapon like an arrow or knife.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 02:09:22 AM by Jebm »

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2012, 02:20:56 AM »
So how much damage can this baby deal when used by someone with inhuman or supernatural strength?.
Depends on the Strength power - Inhuman Strength gives +2 to damage, etc.

Also I'm currently trying to figure out an application of Tengu magic by using enhanced air pressure to increase the impact power of an melee or projectile weapon like an arrow or knife.
Sounds like one or more maneuvers, so +2 per aspect you stack. 
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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2012, 03:55:19 AM »
I meant  as an actual spell,but I assume they work the same way.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2012, 04:08:39 AM »
My thoughts:

-True Aim II is kinda cheesy.

-Unnatural Edge is worth more than 1 Refresh.

-Anti-Tank Katana is only worth 1 refresh.

-I still don't understand how Always At Hand works.

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #54 on: February 04, 2012, 04:30:33 PM »
UmbraLux You mentioned that purpose for the sword is exteremely restrictive. If so what would you suggest to change it. Also I don't really see why True Aim II shouldn't just be bundled up with Unnatural Edge. I think you might have to rewrite  Always at Hand at little so it's easier for others to understand.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 04:42:04 PM by Jebm »

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #55 on: February 04, 2012, 05:42:51 PM »
UmbraLux You mentioned that purpose for the sword is exteremely restrictive. If so what would you suggest to change it.
It's restrictive in being limited to defensive uses and only a limited number of people.  From the way it's written, it appears it won't even work as a normal mundane sword if you're attacking an opponent who threatened someone other than yourself, your comrades, or your lord.  In other words, you couldn't use it to kill the redcap carrying off a child.

Given the description of tengu here, I'd suggest rewriting the purpose to include mischief, tricks, and honor.  Perhaps something along the lines of "Reward honorable acts and punish the dishonorable through martial skill, tricks, and mischief."  The purpose should really tie in to your vision of the tengu vision may well go in different directions.

Also I don't really see why True Aim II shouldn't just be bundled up with Unnatural Edge.
Bundling it up doesn't make it better or less 'cheesy' in Sanctaphrax's terms.  It's still a second +1 to hit (which I'd probably disallow in my games) and a functional duplicate of True Aim whatever you call it.  As mentioned previously, I don't like this or the extra stress / weapon rating.  They're purely for mechanical advantage and don't seem to add much to the narrative.

I think you might have to rewrite  Always at Hand at little so it's easier for others to understand.
Meh, it already refers to the book's text.  Don't really think clarity is the issue.  It has two functions:  defense against ambush and initiating an ambush via fast draw.  The ambush rules are in the book, I wasn't attempting to change them significantly.
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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #56 on: February 04, 2012, 05:50:59 PM »
Good choice of website I use that one for a lot of the research I did  for this. I'm also trying to come up with a more solid build for Tengu Magic.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #57 on: February 04, 2012, 08:38:33 PM »
I don't think I'm stupid or poorly versed in this game's rules, and I have no idea how Always At Hand works. This is probably a sign that it isn't clear.

I think that pure numerical bonuses add plenty to the narrative. If the sword is narratively capable of chopping a tank in half, it should be mechanically capable of chopping a tank in half.

But beyond a certain point they grow dangerously powerful. You know why Evocation and Crafting are so strong? Because Refinement can be stacked on top of itself unusually far.

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2012, 07:54:07 PM »
I can see the sword chopping a tank-shell in half no problem,but damaging the tank itself would probably depend on how much muscle is being put behind it. Since Mashiro only has Inhuman Strength I think he'd be able to leave a deep gash in one,but not completely total the thing.

 As the Tengu are known to be founders of ninjutsu should that be represented in the magic as well?. I'll admit to wanting it mainly so I can pull off "creating" ectoplasm clones for combat diversions,but it definitely has possibilities as well as giving me more to work just besides wind. I'm still trying figure the magic's essential nature and so far only have wind and martial skill as potential options.

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2012, 10:06:15 AM »
How much of change would it be to make the Tengu character into a Build like the Knights of the Farie Courts?. I've also been thinking of getting rid of some of the sword's abilities completely given that it's brought the thread to a grinding halt.