Author Topic: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?  (Read 15251 times)

Offline Jebm

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Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« on: December 10, 2011, 05:13:54 AM »
I'm completely new at character creation for the DFRPG,and  new to this website, though I've lurked for a while and I was hoping you fine folks could help me out.

I want to create a Tengu Scion mercenary, and though I have a rough idea for a few things such as: Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Toughness and Supernatural Speed, I've yet to form anything really concrete other than that though both Weapons and Fists will be rather high.

Considering that Tengu would be probably considered distant cousins to the Erlking's type of goblins, I'm not sure the cold iron catch would apply given the Tengu legends focus on swordsmanship.

I have a vague idea of his item of power and his enchanted items but I'd like some feedback first before I attempt to go into them.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 06:30:26 AM by Jebm »

Offline Katarn

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 06:29:35 AM »
For those unfamilar with Tengu, Wikipedia is your friend.

First of all, it's a scion, so definitely take reduced abilities of it supernatural parent- that usually knocks out mythic abilities, and the rest can be adjusted for the refresh level of your game (for example, I'm currently playing a scion of Hermes- Hermes himself would have Mythic Speed, so I took that down 1 to Supernatural speed, which fit the refresh level we're playing, though if it had been Feet in the Water Inhuman would still fit.)

Some possibles (depending how close to its parent the scion is, and the gameplay):
[-1] Wings
[-2] Aeromancy (mentions air magic, channeled via fans?)
[-2] Inhuman Speed
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[+1] Catch?
(may boost one of the Inhuman stats up to supernatural, but depends on your taste in characters.)

Most of the marital arts would be covered by stunts.  A simple weapon could suffice, but depending on the context of the game an IoP could be very interesting.  Just take care that your PC doesn't outbalance the party.

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2011, 06:51:58 AM »
Thank You for the feed back. I've actually decided to not to give him wings as it just doesn't fit with my visual image of the character,thought I'll probably include a feeding dependency to boost his inhuman speed up to supernatural. He definitely has Aeromancy though I'm not sure whether to channel it through fans or a  sword as I wanted to add in a Kamaitachi reference if I made into a IoP. Also as of yet,I don't have a party to join though I'm currently looking. This was to be my character if I found one.

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2011, 03:11:37 PM »
I also had an idea for at least three different IoP that he could have access to,mainly focusing on Aeromancy related abilities, though I'm sure I could try and make them into enchanted items.

Offline Katarn

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2011, 05:30:16 PM »
I also had an idea for at least three different IoP that he could have access to,mainly focusing on Aeromancy related abilities, though I'm sure I could try and make them into enchanted items.

If you treat aeromancy as Channeling, you get 2 Focus Items- I'd advise investing both to give 2 "+1 air" abilities (offensive/defensive power/control).  Definitely give the Focus Item (YS 278) a good read-through.  (A refinement would give you more slots).  Keep in mind you're limited in bonus by Lore.

If you go Sponsored Magic (for example, if they draw their magic from somewhere other than their own), that's a little more Free play.  You could still go the Focus Item route, but storywise an IoP makes a little more sense (if you're representing someone "higher.")  I don't know if the Tengu were anyone's servitors, but keep that in mind.  It ultimately depends on what style of character you want to play.

Offline ARedthorn

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2011, 11:58:55 PM »
If you wanted to be a scion that could blend in with humans better (and so forgo the wings) you could probably swing a -1 leaping power that represented a combination of leaner muscles and lighter bones, etc. Something along the lines of +2 to athletics for jumping, and +1 for resisting fall damage (since it is a power tied to your core concept, a total of 3 is fair).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 12:31:24 AM »
1. +4 to jumping and complete immunity to falling damage would seem reasonable for 1 refresh. Wings is still better in almost every way.

2. What sort of help are you looking for here? Are you looking for people to build the character for you?

3. Welcome to the forum.

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2011, 04:53:37 AM »
Thank you for the welcome.
While wings are probably better in every way, I wanted to do a mix of both Long nosed and  Crow variations ,which could easily be explained as two different tribes who occasionally interbreed  .  Still in addition to the long nose I wanted to include  feather like hair, that would turn white when he's drawing on his supernatural speed in addition to other Tengu traits such as red skin. Something similar to the description found here:

Possibly the ability to converse with crows and enhanced sense of smell,particularly the ability to smell blood lust or something.
 I've thought about Emissary of Power as I can see the Tengus as a supernatural mercenary force not unlike Monoc Security though slightly less modern. I'm not sure who they'd be servitors to as there's a number of supernatural beings to choose from. Also channeling is probably the best way to go about his aeromancy

 As for help, having absolutely no clue on how to create a character  for the DFRPG despite looking through the PDFs at every opportunity, I'll take you up on that if your offering,not that I want to seem lazy or anything.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 05:04:46 AM by Jebm »

Offline Katarn

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2011, 06:54:37 AM »
As for help, having absolutely no clue on how to create a character  for the DFRPG despite looking through the PDFs at every opportunity, I'll take you up on that if your offering,not that I want to seem lazy or anything.

People here will gladly help.  Here's a rough overview:
1)  Get 7 ASPECTS- these are important details about your character that help define who your character is.  There is a high concept (example:  Warden of Berlin, Luckless Chloromancer, etc.), a trouble (big fat mouth, gambling addition, etc.), and 5 additional aspects.  These will be used for fate point usage (+2 or reroll), provided they are relevant to the roll you're making- so make them diverse aspects.  This is concurrent to writing backstory

2)  Get a power set- this is powers and stunts.  First, figure out what REFRESH LEVEL you're playing- a build for "Feet in the Water" is markedly different from "Submerged".  Determine what are essential to your character (probably Channeling for Aeromancy), and if you have refresh points to spare you could put them in things like Wings or Refinement.

3)  Look at skills, again by refresh level.  Figure out if your character is physical combat, social drama, explorer, mystique of the NeverNever, etc.  Find out what kind of game the GM is running, or what kind of PC you want to play.

(This is a very thin outline,  more of a do-it-yourself build.  We'll gladly help if you want more specifics.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2011, 06:47:40 AM »
Mashiro Tengumaru (Submerged)

High Concept: Son Of The Great Tengu
Trouble Aspect: Mercenary-ing Is Hard Work
Other Aspects: My Father's Sword, Code Of Honour, Devout Buddhist
Superb: Weapons
Great: Athletics, Fists
Good: Endurance, Conviction, Discipline
Fair: Alertness, Lore, Resources, Intimidation
Average: Investigation, Survival, Scholarship, Presence, Contacts
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch (Something tengu-appropriate) [+1]
Item Of Power (Sword Of The Great Tengu) [+2] granting:
Tengu Magic [-4]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2011, 12:41:57 PM »
Thank you. That works perfectly for me, as I hadn't even managed to come with a name for him yet. Seeing as Tengu magic seems to revolve around Shape shifting,Aeromancy and skill enhancing possession I'd give him access to well as supernatural senses
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 01:09:32 PM by Jebm »

Offline Katarn

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2011, 03:28:49 PM »
Thank you. That works perfectly for me, as I hadn't even managed to come with a name for him yet. Seeing as Tengu magic seems to revolve around Shape shifting,Aeromancy and skill enhancing possession I'd give him access to well as supernatural senses

Well, if you're going by what Tengu Magic hypothetically represents (I used the Were-form Template):
*Channeling (Air) [-2]
*Beast Change [-1]
*Echoes of the Beast [-1]
*Human Form [+1]

This assumes you can only take a single (substituting were-form) other shape.  This actually either gives you 1 more FP, or 1 more [-1] power or stunt.  If you can take multiple forms, if you still applied Human Form you'd be at [-4] again.

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2011, 07:35:59 AM »
Anyone have ideas for air spells or air related-enchanted items?
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 07:44:40 AM by Jebm »

Offline Jebm

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2011, 03:09:58 AM »
Would it be much of a stretch build-wise to make him an Emissary of Power to his father?. I've also been thinking of a few stunts he could go with and I'm not sure how many I'm allowed to have so feel free to correct me if I go over board as I probably don't  have enough for all these stunts. I've decided to borrow a few from the custom stunt list marked with apostrophes and I was also thinking of adding Guns(Bows) into his Great skills and as well as bump Fists up to Superb.

Martial Artist   
Lethal Weapons
My Body Is A Weapon
Use Their Strength Against Them*

Too Fast to Hit 
Reading the Line of Fire*
Ball Toss*

Quick Draw*
Warrior Culture*
Bows Are Weapons*
Know Your Blades*
Focused Strike*
Wall of Death
My Weapons Speak For Me*

Wiki info on his dad isōjōbō
Stunt List is here:,21952.0.html

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ideas for a Tengu Scion?
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2011, 12:22:20 AM »
Well, you`d need more refresh to afford Marked By Power. Same goes for the stunts. And you`d need more skill points to afford those skills.

You may need to go above Submerged for this.

Other than that, those ideas sound good.

Glad to see the interest in the stunt list.