Author Topic: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?  (Read 3786 times)

Offline Kiero

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We've just finished the first story of our DFRPG game, City on the River, which has culminated in our Champion of God becoming a fully-fledged Knight of the Cross. At the climax of his final test (about whether he'd willingly take on the rather final mind-wiping of the man he was told to save), the Archangel Michael gave him Amoracchius which he used to great effect at the conclusion of the episode. Turning up in the nick of time at the end of that fight was Sanya, who had cleared a path out of the carnage before the cops arrived. He'd arrived with a plane ticket for Oliver (our new Knight) to Egypt in a few days time.

Oliver Monfort used to be a university lecturer (and active varsity athlete) before his calling found him, largely due to the loss of his wife to Red Court predation (she's one of them, now). He's a devout Anglican, though he tends to save the fiery sermons for battle against the supernatural, rather than proselytising his friends. He's rather new to the supernatural world and finding his feet with it all. But he did just butcher an uber-ghoul with Amoracchius and succeed in his mission to save the soul of a rogue Warden wrongly accused of murder.

My character, the Scion, Faris al-Farik, who is from Egypt originally, asked to go along, and they said yes. So two Knights of the Cross and one of Vlad Drakul's by-blows are going on road trip in the Middle East. Just to clarify the inevitable question, Faris isn't evil, though he used to be. It was a previous wielder of Esperacchius who turned him off the bad path by sparing his life. He is fluent in Arabic (his native tongue, even) and an able backup for the two Knights, being both supernaturally-empowered (all four building blocks) and an excellent fighter (Weapons 5, Fists and Athletics 4).

Both are Chest Deep (9 Refresh 32 Skill point characters) so pretty capable, and we have Sanya and two Swords of the Cross. So they should be able to handle some pretty tough stuff.

This is not going to be story 2, it's some down-time/in-the-between-stories fluff. Which has been left up to us players to make it up for the entertainment of the rest of the group. In-game it's October 2010 and story 2 is scheduled to open in spring 2011, so there's some space for events to take place.

To the question, what could these three badass hombres get up to? I have a stirring of a notion that something they do might be inadvertently connected with the Arab Spring, but that might be presuming too much on current affairs. And maybe cutting a little too close to real miseries going on.

Anyway that's the scenario, ideas welcome.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 02:36:08 PM by Kiero »

Offline Katarn

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2011, 04:30:27 PM »
Personally, I like games set with a very up-to-date context, but just handle things with political charge delicately.

*So Arab Spring is a possibility- perhaps don't focus on the politics themselves, but how supernatural predators are taking advantage of the chaos
*Egyptian pantheon- Anubis, Osiris, Isis, etc.  It's an interesting mythology, and great if you're looking at historical Egypt
*"The Eygptian"- we know the Knight preceding Sanya game from here (and was possibly even a worshiper of their pantheon, see above), so a story surrounding Esperacchius could be in the cards

Or you can combine ideas:  Example:
Exploiting the Arab spring incident to boost his weakened powers, the Egyptian deity Seth steals Esperacchius to slow the White God's hold on the world.  As the party searches for it, they learn about Sanya's predecessor (who had dealt with Seth before as is thus hints to finding the sword).  Culminates in a huge mummy battle.

(oh, and what's a knight without a denarian or two?  ;D )
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 04:50:12 PM by Katarn »

Offline SunlessNick

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2011, 04:50:49 PM »
If you're uncomfortable using the Arab Spring itself, it's still a backdrop that may throw a lot of established factors out of place.  Governments going down are bad for any hidden faction that used them, so local hierarchies of conspiratorially-minded villains may be upset, making the organisations vulnerable.  A lot of people are out on the streets where they can become murder victims for supernatural predators - or witnesses who can provide a vital clue for something that would otherwise have remained hidden (like a fight between two members of an aforementioned upset hierarchy).

[I like how this forum warns you about cross posts]

Added at the last minute:  I like Katarn's example, and some covert help from Horus the Elder might not go amiss (or Nephthys, Seth's sister/wife who has a mythological precedent for betraying him to the forces of good and order - she helped Isis assemble and resurrect Osiris).  An alternative to Seth might be Apep (aka Apophis), in which case the most fitting help would come from Ra or Bast.

A minority historical theory holds that Judaism is descended from Atenism, which would make Aten the White God (ATS the Exodus was Aten's followers getting kicked out of Egypt rather than Yahweh's escaping it).  I don't really buy it myself, but if Aten is not the White God, it could make a good enough imitation to draw astray anyone who's not directly empowered by the real thing.

Offline archmagelite

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2011, 04:59:34 PM »
hmm Knights dont go anywhere there isnt Trouble. Perhaps an old Ally of faruk's is going to be around, and he has to start showing his loyalty to the Good, by taking on one of Drakul's supporters.

Offline knnn

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2011, 06:19:10 PM »
The Arab spring is basically just a power vacuum brought on by the removal of Mubarak.  In terms of the supernatural, it's probably way further down the scale than the end of Changes.  That said, it wouldn't surprise me if a number of different factions are trying to take advantage of the situation.  Also, if the Red-Court had any serious presence in Egypt and your campaign takes place after Changes - you got to be wondering who is trying to take over previous RC interests in Egypt

- Since Egypt has (until lately) been one of the major bulwarks in the War Against Terror, I can see the Denarians trying to weaken the remaining government power in an effort to support terror groups.

- Egypt is most populous of the countries in the Middle-east.  As such, the White Court might have a presence there.  Drugs/guns/ whatever are always in demand.

- The Suez canal is a major shipping channel (possibly the most important).  Anyone who transporting goods (including US military) without having to go around Africa is going to be very sensitive about the area.  Similarly, if there is anyone smuggling things (drugs /guns/ slaves), they might very well be interested in controlling the necessary officials. 

- There are many dams along the Nile - providing irrigation for millions of people.  However, this has disturbed the ancient flooding of the Nile -- associated with many religious beliefs.  Perhaps some old gods would like to see the Nile restored.  Blowing up one or two major dams would solve it.  It would also potentially drown thousands.

- Someone build the pyramids to contain....  things.  There is even a permanent wizard "Pyramid sitting".  Someone something is trying to get out...

- There was a Djinni stuck in a bottle (originally captured by King Solomon), that has been released by an unsuspecting tourist.  He Djinni is bound to serve mortals, but it has it's own agenda is corrupting its "master" for its own needs.
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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2011, 06:29:20 PM »
I'd actually suggest something seemingly minor.  Have you read "The Warrior"?  That's the sort of thing I'm thinking about - a relatively low-end villain, threats aimed at maybe just a few people, but with important effects along the side.

Offline Paynesgrey

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2011, 09:21:14 PM »
Egypt was in a way the New Orleans of Africa.  I mean that in a culture and trade sort of way, not the vomit on your shoes sort of way.  You had the trade from the entire mediteranian as well as some 4000 miles into the continent.  Not only has a lot of History happened there, but even more passed through there on it's way to happening elsewhere.  You could tie into events/creatures from pretty much any ancient civilization in the area, using it as a jumping off point to look for King Solomon's Mines, for example.

Offline Kiero

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2011, 09:29:21 PM »
Some cool ideas, I'll take some time to respond properly tomorrow.

Chronology-wise, our game takes place after Turncoat, but before Changes, so the Vampire War is currently enjoying a lull.

Offline Kiero

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2011, 10:54:54 AM »
Personally, I like games set with a very up-to-date context, but just handle things with political charge delicately.

*So Arab Spring is a possibility- perhaps don't focus on the politics themselves, but how supernatural predators are taking advantage of the chaos
*Egyptian pantheon- Anubis, Osiris, Isis, etc.  It's an interesting mythology, and great if you're looking at historical Egypt
*"The Eygptian"- we know the Knight preceding Sanya game from here (and was possibly even a worshiper of their pantheon, see above), so a story surrounding Esperacchius could be in the cards

Or you can combine ideas:  Example:
Exploiting the Arab spring incident to boost his weakened powers, the Egyptian deity Seth steals Esperacchius to slow the White God's hold on the world.  As the party searches for it, they learn about Sanya's predecessor (who had dealt with Seth before as is thus hints to finding the sword).  Culminates in a huge mummy battle.

(oh, and what's a knight without a denarian or two?  ;D )

Mummies are definitely a strong contender for villains of the piece. I like the idea of using something that isn't core Dresdenverse as the main opposition. Along with using mythological Egypt, after all why take the trouble to go there without using the local colour?

What if Set is using the wielder of Esperacchius to take out one of his enemies, and the theft is a way to maneuver him into the right position to deal the deadly blow?

If you're uncomfortable using the Arab Spring itself, it's still a backdrop that may throw a lot of established factors out of place.  Governments going down are bad for any hidden faction that used them, so local hierarchies of conspiratorially-minded villains may be upset, making the organisations vulnerable.  A lot of people are out on the streets where they can become murder victims for supernatural predators - or witnesses who can provide a vital clue for something that would otherwise have remained hidden (like a fight between two members of an aforementioned upset hierarchy).

[I like how this forum warns you about cross posts]

Added at the last minute:  I like Katarn's example, and some covert help from Horus the Elder might not go amiss (or Nephthys, Seth's sister/wife who has a mythological precedent for betraying him to the forces of good and order - she helped Isis assemble and resurrect Osiris).  An alternative to Seth might be Apep (aka Apophis), in which case the most fitting help would come from Ra or Bast.

A minority historical theory holds that Judaism is descended from Atenism, which would make Aten the White God (ATS the Exodus was Aten's followers getting kicked out of Egypt rather than Yahweh's escaping it).  I don't really buy it myself, but if Aten is not the White God, it could make a good enough imitation to draw astray anyone who's not directly empowered by the real thing.

I think using the beginnings of the Arab Spring as a backdrop rather than impetus might be a more sensetive way of handling it, yes.

Getting embroiled in the schemes and feuds of the local gods is certainly another angle (it could still involve mummies!).

hmm Knights dont go anywhere there isnt Trouble. Perhaps an old Ally of faruk's is going to be around, and he has to start showing his loyalty to the Good, by taking on one of Drakul's supporters.

I'd rather avoid any direct connections to Faris' past; he's the supporting tag-along here in what is basically Oliver's first proper mission as a Knight of the Cross.

The Arab spring is basically just a power vacuum brought on by the removal of Mubarak.  In terms of the supernatural, it's probably way further down the scale than the end of Changes.  That said, it wouldn't surprise me if a number of different factions are trying to take advantage of the situation.  Also, if the Red-Court had any serious presence in Egypt and your campaign takes place after Changes - you got to be wondering who is trying to take over previous RC interests in Egypt

- Since Egypt has (until lately) been one of the major bulwarks in the War Against Terror, I can see the Denarians trying to weaken the remaining government power in an effort to support terror groups.

- Egypt is most populous of the countries in the Middle-east.  As such, the White Court might have a presence there.  Drugs/guns/ whatever are always in demand.

- The Suez canal is a major shipping channel (possibly the most important).  Anyone who transporting goods (including US military) without having to go around Africa is going to be very sensitive about the area.  Similarly, if there is anyone smuggling things (drugs /guns/ slaves), they might very well be interested in controlling the necessary officials. 

- There are many dams along the Nile - providing irrigation for millions of people.  However, this has disturbed the ancient flooding of the Nile -- associated with many religious beliefs.  Perhaps some old gods would like to see the Nile restored.  Blowing up one or two major dams would solve it.  It would also potentially drown thousands.

- Someone build the pyramids to contain....  things.  There is even a permanent wizard "Pyramid sitting".  Someone something is trying to get out...

- There was a Djinni stuck in a bottle (originally captured by King Solomon), that has been released by an unsuspecting tourist.  He Djinni is bound to serve mortals, but it has it's own agenda is corrupting its "master" for its own needs.

Our game takes place before Changes, so the Red Court is still a potent force. The mundane stuff around the War on Terror and shipping might provide some outward side-effects of whatever is really going on. Along with supernaturals taking advantage of mundane actors, as you say.

Hmmm, something involving the traditional inundation of the Nile and some supernatural repercussions of it might be a nice nuance. Or even as you allude, a plot to destroy the dams.

Something old in a pyramid, hmmmm.

I'd actually suggest something seemingly minor.  Have you read "The Warrior"?  That's the sort of thing I'm thinking about - a relatively low-end villain, threats aimed at maybe just a few people, but with important effects along the side.

I've not read it, what are the specifics?

Egypt was in a way the New Orleans of Africa.  I mean that in a culture and trade sort of way, not the vomit on your shoes sort of way.  You had the trade from the entire mediteranian as well as some 4000 miles into the continent.  Not only has a lot of History happened there, but even more passed through there on it's way to happening elsewhere.  You could tie into events/creatures from pretty much any ancient civilization in the area, using it as a jumping off point to look for King Solomon's Mines, for example.

Indeed, it is a rich vein of potential material.

Offline Katarn

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2011, 05:41:41 PM »
Mummies are definitely a strong contender for villains of the piece. I like the idea of using something that isn't core Dresdenverse as the main opposition. Along with using mythological Egypt, after all why take the trouble to go there without using the local colour?
Exactly.  I like the comment above about "The Warrior" as well (see below)- not every game as to be saving the world (GM's call, ofc  ;D )

What if Set is using the wielder of Esperacchius to take out one of his enemies, and the theft is a way to maneuver him into the right position to deal the deadly blow?
Makes sense.  Remember though, you can't wield a sword contrary to its purpose (Set might not know that though).  Depends what he's gonna do with it, and if it relates to hope.  Simply spiting a Knight (ie Egyptian's successor, Sanya) could be enough, or you could make it deeper if you like.

I think using the beginnings of the Arab Spring as a backdrop rather than impetus might be a more sensetive way of handling it, yes.
Getting embroiled in the schemes and feuds of the local gods is certainly another angle (it could still involve mummies!).
Anubis is god of the dead.... you could even turn this into going-ons across the Egyptian pantheon (Set, Anubis, etc.)

Our game takes place before Changes, so the Red Court is still a potent force. The mundane stuff around the War on Terror and shipping might provide some outward side-effects of whatever is really going on. Along with supernaturals taking advantage of mundane actors, as you say.
Some players (like me) eat this stuff up.  Wikipedia is your friend if you look up specifics going on in Egypt at the time (or the War on Terror).

Hmmm, something involving the traditional inundation of the Nile and some supernatural repercussions of it might be a nice nuance. Or even as you allude, a plot to destroy the dams.

Something old in a pyramid, hmmmm.
You could tie these into Set if you wanted to, it could be one giant arc or several independent things occurring simultaneously.

I've not read it, what are the specifics?
It's a story from Side Jobs involving Harry, Michael, and the Swords.  While the swords are at risk, the world or Chicago isn't- the scale feels smaller than the novels, in a good way.

Offline Paynesgrey

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2011, 05:52:37 PM »
It occurs to me that Anubis was the guardian and protector of the dead.  His daughter, Kebechet brought the spirits of the dead water and comfort while they waited, and was also a goddes of purification and water.

I can see those two having an issue with some Necromancers or similar lot who pester and exploit the dead in direct conflict with their purpose, and working with your characters to put an end to such shenanigans.

Offline archmagelite

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2011, 06:33:59 PM »
Perhaps something entirely mundane then, something personal involving a wounded soldier, or he helps a cop friend in the area settle a score with a drug dealer? This could help him set up a known contact in the area, but wouldnt involve any supernatural badness.

Offline Paynesgrey

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Re: What could two Knights of the Cross and a Scion get up to in Egypt?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2011, 06:53:20 PM »
True.  The amount of intrigue, commerce, tourism, and political unrest in a hub like Egypt does provide plenty of low hanging fruit to mix in with all the supernatural salad.   ;)