I sort-of did.
Specifically, a friend had loaned me Storm Front several years ago, but the first chapter or so didn't pull me in very well, and I returned it unfinished.
Then, about two years ago, a friend declared he'd be running a campaign of the DFRPG and invited me to join. I had already played Spirit of the Century, so I was excited by the idea of a different setting for the wonderful FATE rules (especially one with a full-fledged magic system instead of the overly generic 'mysticism' skill). After agreeing to join my friend's game, I began reading the novels in preparation for the first session, for the sake of familiarity with the setting.
Needless to say, I was hooked after a book or two, and I gleefully devoured the series. I've be playing DFRPG and keeping up with the latest novels and short stories (OMGIWANTCOLDDAYSNAOPLZKTHXBAI) ever since.