Author Topic: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen  (Read 2381 times)

Offline Thaumologist

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Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:21:50 AM »
I'm currently mapping out a new campaign for my local group (about five/six friends as players), and had an idea I just wanted to run past people on here, to see if it was feasable/usable.

We know that taking food from one of the fae puts you into their debt, or something along those lines.
One of my city's themes is "a beggar on every corner".

If I had a fae running a soup kitchen (IE, free food for the homeless), would it be fair to assume, that at some point, the fae could call in an "army of the unwashed"?

I wouldn't be running this idea with either Winter or Summer (or even the Wild Hunt group), but a minor court looking to gain power, made up primarily of semi-recent changelings (a major part of the backstory for the city).

Offline Malraza

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Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 12:50:20 PM »
It would have to be fae food for that to apply, which I imagine is blatantly not anything near our level of food. A banquet from a PB&J sort of deal, maybe. And they're giving it to homeless people? I can see it more for the minor group that you're discriminating, they may not be as discerning as normal fae nobility. Assuming that they have a theoretically limited resource in fae food and they could do much better say, as a catering group doing a pro bono gig for a charity dinner consisting of all the rich and famous in the city. You may have to set it up a bit specifically to make sure that it's clear that the person is receiving the food from them specifically to generate a debut to them, but I think it could work. It makes me wonder though if you need to know that you're receiving something from a fae to be indebted to them or not.

Also, it doesn't seem very in keeping with the fae to deal with the homeless. I could see some kind of thing where the fae go to those homeless who are truly down on their luck so to speak but have done great things or have the potential to be great if they were given a chance to get their life together.

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 05:04:53 PM »
In my last session I had a RCV spiking the soup kitchen food with narcotic saliva, so my vote is YES for the hobo army.  :)

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Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 10:33:15 PM »
Seems like a reasonable plan.

Fraught with risks and drawbacks, of course, but that's the nature of plans.

Offline toturi

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Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2011, 12:40:38 AM »
I think the fae concept of debt requires that the fae not being able to offer the food as charity or for free. If the fae simply offered the poor food or asked them to "come in and eat" without mentioning that the food was free or it is charity, then it would work. If there was a sign on the door that said, "Free food here", then out goes the scheme.
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Offline scarius

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Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2011, 02:04:43 AM »
i would allow this. but i would make sure that the players knew what was happening, but only indirectly

in my game one of my players got a little bit scared of a couple of fetches and decided to leg it towards a forest, turns out that some elves lived there and they werent happy to see them. Travis spoke to them and after being a bit of a smart ass to one of the elves, he was chalenged to a duel, the elf gave him the choice of duel. Travis has boozer as an aspect, and with out me compelling it, he chose drinking. so the elves set up tables and chairs and then put down horns of elven booze, he had two drinks then passed out, the elf then asked if the second would like to continue the contest, she said yes, then had three drinks and called it. i was thinking of being a jerk and then having them owe the elves some favours, but becuase it was within the confides of a duel i decided against it. but they are going to get a vist from a summer rep to tell them that they owe a favour