Wow. great feedback everyone, didn't expect so much input

@EdgeofDreams- we hadn't specified yet if he was using Channeling/Ritual (this game JUST started), but I'll be sure to draw on Channeling's restrictions. He isn't sponsored (presently).
@Wyvern- good idea, this is especially relevant since he's self-taught more or less. (see Malraza about the phoenix)
@Pbartender- perhaps, depends on how he rationalizes it.
@Malraza- I figure he'll use healing in the generic sense, not complicated. I'll put some inherent limitation (such as Scholarship/Lore rolls) to make it more plausible.
Also, I know this guy will want to be very.... creative and liberal with his powers, so a phoenix is a good idea for a sponsor. I may add that at a milestone.
@ARedThorn- Yea, he's quite verbose, I'll have to use the cost/limitations/ loss of energy to extreme cases.
@RevengeOfTim & Tedronai- yea, I'm leaning towards easing of pain and only healing involving heat normally. We know healing is obscure, to the point that wizards usually specialize or are known for their abilities.
@devonapple- absolutely. Ritual will be the way to go. Also, he does a good job with justifications (he's not one to black box.)
@UmbraLux- fate points could be used, depending if he has a good aspect for it.
@Haru- haven't decided how precise I'm gonna make aspect-usage. I might rely on rolls to see how precise of magic he can do.
@Becq- Again, I'll probably see if he has subtlety as an aspect. I hadn't thought about the extreme concept, I'll keep it in mind.
@sinker- Good point on defense. Context is all-crucial (and justification).
@PolaroidNinja- I want the game to be fun, so if he can make legitimate jumps I'll probably let him do it (with unforeseen consequences).
Thanks, again, all of posting. Feel free to keep debating/contributing/being awesome.