You should definitely bring it up... eventually.
As a sort of similar (but more obvious/straightforward) example, in my campaign, the Wizard in the group had just moved to Seattle... a RCVamp baron (and old rival of her missing-presumed-dead warden father) assumed she was the city's new warden, and had a 'coming out' party for her... cordially invited her and +1 to a banquet (held at his primary place of business) as the guests of honor... every other mover and shaker was there as well. The Baron's intent was just to out her in front of all the local big bads.
This guy is way out of her league, but no one in the city knows that, considering the history between her father and the Baron, he and everyone else is assuming she's much more dangerous than she really is. She and the +1 are just about queasy with discomfort being in a room full of things that could chew them both up for a snack... and doing their best to be as cool and quietly intimidating as possible... and doing a decent job of it.
While she's there, the Baron takes a page out of Marcone's book, and offers her a standing invitation to visit him anytime she wishes, every courtesy, etc etc...
And then my Wizard (soon to be Warden, but not yet)... says he's welcome to visit her home anytime, as well. Almost direct quote. Two other players at the table dropped jaws on the spot... she didn't realize what had happened until I slid 3 fate points across the table as 'an advance.'
To be fair, she had at least 2 aspects related to being a bit of an 'act before you think' kind of character. I told her that she could take the FPs and have no clue what she'd just done, refuse for free- she still says it but realizes what she'd said, or refuse them (paying me) to take it back altogether (ret-con in the category of "would/should've known better"). She took the fate points.
... and it eventually became a major looming threat.
If you want to do something similar- I see nothing wrong with that, but make sure your players are on-board with it somehow. If you don't trust them not to meta-game with it... then find a way to hint at it, at least.