Author Topic: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?  (Read 12062 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2012, 02:46:36 AM »
From what Evil Hat has said, in the upcoming Paranet Papers' write up of Las Vegas, the Entire Las Vegas Strip is Accorded Neutral Ground.

Of course it is! I can think of a few good stories to play in Vegas, lots of colourful shifty characters to involve. Maybe a Summer Elvis or two....
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Offline Thugorp

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #46 on: May 21, 2012, 06:11:03 AM »
It occurs to me that Restaurants fairs(such as the Bristol Renascent Fair in Bristol Wisconsin,would be great A.N.Gs..
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Offline yarbaur

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2012, 08:02:28 PM »
In my game, we have a hotel - its a small, family run place that's rather exclusive, with private floor and conference rooms for the non-mundane guests. They have a concierge service that prides itself on the ability to provide an unusually large range of services and accommodations...

Offline Orladdin

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2012, 08:43:39 PM »
It occurs to me that Restaurants fairs(such as the Bristol Renascent Fair in Bristol Wisconsin,would be great A.N.Gs..

I presume you mean Renaissance  Faires?

The downside to them as ANGs is, as mentioned for previous ideas, the huge number of staff members that would need to know about the supernatural and how to deal with it.  Though you may never know it being a patron, they all tend to have large security and service staffs.

Additionally, they're only held a limited time each year at each venue.  Would the ANG status end at the final cannon call of the faire?  Or would it persist on the off-season using the abandoned grounds?  That would be pretty interesting on fairegrounds with permanent structures!

On the other hand, many (though, notably, not Bristol) are already mostly Fantasy Festivals rather than truly renaissance reenactments.  The Wizard, Fairy, and Other quotient of the many Renaissance Festivals is quite high; such as Michigan's MRF.  No one really bats an eye.  That would work in the supernaturals' favor.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 08:54:21 PM by Orladdin »
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Offline Faithmage

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2012, 05:16:09 PM »
In my Game the Neutral grounds from the case file became a chain when we moved city to the SF bay area. We have two known large scale companies in the know one is Monoc and the other is akin to Wolfram & Heart. It's not known which is putting up these coffee houses but they are popping up in various major cities. The ones my players go to has a second floor that is warded/veiled so that only people in the know notice the spiral staircase in the corner. It's open late hours and serves decent coffee.

Offline Thugorp

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Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2012, 06:39:54 PM »
I presume you mean Renaissance  Faires?

The downside to them as ANGs is, as mentioned for previous ideas, the huge number of staff members that would need to know about the supernatural and how to deal with it.  Though you may never know it being a patron, they all tend to have large security and service staffs.

Additionally, they're only held a limited time each year at each venue.  Would the ANG status end at the final cannon call of the faire?  Or would it persist on the off-season using the abandoned grounds?  That would be pretty interesting on fairegrounds with permanent structures!

On the other hand, many (though, notably, not Bristol) are already mostly Fantasy Festivals rather than truly renaissance reenactments.  The Wizard, Fairy, and Other quotient of the many Renaissance Festivals is quite high; such as Michigan's MRF.  No one really bats an eye.  That would work in the supernaturals' favor.

Well even at Bristol there is a fair bit of fantasy. There is a guarden of fairies(that work for the park) there are two people who often come as very convincing orks, I like to attend as a Gnome at least thrice a year, and there is also a goblin who goes fairly often and a man who dresses as an Ogre chained to a little girls(who actually seems sort of like the archive now that I think of it).

I am not sure that the staff would ever have to notice anything really. Also, as that there are perminent ren. fair structures there, I think it would be great if it was an all year round A.N.G..

FaithMage, that sounds really interesting do tell more about the companies if you would. :-)
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