Author Topic: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?  (Read 3593 times)

Offline Kiero

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How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:46:19 PM »
In our Dresden Files game, my Scion is going to be taking on a Russian ghoul in what is basically a no-holds barred cage match.

If you're interested in the why, there's been a murder of a connected Fae alchemist on our Accorded Neutral Territory, and the local Fae are offering up some juicy information on the killer to whomever wins the match. The ghoul is part of a Russian clan of them who have turned up mob-handed in response to a bounty from the triumvirate of hags who run the city. There's several other mercs/bounty hunters who've turned up, but that's not really relevant here.

The Fae were looking for an entertaining match of supernatural-on-supernatural, but no one was willing to fight Boris, the rather burly ghoul offered up as one side of the fight. My Scion accepted the offer of providing the other half, though (Compel! He's a former slave-soldier with a great deal of martial pride) declined to throw the fight and share the information (Boris' cousin who was organising the fight, seemed unconvinced my character could actually win). Winner takes the spoils! This is not to the death, mind, though it won't be gentle.

I might be presuming much that it will be a fair fight (ie no prepared magic items or thaumaturgical enchantments), but for the purposes of this thread, let's assume it is. The GM has said it will be a "challenging" fight, meaning he's tailored the ghoul to provide a tough fight. First combat of the game, too, by the way. Let's assume this is going to be unarmed combat, no weapons.

My character's relevant stuff is as follows:
Great (+4): Athletics and Fists
Good (+3): Alertness, Discipline and Endurance
Fair (+2): Intimidation and Might
Average (+1): Empathy

Inhuman Recovery, Speed, Strength and Toughness
6 Physical Stress boxes and Armour:1 when all powers are active (which they will be)
4 Fate Points going into the fight (I've been storing them up)

I've listed the Intimidation and Empathy, but I'm not sure either will be hugely relevant.

A standard ghoul would be a near-even match as it is:
Great (+4): Athletics and Fists
Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance and Intimidation

Inhuman Speed and Strength, Supernatural Recovery, Claws
4 Physical Stress boxes

I'm guessing old Boris might have Superb (+5) Fists and at least Good (+3) Might - pertinent because I'm expecting grappling to factor in. Possibly Inhuman Toughness, which would eliminate the one distinct edge I have if that's true. I'm hoping he doesn't have Supernatural Strength or I'm toast! We may have a "gentleman's agreement" not to use Claws, but we'll see how that bears up.

If we're equal, then it's down to luck on the dice and FP expenditure, which isn't exactly a great strategy. So what can I do to tip things in my favour (without simply cheating and possibly getting disqualified from the fight)?

One notion I have is my cornerman (likely to be one of the other PCs) pulling manuevers that aid me, possibly the odd Assessment or Declaration. It's also a way to bring some of the other PCs into what could otherwise be a solo scene.

What else can be done to prevent a roll-off that's down to luck?

Offline Becq

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 01:35:56 AM »
It looks as though you've thought out quite a lot of it.  I particularly like the idea of having the cornerman contribute to the fight!  That said, I think you might be at a disadvantage given that he will have a net attack roll of +1 against you with weapon 3 (counting your armor), with you rolling a net -1 back at weapon 2.

A couple of minor things you might consider:
1) The claws could well be a problem for you.  If you can manage to argue them out of the ground rules, then so much the better for you.  As an alternative, you could insist that you be allowed brass knuckles or some such.
2) I assume there will probably be some build-up, announcer naming the contenders and such.  Use this time to place maneuver aspects on yourself.  Since the ghoul will likely go first (tie on Alertness and Athletics, broken by his higher Fists), prepare to get hit first.  Maneuvering 'Braced for Impact' on yourself seems appropriate.
3) When the announcer starts leading in to the 'ready, fight!' part, use your last pre-fight action to declare yourself to be on 'full defense' for that extra edge against his first attack.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 02:35:29 AM »
What else can be done to prevent a roll-off that's down to luck?
Assessments, declarations, and maneuvers!  Invoked or compelled as appropriate.
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Offline Silverblaze

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 03:15:18 AM »
Have more fate points.

Roll better.

Or lose.

Offline wyvern

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2011, 03:41:09 AM »
Assessments especially.  Given that you can learn stuff about him beforehand w/ assessments and use those tags during combat.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2011, 05:55:21 AM »
As the rest of the thread has said, it will probably come down to luck and aspect management in the end.

Since you probably need a +1 roll to hit, you might want to consider maneuvering a lot.

Remember that consequences are taggable.

Don't be afraid to spend FP. But don't waste them either. My usual rule of thumb is to spend them whenever it inflicts a consequences or prevents you from taking one.

Create aspects before the fight begins. This sounds like a pretty friendly fight, so you might have a chance to mess with the ghoul during a pre-fight conversation.

Spending a FP to Declare that Claws are ungentlemanly would probably be well worth it.

That's all I've got.

Offline Kiero

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2011, 11:22:40 AM »
Assessments seem to be my friend here, indeed no reason I shouldn't be attempting one every exchange to get some extra free-tag-ables.

Some preparatory maneuvers to give me some more tags before the fight and getting the other PCs to Declare and maneuver could help too.

We roll for initiative in our game, but it might be a straight roll-off since as noted we're probably equal.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2011, 01:07:53 PM »
Rig it.

Offline Watson

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2011, 04:00:10 PM »
Many good ideas in the thread so far. The only thing I can add is regarding the Fate Points and that they can be spent after a roll (I think that I'm the AP podcast, point were often spend before the rolls).

Good luck!

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2011, 05:13:52 PM »
Specifics I'd try.

You could spend a few rounds in full defense attempting to get the foe to spend any fate points he/she has to land a hit granting you an advantage in teh fate point pools.    Meanwhile you could be making declarations and observations about the cage.  For example: spots where the cage has extra rough areas for grinding someone's head on (assuming it is chain-link).  You could get an idea of how much room you have to move allowing sprinting dodges and charges.  You could try climbing and using death from above type maneuvers.

The first one to inflict a consequence in such encounters has a major advantage.  If I were in your predicament - my goal would be simple be the first one to inflict a consequence or two.

All else fails I'd wait to see if i couldn't roll a +3 or +4 with my fudge dice at some point and try to tag/invoke a much as possible spending those 4 fate points in one nasty hit hoping the ghoul gets taken out or concedes.  In any case the consequences added should make it easy for you.

Or try to initiate social combat first and get a few consequences on him that way.  He'll have less to use in physical combat.  I may hate that idea, but i don't mind playing dirty.  Do it!

 Insult his honor, his mother, and his homeland.  I'd say try intimidating him, but... Russian mobster ghouls likely don't intimidate easy.

Offline Anher

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2011, 10:05:57 PM »
To put this in more colorful language.

William Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement! In a fair fight, I'd kill you!
Jack Sparrow: Well, that's not much incentive for me to fight fair then, is it?

But yes, get every advantage you can through maneuvers, declarations, tags, FP, etc... and use them.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2011, 01:16:56 PM »
Let me reiterate that if you're at all decent at social combat (or your party is near by and is) use that!  It doesn't matter if it's a moderate social or moderate physical consequence.  He only gets one so burn it up any way you can.  He can't clear away mild social consequences with recovery powers, so you're negating part of a multi-refresh power if he has them.

Offline Kiero

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2011, 05:04:05 PM »
Let me reiterate that if you're at all decent at social combat (or your party is near by and is) use that!  It doesn't matter if it's a moderate social or moderate physical consequence.  He only gets one so burn it up any way you can.  He can't clear away mild social consequences with recovery powers, so you're negating part of a multi-refresh power if he has them.

Very good point, hitting him with Intimidation at the start could land a social Consequence which will complicate things later on. Especially if it means he can't take the soft Physical Consequences that he can heal even while we're fighting.

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Re: How do you win an evenly matched one-on-one fight?
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2011, 07:49:57 PM »
Rig it.

Yep. :)  If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin' hard enough.