Author Topic: Need help Finishing a Creature  (Read 4549 times)

Offline Becq

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2011, 09:58:21 PM »
Well, you *could* take Diminutive Size.  Yes, it limits damage to 1 stress, but that's before damage bonuses (and those stunts grant a lot of damage bonuses).  It definitely goes well with your concept...

As to bumping up the skills ... I guess it depends.  Do you want the group to fight a couple of these guys, or a bunch of them?  If the former, then probably best to bump up the skills some.  If the latter, then you might want to tone down the powers a little ... maybe remove one or both of the 'REALLY' stunts.  (Note that even toned down, these guys could be pretty dangerous in a group, since the Locomotive/Breadbox stunt makes for great coordinated attacks.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2011, 05:47:29 AM »
Bump a Good skill up to Great and add an average skill to get a completely legal Feet In The Water skill pyramid.

I'd probably say no to a supplemental during a sacrificed action.

Offline Becq

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2011, 01:28:43 AM »
I'd probably say no to a supplemental during a sacrificed action.
I think I agree.  But ... well, I'll play devil's advocate for a moment.

Consider the rules for overflow.  I've just performed my actions for the turn, possibly including a 'normal' supplemental action.  I rolled well (or am so skilled that even a modest roll was well more than I needed.  Which means that I have extra shifts that I can spend on doing anything allowed for by a supplemental action.  So I've done two independent supplemental actions as well as a main action as my 'normal' activity for the exchange.  (Without the need for any stunts or powers.)

With the feat we're discussing, I would be spending two full exchanges worth of activity for an attack action plus a maneuver.  I'd be allowed one supplemental action (which would have to be movement to qualify for the charge, unless I happened to have Speed as does the Sabre-Toothed Gnome), but wouldn't get the supplemental action I normally would get during the second exchange.

Is this reasonable?  Should the loss of the second supplemental, along with the vulnerability inherent in being a sitting duck for an exchange (though still able to defend normally, of course) be considered the cost of using the stunt, beyond the Refresh paid for it?

Another thought.  I'm rolling once (for the original attack) and counting the result separately toward two actions (the attack and the 'bonus' maneuver).  Assuming the roll was more than enough for the maneuver action to succeed, how reasonable would it be to allow those extra shifts to be spent via the overflow rules on a supplemental action (possibly one that takes place during the next exchange, rather than immediately)?

Again, I'm just thinking out loud -- er, rather thinking out visably -- rather than arguing that this is how it must or should be.  Thoughts?

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2011, 02:28:09 AM »
...I'm sorry, I don't follow.

Offline Selrach

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2011, 04:28:35 AM »
Apparently I would much rather post than sleep.

Offline Becq

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2011, 11:16:32 PM »
Alrighty, I'll try again.

Normally, I can do only a single action during an exchange.  But I can choose to do a supplemental action as well at the cost of -1 to the roll.  Not only that, but if I roll more than I needed to on my main action, the overflow rules (YS214) let me spend those 'extra' shifts to perform an additional supplemental action.

Example: I'm trying to run down a hallway, but there's a security guard blocking (in the way, not actually Blocking) my way.  I start off by moving one zone to reach the security guard (a supplemental action).  As my main action, I use ... oh, say a Fists maneuver to place a 'Flat on the floor' aspect on the guard.  I roll, he resists, and I beat his roll with several shifts to spare (even counting the -1 for performing a supplemental move).  The overflow rules allow me to spend those shifts to move additional zones, one zone per shift -- I've bowled over the guard, and continue running down the hallway.  Summary: I've done two supplemental actions and a manuever action in a single exchange, without any stunts or powers to help me.

Are we on the same page so far?

Now lets add the Redirected Force stunt (YS152) to my character sheet and continue the ...

Example: Having made it past one guard, a second one charges at me and tries to tackle me.  I easily beat his roll, which lets me trigger Redirected Force to knock him 'Flat on the floor', too.  On the following exchange I can do nothing, while the security guard at my feet stands up and throws a punch, and the security guard I had left behind leaps to his feet and tries to catch up.  Summary: I've done one maneuver action (a bit earlier than normal) as the entirety of what I'm allowed to do for the entire exchange, with no supplemental actions allowed.

If I had just let the attack miss instead of triggering the stunt, I could have reprised my last action, slamming the second guard against the wall and (assuming I rolled well enough, which I believe is likely do to the relative training levels) continuing down the hallway -- ie, maneuver plus overflow supplemental.  If the optional Spin rules (YS214) were in effect, I might even have a +1 to my roll to do so, in effect increasing my sprint by an extra zone.

Was that any clearer?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2011, 04:34:36 AM »
So, what you're saying is that overflow could let you have that supplemental action.

Eh, maybe. The effects of overflow are mainly GM fiat anyhow.

Offline Dravokian

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Re: Need help Finishing a Creature
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2011, 04:41:03 AM »
i like Mini-taur more then the gnome name myself...