Hey, the examples are right there in the book.

As are the guideline used for creating them:
"Give a +2 to a specific application of a nonattack trapping (note that a maneuver, page 207, is not an attack, as it doesn’t inflict stress). This may be reduced to +1 for a broader application, or increased to +3 or even +4 for very, very narrowly defined situations."
So, for example, +1 to the dodge trapping of Athletics when using full defense counts as a 'broader application', while +2 to the social defense trapping of Empathy when trying to sort out the lies of someone who you've previously caught lying counts as a normal-breadth 'specific application'. I imagine planetary alignments play a rol in stunts that grant a +4...
"Give one or two expendable 2-shift effects (e.g., additional mild consequences) or a persistent 1-shift effect (e.g., Armor:1 against certain types of things). Lean towards one expendable effect if the application is broad (e.g., vs. all mental stress), two expendable effects if it’s narrow."
Blunt trauma (but not cuts, punctures, and burns) count as 'certain types of' stress sources. Any physical stress counts as 'broad' for the expendable armor (ie, consequence), and mental stress from torture counts as 'narrow'.
Also, @Silverblaze: Keep in mind that a magical block is 'expendable', being lost the first time it's overcome. Magical armor is 'persistent' through the duration of the spell. So that factors into that 2:1 ratio, too.