Thank you for the feedback

it been really helpful
*I read the RPGs and ran a couple of games with then (since the other had no clue about fate or DF, I had to GM). It part of the reason why I doing this, so I can fully get my head around the rules.
*the reason why his powers are so high is because I writing him after "The Last Olympian" where he gotten some major upgrade (Curse of Achilles). This is basically Dresden after becoming the Winter Knight. If it was at the start, his powers would look something like this
Skills and Power:
- Aquatic [–1]
- Human Form[+1]
-- Supernatural Recovery [-4]
-- Supernatural Speed [-2]
-- Supernatural Strength [-2]
-- Supernatural Toughness [-2]
- Marked by Power [-1]
- Sponsored Magic (Poseidon) [-4]
- Inhuman Speed [-2]
- Inhuman Strength [-2]
- Inhuman Toughness [-2]
*the reason for the overlap is to represent two different powers
- the first is the Curse of Achilles, which make the user nearly invulnerable, except in one weak point. They also gains extreme physical powers - heightened strength and reflexes - and a body that almost automatically fights. However, this places an enormous amount of stress on the body, requiring a warrior under the curse to be careful not to over-exert himself, which happens more quickly than before. this is the main reason why his inhuman skills get upgraded to supernatural, and his supernatural to Mythic
- the second is his Water-Induced Abilities, which boost his physical powers to godlike levels while he in contact with or in the presence of water. However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless he is completely submerged in water. Hence the human form (when he near water, he transform into a god, otherwise he human) . He also drawn in power to heal and sustain himself.
*the Sponsored Magic basically represent his control over his father domain (Storms, earth-quacks, water)
as for rip-tide, I haven't got a clue how to stat that up. same with stunts