Author Topic: CLINT EASTWOOD  (Read 3159 times)

Offline fantazero

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« on: November 10, 2011, 01:36:55 AM »
Also I have an Idea for an Clint Eastwood Character that I've been making for fun.

Character:  The Man with No Name
Player: Clint Eastwood
High concept: Emissary of the Old West
Trouble: Unforgiven
 Other Aspects:
Where Eagles Dare
Any Which way you can
Magnum Force
Coogan's Bluff
The Good the Bad and the Ugly ( or split these up and make them 3 aspects?)

+5 Guns Athletics
+4 Presence, Endurance
+3 Conviction, Fists
+2 Alertness, Weapons
+1 Might, Intimidation

Stunts and Powers
-1 Marked by Power
-3 Item of Power
No Name's Revolver [-3]
Description: The Man with No Name's Revolver.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. (Magnum Force)
Skills Affected: Guns
[-0] Purpose. Forged from the swords of Fallen Angels the Revolver is to be used by its wielder to punish the wicked
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 3 Revolver.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big revolver, not easy to hide, oh and its shiny
[-1] Did he fire six shots or only five? ...No need to count how many shots, Revolver never needs to reload +1 to guns
[-3] Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?... Being as it's the most powerful handgun ever made and could blow your head clean off, When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armor for a scene.

-1 In the Line of Fire
Add +1 reach to normal Zone range on all weapons/guns

-1 *squint*
when an opponent rolls a Mental or Social Attack they are restricted to one 3 dice if in Visual Range

-1 Rawhide
Can Ride any animal

Refresh 10, Skillpoints 30

Offline SnakeoilSage

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 01:53:21 AM »
I saw a Saint of Killers build once (from the comic book <i>Preacher</i>) but he was a monster with no free will. This build is fantastic for a player.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 02:12:15 AM »
The Saint Of Killers.


Anyway, I can't comment on the character's quality, since I know nothing about the source material.

So I'm just going to nitpick.

1. The IoP costs 3 refresh, but it has a 2 refresh rebate and only has 4 points of powers. I suggest you add True Aim to make up the disparity.

2. In The Line Of Fire should probably apply only to guns.

3. I can't tell what the other two stunts do.

Offline fantazero

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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 03:48:32 AM »
The Saint Of Killers.


Anyway, I can't comment on the character's quality, since I know nothing about the source material.

So I'm just going to nitpick.

1. The IoP costs 3 refresh, but it has a 2 refresh rebate and only has 4 points of powers. I suggest you add True Aim to make up the disparity.

2. In The Line Of Fire should probably apply only to guns.

3. I can't tell what the other two stunts do.

Um...The Last one is Clint Eastwood Squinting or glaring at you, and if you see him you can only role 3 die instead of 4 if you're attacking him Mentally or Socially? (its an idea I guess)
Rawhide is because Clint was on Rawhide and I dont know, ran out of steam.

You gotta read yourself some Preacher man, its so good.

So wait, the Item of Power should take up 1 extra Refresh than what I have now?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 04:04:09 AM »
Squint is interesting but not all that useful. After all, rolling less dice in this game isn't a bad thing.

Maybe make it inflict a -2 penalty to any social attack he defends against with Presence?

As for Rawhide, I think that you can already ride any animal with your Survival skill. But since Clint doesn't have Survival, how's about making it let you use Athletics to ride?

The IoP as written should not cost 3. It should cost 2. But if you add True Aim, it will be appropriately costed.

Offline spac3_pop3

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« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 06:46:37 AM »
Or maybe have the *squint* stunt allow for a +2 bonus to his Intimidation when he doesn't speak?  Another homebrew stunt that one of my players made was "Quick Draw" which gave him +2 to his Guns if he draws and fires his gun in the same turn.  It's something I can see Clint Eastwood having on his character sheet.  Awesome idea, btw.  I often thought about making character sheets for real world people, after all, some of them (like the President, Steven Spielberg, and other fairly prominent people) are probably still around in the DV.

Offline tymire

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« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2011, 06:22:34 PM »
A couple things.

Athletics is way to high (should only be good)
Intimidate is too low
Alertness is too low (remember this is intiative also)
No Ride, Drive, Survival, or Discipline skills

Squit could just be a stunt that lets you use Intimidate with Presence (though Presence could also be a bit too high).

You would probably be much better off doing a broader tree.

Offline DFJunkie

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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2011, 08:34:50 PM »
Maybe Squint allows him to use Intimidation as Social Defense?
90% of what I say is hyperbole intended for humorous effect.  Don't take me seriously. I don't.

Offline Cyberchihuahua

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« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2011, 04:52:10 AM »
I like it, but I would have the skills closer to this.

+5 Endurance, Conviction
+4 Presence, Intimidation
+3 Guns, Weapons
+2 Might, Fists
+1 Alertness, Athletics


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Offline Becq

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« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 12:57:53 AM »
Here's an alternate idea for "Did he fire six shots or only five?", based on an advantage from Strands of Fate:
[-1] Did he fire six shots or only five?  No more than once per scene, you may spend a Fate point to declare that you have one bullet left.  You gain a +3 to the (single) attack, after which you are out of ammo and may not use the weapon again until you reload.  You may use this effect after accepting an 'out-of-ammo' compel, in effect returning the Fate point received for one more attack (with the bonus) before running out of ammo.
I haven't really thought too much about balance on this, so it might be that fiddling with the frequency is in order.  You might also want to consider adding in something that grants it a bonus when fighting against those specified by its purpose.  Perhaps +1 to attack and counts as 'holy stuff' against creatures who are 'wicked' [-1]?

Regarding "Squint", I agree with the above comments.  Number of dice don't modify the expected result, they only change variability.  So I'd recommend something more along the lines of "You may use Intimidation to defend against social attacks by someone who can see your eyes" or "You may always complement a social attack/defense with Intimidation if your opponent(s) can see your eyes".  If you combined this with swapping the skill levels of Presence and Intimidation, it could probably work well (though winning a conflict via Intimidation might carry its own tradeoffs).

For rawhide, why not say something along the lines of "You may use your Athletics in place of Survival for the purposes of the Riding trapping.

As one last thought, pistols are generally meant to be weapon 2.  While I'd be inclined to make exceptions in some cases, you should probably consider using an "It is what it is" rating of 2, then increasing the rating from there via a stunt/power.