Author Topic: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle  (Read 5109 times)

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2011, 04:23:42 AM »
Two interesting ideas relating to churches are in the movies Prince of Darkness, which takes place in a church in California which had been shutdown.  The second movie the The Church, which I had thought was located in Germany, but on watching the movie again it appears that the church could be anywhere in Europe.

In Prince of Darkness there is an ancient artifact discovered in the basement with mysterious origins.

In The Church, the church was actually built on top of something to act as a containment vessel.

By the same token though, the church within the circular roadway is also ripe for being a giant (literally) red herring where the players are convinced it has some significance when it's just a coincidence...

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Offline lokpik89

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Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2011, 03:15:29 PM »
Im tinkering with a tweek on the dark hallow idea
An old priest one of the exorcising order get fed up that the denizens of the lower worlds keep getting called to his world. so twenty years later he is the proud papa of a new ritual.  since nothing is ever truly created or destroyed his ritual summons binds and the changes or converts the demons essence both on this side and the other into a usable energy(not truly demonic anymore). I could see him using that circle to summon an ancient demon and some of the others he's banished before maybe drawing their essence through the church(the build up of faith being essential).
it worked on the small scale but by taking in more and more powerful demons his sanity's shot and he gets a power boost of considerable proportions,  the church becomes deconsecrated releasing the (insert critter here) and the cast of players notice to fireworks

Offline TheMouse

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Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2011, 06:37:42 PM »
What if the strength of the circle is based on street traffic around the road outside, and construction blocks that road off for a while?

There's something from the Exalted setting that has a really close relation with this idea: The Order Confirming Trade Pattern.

Without getting too much into the background (and thus way off topic), it's a pattern of trade networks designed to keep back the chaos that eats at the edge of the Creation. That chaos is filled with monsters and all sorts of nasties that want to rip the world apart, you see.

The many, many people that walk the roads of the Order Confirming Trade Pattern each grant a tiny amount of themselves to it. Although this doesn't take anything remotely measurable from the individuals, multiplied by all the people that travel the roadways it builds tons of power. All that power is concentrated into using the Pattern to hold back the tides of chaos.

This could be something really similar.

So each person traveling on one of the circle roads gives up a tiny bit of their life force. When I say tiny, I mean they need like 5 seconds of extra sleep to make it up, or something equally harmless. But with all the people that drive one of the roads every day, it builds a rather large charge.

The way that the area is constructed, each of the outer concentric rings channels the power it collects through one of the spokes and into the inner ring. Since there are several spokes, it doesn't really matter if one is blocked, because the excess power will just flow down another spoke.

But what indeed happens if the whole area is shut down? It's true that a magical battery that big could have built up a really epic charge. However, it's not infinite. It can be used up. And when it's gone, that's when it can be broken into/ out of.

That's actually a really interesting idea to run as sort of background noise. Come up with some innocuous Theme related to traffic and the roads, then mention during several stories the increasing amounts of construction. Play it up as flavour, and occasionally make it interfere with getting somewhere on time.

Then spring a major story involving whatever it is being kept in/out of the church. As soon as they understand the nature of the protection circle, the players will suddenly realize that you've been building up toward this for several stories.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2011, 02:02:37 AM »
That's actually a really interesting idea to run as sort of background noise. Come up with some innocuous Theme related to traffic and the roads, then mention during several stories the increasing amounts of construction. Play it up as flavour, and occasionally make it interfere with getting somewhere on time.

Then spring a major story involving whatever it is being kept in/out of the church. As soon as they understand the nature of the protection circle, the players will suddenly realize that you've been building up toward this for several stories.

That's AWESOME!!
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Offline TheMouse

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Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2011, 02:59:19 AM »
That's AWESOME!!

Thank you. I'm pretty pleased with the idea myself. (: