Author Topic: Noob Questions Revisited  (Read 10009 times)

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2011, 06:40:19 PM »
If you find yourself wanting to have narrative trump mechanics (or vice versa) there's probably something wrong with either narrative or mechanics.
In a game where narrative affects mechanics and vice versa?  Surprising...but probably a discussion for another thread.
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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #46 on: November 22, 2011, 06:44:53 PM »
Personally I ignore the range limits in the book as being *way* too short, and just go with what makes sense at the time.

It depends on your concept of zones really. Sometimes a zone can be small, but more often than not my table has used them to represent 10-20-30 yards at a time. There was one time we were running around in a large wood, and the GM had a zone barrier on all of the zones to represent the fact that they were a great distance apart (I.E. the zones themselves were very large but the places where the conflict was taking place inside them were small).

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #47 on: November 22, 2011, 10:33:36 PM »
How would one create a "damage shield"?
Example: a Fire evocation shield that also does damage to the incoming  attack (if Fists or Weapons).
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #48 on: November 22, 2011, 11:32:53 PM »
How would one create a "damage shield"?
Example: a Fire evocation shield that also does damage to the incoming  attack (if Fists or Weapons).
I don't think there's really a way to do this under the rules as written (which try very hard to avoid allowing people to get two attacks in an exchange, as having this shield up would).  You might be able to argue that modelling the shield as a maneuver (placing a 'Burning Aura' on yourself) might allow you to 'invoke for effect' to inflict a little 'environmental damage' on people attacking you, though this would be expensive fate-wise after the first use.

An alternate idea that isn't a RAW option but is probably not unreasonable is to model a spell as a 'contingent attack'.  That is, you cast an attack spell that is delayed, hitting the next person to attack you within the duration of the spell (which would default to 1 exchange unless you spent shifts to increase it).  The 'shield' would offer no defensive benefits, however.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #49 on: November 23, 2011, 04:32:12 AM »

I maintain that mechanics and narrative affect each other less in this game than in most others.


Description: Many supernatural abilities can be mimicked through an application of spellcasting. But that requires specialization, of the sort that this power represents.
Musts: A character must possess the Evocation, Channeling, and/or Sponsored Magic powers in order to use this one. Other powers to link this power to are also required.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Limited Powers. When you take this power, you must select at least one other supernatural power that you possess. Which powers may be selected with this power is a matter of the GM's discretion. The selected powers are disabled, and the character gets a rebate equal to one-third of the powers' total cost.
Magical Self-Enhancement. This power allows the user to grant themselves access to the selected powers through evocation. Such evocations may be of any element that makes sense, and they may be offensive or defensive. The power required of an evocation that grants powers is equal to the total refresh cost of the granted powers plus the intended duration. The user may extend this effect using the normal rules for the extension of evocation, and they may choose to grant themselves only a few of the selected powers. This also allows them to grant lesser versions of the selected powers. For example, a character who had selected Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed with this power may grant themselves Inhuman Strength for 5 exchanges with a 7-shift evocation.
Magical Enhancement [-varies]. This option removes the rebate from Magical Self-Enhancement, making the total cost of the power 0. In exchange, it gives the user the ability to cast power-granting evocations on other characters. Please note that these evocations cannot be zone-wide.

Damage Shield [-1]
Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity.
Musts: Nothing in particular.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This power works against against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1]. This power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #50 on: November 23, 2011, 08:10:36 AM »
Are those on the custom powers thread? I really dig Magical self-enhancement, because it allows people to gain powers with magic, but more importantly they're still paying refresh for the powers.

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2011, 10:41:50 AM »
@Sanctaphrax: Awesome!
I'm the ComputerKing, I can Do Anything...
Into the Dark, A Podcast dedicated to Villainy

PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Noob Questions Revisited
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2011, 07:13:40 PM »
Glad you like 'em, these are some of my best work.

Although the balance of the upgrade for Magical Self-Enhancement is questionable.

They're both on the custom power thread, but good luck finding them. There's a reason I've been working on a master list.