Author Topic: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks  (Read 14533 times)

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2012, 01:44:43 PM »
I think I recall someone mentioning that if a shifter (I think the example used was the Alphas) went through a threshold, they would retain their physical powers from their wolf form, they would lose the ability to switch into the wolf form, if they weren't already in it. Which means that inherent physical enhancements might not be affected by the threshold.
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2012, 04:16:45 PM »
The one thing about that is Harry's threshold (he's a bachelor in a rented apartment, remember) is really weak--in game terms, maybe a Fair rating.
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2012, 04:53:09 PM »
So do thresholds effect toughness powers also or speed?

Definitely, you can still reduce the effect by several shifts. Toughness drops stress boxes and armor, speed's bonuses are reduced, etc.

So size and toughness, probably no?  Cloak of shadows - yes?

Size... If you're big, you're going to stay big and if you're small, you're going to stay small.

But toughness? Think about it this way. All toughness powers have a catch, a situation when their toughness doesn't work. Which means that they aren't just tough, they're magically tough. When they don't have access to the magic, they don't have access to the toughness.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2012, 08:59:19 PM »
Ok thresholds are pretty awesome then.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2012, 12:00:44 AM »
Yeah.  Essentially, they're a persistent block.  With enough skill and / or power you can break through it...but you'll have to do so every time you attempt something supernatural. 
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2012, 12:28:14 AM »
I prefer them as suppressors. Blocks are too much "all or nothing" for me.
The book mentions four ways they can work/do work. 
Suppression sounds closest to cannon.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2012, 12:41:27 AM »
It's explicitly both block and suppressor.  (YS230)  I think "persistent block" is simply how I envision the suppression.  Might be more accurate described as 'armor' (which is a persistent block) but it's a mental thing for me.  Armor against changing shape didn't fit...I like persistent block better.  I may get over my persistent mental block someday.   :-[
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2012, 01:04:58 AM »
So it acts as all four of the mentioned effects at once?  That seems really cool.

Certainly explains why thresholds are meaningful and why nobody screws with the Carpenter house.

Though...I suppose burning down the house woul mitigate said factor.... :o

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2012, 01:23:35 AM »
So it acts as all four of the mentioned effects at once?  That seems really cool.

Indeed. A threshold works in all of those ways, all of the time. They're pretty badass.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2012, 01:44:34 AM »
So it acts as all four of the mentioned effects at once?  That seems really cool.
Yes, as sinker says, they're "badass".  ;)

Personally, I like the fact it explicitly used the fractal.  Stress tracks and consequences are an easy (well, relatively easy) way to deal with big wards.  Easier to pound the stress track down and inflict a "Inoperative Landmine" consequence than to dispel the entire thing.  It also means the ward can be repaired - recovering it's consequence inflicted issues. 
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2012, 01:46:21 AM »
Well thanks for all the input. 

I'm more impressed with them now.  I also feel Bless This House is very (situationally) powerful in the instances where it can be used.

I assume monsters do not get thresholds...but snce wizards Whampires?

I guess my next question is what creatures qualify for having a threshold?  red court infected ..yes?  Changeling - yes?  Fae - no...?

Alpha style werewolves?  yes?  I hope...

« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 01:49:28 AM by Silverblaze »

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2012, 01:51:26 AM »
Nah, Bless This House still sucks.

Look at Michael Carpenter. He has Bless This House. He also has a character concept heavily values family, and that concept is reflected in his Aspects.

He gets +2 to his Threshold from Bless This House. He also gets +2 to his Threshold from having good family values.

Unfortunately, the (free) family values bonus is actually better than the bonus that Michael spent Refresh on. It has fewer restrictions and it can potentially give more than +2.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2012, 02:01:56 AM »
Nah, Bless This House still sucks.

Look at Michael Carpenter. He has Bless This House. He also has a character concept heavily values family, and that concept is reflected in his Aspects.

He gets +2 to his Threshold from Bless This House. He also gets +2 to his Threshold from having good family values.

Unfortunately, the (free) family values bonus is actually better than the bonus that Michael spent Refresh on. It has fewer restrictions and it can potentially give more than +2.

So does Charity. (have Bless This House)  They both have a conviction higher than the normal them like a 10 threshold.  Hard to make a bad guy meaningful when he/she/it loses 10 from it's shifts, has a 10 shift block on the remaining powers, and may be taking a 10 shift hit each round it exists inside the threshold if it was pure spirit.

Still pretty useless most of the time, but I think the above mentioned situation is pretty nice.

You never weighed in on the rest of the thread though.  please do so.

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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2012, 02:20:36 AM »
The best way to improve Bless this House within the existing rules is to use it on every threshold the character is near.  While "house" is in the title, the description specifies any place with a threshold.  Running water, roads, a fence line, perhaps even dusk and dawn if you can figure out how to make it relevant. 

Don't really think that's enough to make it an optimal choice, but it is useful for more than just a home.
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Re: A few questions on thresholds and Incite Emotion for blocks
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2012, 02:39:12 AM »
I think your improvement is RAW as it is, UmbraLux.  The title and description of the feat do seem to differ from the mechanics listed under effects, but I would argue that the defined mechanics (which say that all that is needed is your presence in a place that has a threshold) trumps both the decription (more or less flavor text) and title (entirely flavor text).