Author Topic: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics  (Read 3097 times)

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The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:52:05 PM »
So, my players decided that my earlier idea of The Ghostbusters vs. Harry Dresden was fine for a short one-shot adventure, but not really fodder for a long-term campaign.

Oh well.

Instead, we've settled on more of a government consipracy theme...  If you are familiar with them, imagine an independent organization like the Archer Foundation (from the eponymous Spycraft RPG setting) jointly funded by a consortium of national governments and international organizations.  In recent years they've acquired all the resources and information of competing organizations like the Extraterrestrial Combat Operations Mission (XCOM!), the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense (Hellboy!), U.N.I.T. (Dr. Who!), the Ghostbusters and so on.

At any rate, the point is, the organization might not have spellslingers or wizards, per se, but they would make use of psionic talents and methods discovered during their research into extraterrestial biology and technology...  Telepathy, Telekinesis, Extra Sensory Perception and the like.

I've already run across a thread or two discussing the possible game mechanics behind psionics.  For my purposes, I'm going to use existing magical and supernatural powers, carefully picked and refluffed.  As far as the rules go, they'll work more or less identically to magic, just with different special effects.  The reasoning being that psionics are just, effectively, a sort of magic using a different source of faith and belief (pseudoscience!) to power them.

What I need advice on is:  How would the assorted supernatural factions react to such an organization? How would the Seven Laws of Magic apply to psionics, or would they apply at all?  And how might the White Council deal with mortals possessing magic-like supernatural powers, but who are backed by, funded by and take orders from mortal authorities?


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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 07:39:45 PM »
What I need advice on is:  How would the assorted supernatural factions react to such an organization? How would the Seven Laws of Magic apply to psionics, or would they apply at all?  And how might the White Council deal with mortals possessing magic-like supernatural powers, but who are backed by, funded by and take orders from mortal authorities?

Depends on which of these is true:

The reasoning being that psionics are just, effectively, a sort of magic using a different source of faith and belief (pseudoscience!) to power them.

Would mean that, IMO they are basically using the same power source as other Wizards, simply under a different pretext. As such the White Council would be within its rights to claim jurisdiction, the Laws of Magic would apply as usual, and they wouldn't be happy with the involvement of Wizard's in the business of mortal authorities.

...but they would make use of psionic talents and methods discovered during their research into extraterrestial biology and technology...

As in Aliens? From outta space, or just not specifically our conventional Earth? The latter would include the Fae etc, and arguably other supernatural creatures.

I'm curious, because if it is Aliens; we've no precedant for how to utilise it. If the latter, it'd depend on whether or not the previous quote was also true; in how their magic works. If it isn't actually magic, but an ability like Incite Emotion (which could easily be justified as magic, by someone who didn't know better) than no Lawbreaker stunts would be necessary. Although the White Council might still take you down, just to be sure.

Either way, sounds like an interesting idea. Hope you come up with something satisfactory.

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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 08:23:49 PM »
As in Aliens? From outta space...

Yep.  As in Martians.  As in the War of the Worlds actually happened about a century and a quarter ago (and several later, smaller invasions and infiltrations), and the world at large rationalized it, dismissed it and forgot about it in the same way that they did the War between the Faerie Courts over Chicago that happened in Summer Knight.

I'm curious, because if it is Aliens; we've no precedant for how to utilise it. If the latter, it'd depend on whether or not the previous quote was also true; in how their magic works. If it isn't actually magic, but an ability like Incite Emotion (which could easily be justified as magic, by someone who didn't know better) than no Lawbreaker stunts would be necessary. Although the White Council might still take you down, just to be sure.

I wonder if could leave the question open for now...  Keep it as a plot point and a bit of tension between the Foundation and the White Court, and let the course of the adventures and the actions of the players determine the true answer to the question of whether or not it's actually magic or something else.



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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 08:36:25 PM »
That is cool. I'd love to play at that table; would definitely find an item of power relating to the Thunderchild, some how. Sounds like you've an interesting set up going on, nice work. Although I think it is a bit of a stretch for humanity to forget the invasion as portrayed in the musical, book, radio broadcast and/or movies, but there we go. If it works at your table; awesome.

You can definitely leave the question unanswered for now; providing nobody starts breaking laws, or stepping on too many White Council toes. At that point, you're pretty much going to be forced to make a decision on the subject. So it is likely a good idea to have thought it out before hand.

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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 09:49:09 PM »
How would the assorted supernatural factions react to such an organization?

Most of them are predators and would see this as a threat, as the mortals organizing against them.  Most of them wouldn't likely act directly against such an organization because they wouldn't want to call attention to themselves, but they would definitely be hostile.  I imagine some groups (like the WCV and the RCV) would attempt to infiltrate the organization.

How would the Seven Laws of Magic apply to psionics, or would they apply at all?

This is really up to you.  I don't think that the laws are mechanically necessary, but without them your game will be much less restrained.  Things will explode, people will die, etc.  Figure out what you want from your game and go for it.

And how might the White Council deal with mortals possessing magic-like supernatural powers, but who are backed by, funded by and take orders from mortal authorities?

I imagine that they would be concerned.  Naturally they would view this from within their frame of reference and assume that these are magically gifted individuals.  Wardens would be dispatched to warn them about the laws, however the whole stance of neutrality among the nations would likely prevent any direct action unless they could prove that someone broke a law.  Additionally I can't say that the government would treat the wardens like anything other than crazy men in cloaks.

Of course all of this assumes that any of the supernatural factions even knows that these operatives exist.

Of note if you want to play this a little darker I've done this kind of thing before, but with actually magically gifted individuals in a black ops unit.  The government assumes that they've made psychic soldiers and sends them out secretly to kill, etc.  Of course they're still using magic and are breaking the laws of magic left and right.  It was fun.  Here's the link to the thread I had.,27475.0.html

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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 09:54:38 PM »
I've been toying with a similar idea of Psionics but have been thinking of modeling it like the Shonen Jump manga Psyren. I keep hitting dead ends with my ideas though.
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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2011, 05:55:55 PM »
That is cool. I'd love to play at that table; would definitely find an item of power relating to the Thunderchild, some how. Sounds like you've an interesting set up going on, nice work. Although I think it is a bit of a stretch for humanity to forget the invasion as portrayed in the musical, book, radio broadcast and/or movies, but there we go. If it works at your table; awesome.

Of course, the published and dramatized accounts might be  perfectly (or even remotely) accurately.  Suffice it to say that at least one Martian spacecraft landed in England at the end of the 19th Century (and perhaps another in New Jersey in 1939, and another in Southern California in 1953), that they were opposed primarily by clandestine military special forces, and that the invasions were covered up and explained away as various types of natural and/or industrial catastrophes.

This is really up to you.  I don't think that the laws are mechanically necessary, but without them your game will be much less restrained.  Things will explode, people will die, etc.  Figure out what you want from your game and go for it.

I think what I'm going to do is treat Psionics like a Sponsored Magic. 

That keeps it different enough from standard Wizardry that the Foundation can make a case for being independent from White Council authority, but similar enough that the White Council can make a case for it.  Also, it gives me the option of applying the Lawbreaker stunt, should I want to or need to (I like the seductive Dark side quality to applying it), without necessarily having the characters under the jurisdiction of the Wardens' laws and penalties.

Of course all of this assumes that any of the supernatural factions even knows that these operatives exist.

Of note if you want to play this a little darker I've done this kind of thing before, but with actually magically gifted individuals in a black ops unit.  The government assumes that they've made psychic soldiers and sends them out secretly to kill, etc.  Of course they're still using magic and are breaking the laws of magic left and right.  It was fun.  Here's the link to the thread I had.,27475.0.html

That's pretty close to what I was thinking of...  The Foundation is just beginning to become of the larger supernatural world, and the supernatural world is just beginning to become aware of them.  Hilarity ensues.

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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 03:29:17 AM »
On Laws: I assume psiconics to be an extension of mental might.  using your force of will and personality to effect the environment.  Similar to magic, i'd use mental stress for it etc.  One cannot kill with magic if they do not beleive they can.  One cannot move a brick with their mind unless they believe they can.  Lawbreaker stunts should apply, well in my opinion.

The Council: they'll try to rule over them and apply hte laws to them even if you rule the psionicist does not tgain lawbreaker stunts.  The council takes no chances and they can be a$$es.

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Re: The Supernatural Politics of Psionics
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 12:07:14 PM »
On Laws: I assume psiconics to be an extension of mental might.  using your force of will and personality to effect the environment.  Similar to magic, i'd use mental stress for it etc.  One cannot kill with magic if they do not beleive they can.  One cannot move a brick with their mind unless they believe they can.  Lawbreaker stunts should apply, well in my opinion.

Yep...  I was thinking the something similar.  It's that whole "Dark Side of the Force" thing.  I think the Lawbreaker stunt should apply (though I might be just a little less strict with some applications of it than what suggested), regardless of whether or not the White Council has legal jurisdiction over Psions. 

That, of course, will be something for the Senior Council to hash out with the Archer Foundation's corporate lawyers.  And perhaps an intriguing background plot that the PCs could influence and be influenced by.