I know why only a single track exists also...helps balance wizards.
There are other minor reasons but in the end, that's why.
I know it's RAW. i like game balance as much as the next guy...likely moreso...
I even respect the reasons for most of the rules, I completely understand... it's the social consequence part I don't get or like. I suppose that's just one more reason I don't like social combat.
I know it is supposed to be gritty...I just don't get how social consequences should effect combat...I understand mental and physical ones should. It also really makes the game sort of "easy" in my opinion.
Just get a group of three players. Have the social guy initiate social combat...have him inflict a few consequences, have a WCV or mental character apply a few conseqeucnes then shoot the foe a few times, virtually any problem solved. By that same token, beat someone up prior to socail combat etc.
Can't tag the innapropriate consequences, but for some reason since they got embarrased or infuriated, I can knock them out/make them retreat easier? Yeah...that makes sense...

i know you can get stressed out and run away or give up...but lets just say you can't escape...the consequences don;t really present an accurate way of knowing how much physical punishment someone can take. Just because, I have a sever social consequence..I can't take a beating like I normally would? i can risk dying instead?
I'm just not seeing the sense. Sort of curious why there isn't just one stress track also.
However... I'm also aware I won't be budging virtually
anyone on my view, so i think I'll just drop it.