Author Topic: So he is going to fight some Blampires...  (Read 4623 times)

Offline CottbusFiles

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So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« on: October 28, 2011, 08:00:20 AM »

in the solo game i'm running the character is going to take on a Black Court hide out.
He has made 6 potions. One is a "I'm drenched in garlic" aspect potion. Two are 3 rounds power 5 blocks against entering the same zone and attacking him (also garlic based). And 3 high powered (i think 7 shifts) holy water attack potions.

He would kill the vampire really easy. Looking at his preperations, should i let him fight 2 vampires? Should it be more of a social conflict maybe since the vampire is clever and knows he can't get close to him? Would that still be dramatic?

Another idea is to let him take out one vampire and then have another waiting in the shadow. The PC has no Alertness, Investigation to speak off so he wouldn't be able to find the hiding vampire. Than they could have a social conflict. Does that sound good or is it unfair?

A totally prepared character is scary...
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Offline Judanas

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 08:42:57 AM »
Give the Vampire a gun.

I think a Black Court that has lasted very long should be smart enough to go 'I should stay out of holy water and garlic range sometimes'

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 11:01:56 AM »
The vampire is hardly going to be hanging out in a cardboard box just waiting for someone to come along and stake him.  He'll have some prep and emplaced defenses too.

Things I'd think about, if I were a black court vampire:
I don't have a wizards tech problems, so plenty to electronic security.  That will work versus more mundane threats, and non-wizards.  And any wizard coming for me will cause it to fail, meaning that I'll have some warning.

Simple physical barriers.  Some heavy metal doors and similar stuff between me and the world give me more time to get organized, if someone attacks me.  Sure that can be broken, but that take time and energy.

Using my mental powers on people tends to make less stable results, by a pack of Renfield dogs is probably a fine thing to keep around long term.
So you are looking at skill 3 or 4 dogs with maybe base weapon 1 teeth, with possibly some inhuman stats.  And they know how to stack maneuvers against a single target to bring it down quickly.

Some more intelligent stuff to guard me would be nice too.  Of course, since I'm going to be pretty much helpless during the day, it needs to be something I have a great hold over.  So while simple hired security may work for my outer perimeter, I'll need something much more loyal as a last resort.  Of course, if I have the knack for more delicate mind whammies, I may be able to keep some humans around, long term.  If not, then I'm looking at things like bound demons, magical constructs, and similar stuff.

I'll have a selection of awesome fire suppression systems, for when they try to set me on fire.  For example, I note that Halon based fire suppression systems both put out fires and make it very hard to irritating fleshy vampire hunters to breathe, something to keep in mind. 

Ideally, I also have a getaway that my coffin can be stuffed into, as a last resort, and something I trust to drive me away.


So, my setup might look something like this:

I have an outer perimeter of mundane guards.  They have guns, radios, armor, night vision goggles, various electronic alarms, and so on.  Since I can't take them over and still trust them to do their job, they aren't trusted to guard the inner perimeter.  I also have some solutions in place in case they get turned against me, but they are paid well and threatened carefully, so it would probably take supernatural action to do that.

Then, my middle perimeter is guarded by a pack of 'Renfield' dogs:
The look something like:
Athletics 3, fists 3, alertness 3, stealth 3, might 3
inhuman strength, inhuman speed, weapon: 1 teeth possibly inhuman toughness, or maybe just tailor made bullet resistant armor.

Likely combat tactics are several dogs trying to generate maneuvers against you based on steath, athletics, or might and then just one or two dogs cashing in those maneuvers to bring you down.

They probably stand a reasonable chance of finding someone coming in under a veil too.


The inner perimeter will probably have a couple of bound demons on constructs to make a mess of things, something like Kalshazzak (OW p36). 

And if all that fails, then I have a smarter, servitor, who knows how to drive.  He'll have directions to load my up in the armored car (either one of those 'executive protection' style armored limos, or a cash transport type) are drive out of there, while leaving the whole place exploding or on fire to confuse the issue.


Remember that the vampire nest that Harry attacks was put together in something like a week, and was just there to trap him.  The permanent home of a survivor of the Stokerlypse will be much better defended.

Offline Drulinda

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2011, 12:38:28 PM »
Give the Vampire a gun.

I think a Black Court that has lasted very long should be smart enough to go 'I should stay out of holy water and garlic range sometimes'

Im just suprised we havent seen a senerio like this in the books yet, a blampire with a gun or a sniper rifle would be plain scary.... come to think of it with their strengh a bounchy ball can be a daneruous weapon, cant get close to an arrogant faith user? throw your trusty ball at the right angle, have it knock the person out before they see it coming and dinner is served.

Though to actully answer the question unless your characters going up against a couple of hungry newbies who know nothing about staying unalive then you should definatly consider other physical defenses and if your character is fighting alone based on obervations from BR taking on two blampires at the same time may be a little much.

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2011, 01:50:18 PM »
He has made 6 potions. One is a "I'm drenched in garlic" aspect potion. Two are 3 rounds power 5 blocks against entering the same zone and attacking him (also garlic based). And 3 high powered (i think 7 shifts) holy water attack potions.

First off, kudos for taking ANY sort of preparative measures.  While I understand your desire to provide a challenge, don't give into the urge to counter everything your player has come up with.  What's the incentive to plan and prepare if the NPCs are just going to have the counter for whatever you do?

However, even without Renfield cyborg attack dogs with laser sights and getaway APCs, a BCV has some fairly simple counters to the preparations listed above:

1.  Potion with the garlic aspect?  That's fine - the BCV has worse things to worry about, but if you wanted to get rid of this, I'd suggest setting off the sprinkler system.  It'd have to beat the maneuver strength of the potion, though, which... should be DC3 if it's just a maneuver-via-potion?

A sprinkler system is also a great defense against wizardry in general (running water) and against being set on fire.  They're innocuous, they're everywhere, and I don't think you could call BS on a bad guy holed up in any sort of vaguely industrial building or even an apartment building having one.

2.  The block 5 against entering the same zone?  Thrown weapons have a range greater than this potion's effects.  The BCV can throw a knife or a chair or a minion.  Possibly even a motorcycle or fridge.

3.  The holy water bombs?  Dodge them.  The BCV doesn't have the beat the PC's potion strength, it has to beat their Weapons skill to throw the potions.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2011, 03:58:14 PM »
Here's an idea - rather than fight to the last, when the Black Court Vampire realises that he's going to lose he runs away.  Maybe he mists, maybe he veils, maybe he just hauls ass faster than the PC can run.

Then he starts trying to attack his attacker and it become a game of cat and mouse (with them debating who the cat is) until the PC can track down his lair again.

Or given him some mundane security.  Not a Renfield but a rent-a-cop.  One who hmmms to himself and plays games on his smart phone so the PC can see "Him normal - don't blast".  This way he has to think his way passed that security setup.

And if you want to make it a death trap (and I mean death trap) have the Black Court Vampire in the basement (or other sealed room) with a security system rigged to a fire suppression system - one that dumps the air while flooding the room a neutral (oxygen free) gas.  The Black Court Vampire (since he doesn't have to breath) is unharmed while any living types are screwed.  This could lead to a "break the security door / reinforced wall / etc down so we can breath" or and escape to the Nevernever or death - especially if the Vampire is attacking as the PC suffocated. 

Hope this helps


Offline Magickal_Grenadier

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2011, 03:59:45 PM »
A sprinkler system is also a great defense against wizardry in general (running water) and against being set on fire.  They're innocuous, they're everywhere, and I don't think you could call BS on a bad guy holed up in any sort of vaguely industrial building or even an apartment building having one.

Dont' forget though, Running Water also satisfies The Catch for a BCV.
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Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2011, 04:35:00 PM »
Dont' forget though, Running Water also satisfies The Catch for a BCV.

Balls!  You're right.

Dude, don't have a sprinkler system.  :)   The halon/whatsit system is much more vamp-friendly, although it also ups the ante from "magic dampener" to "suffocation attack".  Foreshadow it or warn accordingly, although with what you're saying about the PC's Alertness, maybe they get what they deserve.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2011, 09:37:01 PM »
Other good defenses:
A "false" coffin - one with a lesser vampire in it that looks a bit like the head vampire.  Or even just a dead body that resembles him - something like that could fool the hunter.

A false coffin with a skeleton that has a stake through its rip cage and a note "Rot in HELL!" signed by van Helsing.

A metal hyperbolic chamber instead of a coffin - those things are very hard to break into.

An obvious coffin that sets off a trap with the real one hidden behind a false wall.

An alarm system that calls 911 when it's tripped during the day - so the police can come and arrest the armed intruder.  Say something that tracks movement and automatically calls if it breaks down or loses power.

Locked security often work well.  So does a false door that's on a solid stone wall - obviously that's magical stone, right? And we have to tunnel through.

It depends on how intelligent the vampire is, but anything that can fool a hunter can buy the vampire a few precious minutes of time to do something to stay alive... er... Undead.

(Who is no longer allowed to help people design havens for their characters at the local vampire LARP)

Offline polkaneverdies

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2011, 10:14:43 PM »
I can see why they don't let you help you tricksy bastard.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2011, 11:25:35 PM »
When it comes to hiding coffins, one of the best ideas is one I've stolen from a Patrick Steward film.  Right after Star Trek ended he was in a film where he played a local criminal boss who had a "retirement fund" (i.e. a large stash of cash for when he was too old to do his criminal activities - tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds).  One day his son and a couple of his son's friends decided to steal that retirement fund.

Lots of bad things happened (very bad), but at one point there were people digging up a treasure.  About five feet of digging later they find a suitcase with a few thousand (or maybe it was just a few hundred) pounds.  They curse, assume that someone already has the rest of the cash, and are bummed out.  Later someone returns and digs another couple of feet to find the real stash.

That's a surprisingly useful trick - bury something with a small value over something with great value.  I mean, who's going to keep digging after they find a treasure - even a small one? That sort of misdirection can be priceless when it comes to hiding something - especially the coffin that the Black Court Vampire actually uses.  A fake coffin here and a real coffin there means that no one does the "holy water, holy wafer" bit in his real coffin.


Offline The Mighty Buzzard

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2011, 02:01:12 AM »
Five pound weight rigged to fall into the tub of nitroglycerin in the bottom of the coffin when the lid is opened more than ten degrees.  Ruin their entire day.
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Offline toturi

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2011, 02:24:16 AM »
Another idea is to let him take out one vampire and then have another waiting in the shadow. The PC has no Alertness, Investigation to speak off so he wouldn't be able to find the hiding vampire. Than they could have a social conflict. Does that sound good or is it unfair?
Without Alertness or Investigation, how did the character track the vampires to their lair or find out about the vampires' presence in the first place?
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Offline The Mighty Buzzard

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2011, 03:49:06 AM »
Without Alertness or Investigation, how did the character track the vampires to their lair or find out about the vampires' presence in the first place?

Blind chance/GM fiat I expect.  That's usually how my players find plot critical bits out when they don't notice that I've been beating them over the head for half a dozen sessions with clues.  Thankfully that's a pretty rare occurrence anymore.  As is our old tendency to do things like decide to take a random, thousand mile road trip fifteen minutes into the session.  I think we had more fun foiling GM plots than we did NPC ones back in the bad old days.
Violence is like duct tape.  If it doesn't solve the problem, you didn't use enough.

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Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2011, 06:15:50 AM »
If he's wizard with the sight then he can use Lore in place of Investigation for supernatural things... And Contacts are always good when it comes to tracking someone down.
