Just as an additional note, all of the PCs sheets
are now up (click on the photos for the sheets).
For the benefit of those who don't like clicking links, here they are too.
Richard Merovech Masson
Our resident Wizard and former White Council black-bag man. Played by Acrozatarim.
High Concept: The Spy Who Hexed Me
Trouble: The Sea’s Lost Children
I Never Really Was On Your Side
I Despise The Arrogance Of The Powerful
Tearing Off The Mask
Watch, Wait And Learn
Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Good (+3): Burglary, Deceit, Stealth
Fair (+2): Alertness, Investigation, Empathy
Average (+1): Athletics, Weaponry, Presence
[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] The Sight
[+0] Soulgaze
[+0] Wizards Consitution
Evocation Disciplines: Air, Spirit, Water
Evocation Specialisation – Air (Power +1)
Thaumaturgy Specialisation – Crafting (Strength +1)
Focus Items:
Prospero’s Gloves – +1 offensive control for Air
Sea’s Lost Compass – +1 defensive power for Water
Enchanted Items:
Tarasque Hide Jacket – +2 Armour 2/Day
Snake King’s Watch – Veil (+4-strength block vs sight) 2/Day
Velvet Mask – Shapeshift to match target’s appearance & voice (+5-strength manoeuver on self) 1/Day
Gevaudan Fetish – Attack (+5-strength Spirit attack) 1/Day
Cold Lightning – Air Attack +5 (Lightning bolt)
Shimmer – Spirit Block (Sight) +4 (Veil)
Tempest – Air Offensive Manoeuver +5 (Knocks target from their feet, opposed by target’s Might, applies ‘Knocked Down’ temporary aspect
Wavebreak – Water Block +5
Physical Stress: □□
Mental Stress: □□□□
Social Stress: □□□
Faris al-Farik
Scion and primary beatstick. Played by Kiero (ie yours truly).
High Concept: Reformed Scion of Vlad Drakul
Trouble: History is Written in Blood
Former Mamluk
Through Hope My Chains were Broken
Red Knight’s Nemesis
Comrades in Arms
Parkour Troupe
Great (+4): Athletics, Fists, Weapons
Good (+3): Alertness, Discipline, Endurance
Fair (+2): Intimidation, Might, Survival
Average (+1): Empathy, Lore, Stealth
Stunts / Powers:
[-1] Cloak of Shadows
[+1] Human Form affecting:
-[-2] Inhuman Speed
-[-2] Inhuman Strength
-[-2] Inhuman Toughness*
[-2] Inhuman Recovery*
[+2] The Catch: Holy Weapons, water, items etc
[-1] Wall of Death (Weapons)
Physical Stress: □□□□[□□]
Mental Stress: □□
Social Stress: □□
Oriana Stefani
Our White Court Vampire. Played by Mrok Girl.
High Concept: Favourite Daughter of House Stefani
Trouble: Femme Fatale
The Price of Kapital
Everyone Has a Price
The Silver Capricorn Will Triumph
Viva la Revolution!
Only the Best
Great (+4) Deceit, Discipline, Resources
Good (+3) Guns, Athletics, Empathy
Fair (+2) Contacts, Alertness, Presence
Average (+1) Fists, Intimidation, Rapport
[-1] Emotional Vampire
[+0] Human Guise
[-1] Incite Emotion: Greed (Touch Only)
[+1] Feeding Dependency (Greed):
[-2] Inhuman Recovery*
[-2] Inhuman Speed
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[+0] The Catch: True Charity
Physical Stress: □□
Mental Stress: □□
Social Stress: □□□
Hunger Stress: □□□□
Oliver Monfort
Our Champion of God. Played by psleger.
High Aspect: Enlightened Holy Warrior
Trouble: The Dusty Halls of Academia
University’s Champion
Belief’s Proven
Failure’s Price
Learning’s Lure
Evil’s Nature
Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Weapons, Scholarship
Good (+3): Resources, Discipline
Fair (+2): Presence, Fists, Athletics
Average (+1): Alertness, Performance, Investigation, Empathy, Craftsmanship
[-1] Bless This House
[-1] Guide My Hand
[-1] Holy Touch
[-2] Righteousness
Physical Stress: □□
Mental Stress: □□□□
Social Stress: □□□
J.B. Clarke
Our Emissary of Power. Played by ?? (not sure what her RPGnet handle is)
High Aspect: Chosen of the Dolydd Dwr
Trouble: In service to the great…. again!
Freelance Security Consultant
It should’ve been me
Earth’s Gauntlet
The Subtlety of Wizards
Thicker than water
Great (+4): Alertness, Rapport, Empathy
Good (+3): Athletics, Fists, Lore
Fair (+2): Discipline, Endurance, Presence
Average (+1): Contacts, Driving, Guns
[-1] Marked by Power
[-1] Supernatural Senses (Earth Affinity)
[-2] Worldwalker
[-2] Inhuman Recovery*
[-2] Inhuman Toughness*
[+2] The Catch: Must be touching the ground
[+2] Item of Power (Gauntlets of the Dolydd Dwr):
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-1] Claws
Physical Stress: □□□[□□]
Mental Stress: □□
Social Stress: □□□