Author Topic: Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table  (Read 1838 times)

Offline Dravokian

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Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table
« on: October 27, 2011, 04:37:00 AM »
OK so I have a Ectomancer in my Group that wanted a table for summoning random or selected ghosts. I created this table. I thought I'd share it with everyone here if anyone needed something similar. At first glance I thought the table seemed overpowered but after some play testing I found that it has worked very well... as an example the shift cost for a guarantied comp 8 random ghost is 13 shifts. 1 for random and 12 for +8 Minimum. For a selected type of ghosts is 15 shifts. 3 for selection and 12 for +8 Minimum. Then on top of that all the regular summon, contain, and bind costs for thamaturgy are added on top of it. So the lower levels are much more realistic. I added the higher in just in case. It makes itself useful as well when you need a quick and dirty random ghost or your wizard pulls a local ghost to him to ask it a few questions about the night before. That way you don't have to spend the time writing out a ghost.

Hope everyone can make use of it if it works for your games. Enjoy.

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« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 04:39:33 AM by Dravokian »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 04:57:42 AM »
I'm afraid I don't understand.

How many shifts would I need to summon a Caster Ghost with maximum competency and 2 stunts? Does the Caster Ghost get spellcasting powers for no extra complexity?

How about summoning a Gunner Ghost with competence level -1 and 1 stunt?

Offline Dravokian

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Re: Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2011, 05:15:10 AM »
ok the stunts first off are just a random roll... its optional and should be left to the gm's discrestion. To select a caster is 3 shifts... max comp would be 12 shifts. keep in mind that it is a randomized table. so the 12 shifts give you a +12 on your comp roll... meaning if you get a -4 you still get 8 for max. so to summon a max comp caster ghost would be 15 shifts. And he would be a ghost of a caster... so the skill sets are the costs.

As to magic it would be up to the gm or read the below spoiler,
(click to show/hide)

Basically the table allows you to roll for summoned random ghosts. you could use a 1 shift summon to bring up a random type of ghost from comp lvs -4 to +4. the extra shifts are to choose the type and give a bonus on the second roll for comp lv... the idea is your pulling a ghost to you and the end result is at least partially randomized... unless you can sense every ghost in your range then you wouldn't be able to tell exactly what your pulling.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2011, 07:58:03 PM »
Hm, alright. Sounds interesting.

I think that the higher competence levels are too high, though. There is not even one example of a character with a Legendary skill in OW. Letting random ghosts be so strong just seems kinda wrong.

Offline Dravokian

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Re: Summonable and Bindable Ghost Table
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2011, 03:53:09 AM »
more or less i agree with you... mainly in there just for the role play value... realistically contain/bind would be ridiculous high shift spell... but it adds a cool element for a ghost so far gone its ridiculous... plus u have to do a high shift spell to get a possibility of them anyway... works in my game seeing as the general comp isn't high... take a hefty roll on the table on top of a decent spell... if it doesn't work at your table simple solution... remove comp levels 5-8