Author Topic: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy  (Read 1723 times)

Offline Arcane257

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Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« on: October 22, 2011, 07:36:43 AM »
Ok first off lets make sure I am on the right page here (YS175) Demonic Copilot gives a +1 to every roll while you are shapeshifted that is in keeping with spirits agenda, but you also have to resist that roll with your discipline every time or eat mental stress.

I had a player try one of these for a one shot a while back and he got taken out by his own belt halfway through the game. Did I run this right? The player had fun being the howling mad bartender with a grudge who went completely bonkers by the end of the night, but yeah it felt off to me. I mean I know the belts are bad news and all, but did we see any of the FBI pack get taken out mid novel and leave Harry sitting there going WTF? It just feels like this adds up really quick for a 1 point power.... and even worse it makes it so if you spend a fate point to get something done in combat you pretty much need to spend another on the discipline roll or risk exploding your own head.... Nuffle help you if you spend more than one FP on hurting someone.

Anyone else have any experience with this?

Offline Selrach

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Re: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 08:08:48 AM »
Most people do consider it a bit excessive. I think Sanctaphrax commented that it is only worth using on skills lower than your Discipline otherwise your character will mind rape himself.  So yes you were running it right and yes the power is a bit wacky.

I do not think anyone has tried to change the power itself, but I believe there is some stunt/powers out there that can make it a bit more manageable.

Honestly the power is a cool idea, but I thinks it's just easy to use an aspect for the same purpose than taking the power.
Apparently I would much rather post than sleep.

Offline Blackblade

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Re: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 08:18:23 AM »
A little while ago, I though of a slight modification of the power that was used to represent a particularly potent hunger for White/Red Court vampires.  Instead of dealing mental stress, though, it would affect the hunger track. 

It would be brutal on WCV's using it with Incite Emotion, since they would probably have to defend against an ~8 point attack every time.

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Re: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2011, 08:01:08 PM »
As Selrach says, I'm not a huge fan.

But it pays to keep in mind that being taken out by your Co-Pilot might not incapacitate you. It could just send you into a killing frenzy, and therefore not reduce your fighting ability at all.

PS: Does Demonic Co-Pilot work when one isn't shapeshifted? I had always assumed it did, but the OP here implies otherwise.

Offline Arcane257

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Re: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2011, 09:47:37 PM »
YS 175 skills affected: ones used by the shapeshifted form. I took that toean the stress only happens while shifted compells though could be at anytime to represent the addictive quality of the belt/item/thing

Offline TheBiggs

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Re: Demonic Copilot seems a bit roll heavy
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 05:40:26 AM »
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the agents had in fact been taken out. It's just that in this particular case, taken out simply means the demon copilot takes over, and you don't have a say in your actions anymore. Welcome to monsterland.