I've read his journal and even have a copy printed out

Great material in there.
I'm almost wondering if I couldn't try a George R.R. Martin Approach. His Song of Ice and Fire series, while written in third person still only focus on one character per chapter; their journey, thoughts, activities of the moment.
I know for me myself it's a lot easier to read first person than third, although I read through Martins work fine, and I've read the Harry Potter series without any trouble (Of course most of the books are YA). If anyone here has ever read Lee Child's Jack Reacher novels; I read the first one, loved it, it was in first person. Moved to the second, in third person, and kept losing my place. It kept switching up characters and locations to quickly for me to keep up.
So on the one hand I feel first person are where my strengths are, but on the other I feel there's an overabundance of first person UF out there already, but maybe that's because 3rd POV UF sucks lol, I dunno.
Aw hell, I'll just write the book in both.....Coming to a book store near you!!!!..........................in 2017!!!