Author Topic: Ideas for scenarios for our New York campaign?  (Read 2029 times)

Offline Watson

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Ideas for scenarios for our New York campaign?
« on: October 31, 2011, 06:29:11 PM »
I am finally starting up our DF-game next week and it could be useful to get some ideas about where I could take the story. I put the summary of the current situation as a spoiler. The cast of characters is a Changeling, a Wizard, a WCV and a Worldwalker.

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Offline Kiero

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Re: Ideas for scenarios for our New York campaign?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 10:38:40 PM »
Did you ever see the short-lived TV show New Amsterdam? For some reason the mention of the Dutchmen wants to suggest an immortal cop who cannot die until he finds his true love, who might happen to have crossed paths with them down the years.

All four PCs could potentially be older than a regular mortal lifespan; have they come across these Dutchmen before?

Have you got any smaller ideas for things that don't involve the major factions? Like things that are specifically about New York itself? Not everything has to tie into the grand situation, after all.

Offline spac3_pop3

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Re: Ideas for scenarios for our New York campaign?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 11:30:35 PM »
May sound cheesy, but what about a group of Pigeon-weres?  Some of the birds that learned how to turn themselves into human beings?  Have some news reports mention the alarming increase in the amount of homeless in the city, which are really the birds learning how to spontaneously become human in appearance.  This could lead a food shortage, which forces the pigeons and actual homeless to start stealing in greater and greater numbers?  Can take this in any direction you want, maybe an all out riot starts among the homeless, etc etc.

Or indulge in the stereotype, and make it a little humorous with an ongoing war between the pigeons, rats, and roaches all fighting over turf and food?

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Ideas for scenarios for our New York campaign?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2011, 03:38:14 AM »
Alligators in the sewers?

Statue of Liberty and the attitude of New Yorkers since 9/11 being a strong symbol of hope not allowing WCV that feed on despair into NYC?

Hell's Kitchen...not just a name?

New York supernaturals vs Jersey!

Supernatural and human crimelords leading various organized crime families vying for territory?

All those immigrants arriving at Ellis Isle could have a strong minor magical community, Greek, Italian, (other mediteranean).  Gaul myths, Celtic myths...the list pretty much goes on forever if you look at immigrants and what magical talents may have come with them...or magical creatures also. 

New York reminds me a lot of Chicago in the sheer size and melting pot-esque qualities...both cities have a lot of history too.