Author Topic: Cleaning Up The Stunt List  (Read 44677 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #315 on: April 07, 2012, 08:39:14 PM »
Alright, I'll ditch those two unless someone comes up with something clever.

An edited version of the last post will probably go up tonight.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #316 on: April 08, 2012, 07:27:29 AM »

Cracker: Using a computer and hacking one are pretty much the same thing. You may use your Scholarship skill to defeat computerized security.
Programmer: You know how to code. Add a new trapping called Programming to your Scholarship skill. The Programming trapping is used to write, edit, and analyse computer code. This trapping goes beyond simple Computer Use and into the domain of professional computer people.
Studies: Your education blurs the boundaries between the magical and mundane. Pick a subject (eg. fortune-telling). Add one to your Lore and Scholarship skills when dealing with that subject.
Notable Scholar: You are known for the quality of your work. You may use your Scholarship skill for the Reputation trapping of the Presence skill.
Expert Appraisal: Through long experience you have developed an excellent sense of what things are worth. Add a new trapping called Appraisal to your Scholarship skill. The Appraisal trapping is used to determine the value of objects and to perform Assessments and Declarations concerning the qualities of objects. (A similar stunt could exist in Investigation or Resources.)
Professional Teacher: You not only know things, you know how to teach them. Add a new trapping called Teaching to your Scholarship skill. The Teaching trapping is used to teach people things associated with the Scholarship skill, and for social interaction with one's students. (A similar stunt could exist in many other skills.)
Quick Diagnosis: You've been a doctor long enough that making diagnoses is routine. You may make medical assessments three time increments faster.
Master Of Factoids: You know a lot of little things that have an odd way of coming in handy. Add two to your Scholarship skill when using it to Declare Minor Details.
Plastic Surgeon: You know how to rearrange someone’s face permanently. Add a new trapping called Plastic Surgery to your Scholarship skill. The Plastic Surgery trapping is used for maneuvers and Declarations that affect the appearance of one's patients. With a sufficiently high roll, it can even inflict consequences or alter permanent aspects.
Research Is Research: Honestly, there isn’t much difference between reading up on quantum physics and reading up on voodoo. You may use your Scholarship skill to perform research into supernatural topics.
Scientist, Not Wizard: To you, magic is just an obscure branch of science where humanity’s understanding is lacking. You may use your Scholarship skill to determine the base complexity of any rituals you perform.
Master Of Riddles: Your intelligence lets you run circles around those you talk to. This may take the form of actual riddles, or perhaps just complex logical arguments. You may use your Scholarship skill to make social attacks and maneuvers intended to confuse and overawe people. Such attacks and maneuvers can be defended against with Rapport, Scholarship, or Empathy.
Formal Logic: Arguing is, in fact, a thing that you can learn in school. You may use your Scholarship skill to make social attacks and maneuvers that are phrased as logical arguments. Such attacks and maneuvers can be defended against with Rapport or Scholarship.
Pre-Prepared Counterpoint: You’ve heard that argument before, and you know how to defeat it. You may use your Scholarship skill for the social defence trapping of the Rapport skill.
Non-Academic Studies: Not all subjects are taught in university. You may add an additional field of knowledge to those covered by your Scholarship skill.
I Have Lived History: You know the history of the world very well because you were around for most of it. Add two to your Scholarship skill when using it for knowledge of the past.
Strategist: Unlike most people, you have been trained in the science of military strategy. Add a trapping called Strategy to Scholarship. This trapping allows you to make Assessments, Declarations, and other rolls related to strategy with your Scholarship skill.
Meteorologist You are trained as a meteorologist and so you are skilled at predicting the weather. You may use your Scholarship skill plus one to make Assessments and Declarations about the weather.


Sneak Attack: You prefer to attack by surprise. When preparing or carrying out an ambush, add two to your Stealth skill.
Deadly Shadows: It's easy to kill someone who can't see you, regardless of your skills. When attacking a character that cannot see you, you may use your Stealth skill to instead of your Fists, Weapons, or Guns skills.
Traceless: You don’t seem to leave footprints. The difficulty of any attempt to track your movements is three shifts higher then it normally would be.
Among The Seaweed: You are a master of submersible subterfuge. Add two to your Stealth skill as long as you are at least partially underwater, and reduce the difficulty of moving stealthily through water-based borders by two.
Silent Tank: For some strange reason, you are capable of sneaking around while wearing 30 pounds of steel plate armour. You may ignore up to two shifts worth of penalties to your Stealth rolls from encumbrance.


Outdoorsman: Your extensive field experience helps you operate in the wild. You may have your Survival skill complement your Stealth and Investigation skills as long as you are in the wilderness.
Rider: You could play a game of poker in the saddle if you wanted to. Add two to your Survival skill when using it to ride.
Urban Survivalist: You prefer the concrete jungle to the leafy one. Add one to your Survival skill as long as you are in an urban environment. Furthermore, you may use every trapping of the Survival skill while in a city.
Supernatural Survivalism: You've spent time in the Nevernever and have a pretty good idea of how to survive there. Add two to your Survival skill as long as you are in the Nevernever.
They're In the Trees: Basic wilderness survival includes a great deal of stealth. You may use your Survival skill for the Hiding and Ambush trappings of the Stealth skill as long as you are outdoors.
Fisherman: You fish. It’s how you get your food. When attempting to Live Off The Land in an area of water, add three to your Survival skill.
Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference: Thunderstorms don't scare you. Sometimes you don't even notice them. You have an armour value of 1 against all environmental stress. This armour stacks with all other sources of armour.
Frontiersmen Have To Improvise: Making stuff out of the things around you is an integral part of wilderness survival. You may use your Survival skill instead of your Craftsmanship skill to build things out of scavenged materials.
Superior Tracking: You could track a bacterium across ten parsecs of glass in a rainstorm with your eyes closed. Add two to your Survival skill when using it to track.
Caveman Lifestyle: You know how to live naked in the wilderness. Ignore two shifts worth of increased Survival difficulty from lack of tools.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Dealing with animals, who don't talk, has given you an excellent grasp of body language. You may use your Survival skill to see through the Disguise and Distraction and Misdirection trappings of Deceit.
Animal Magnetism: It's a bit demeaning to equate seduction to animal training, but in your experience there isn't all that much difference between the two activities. You may use your Survival skill instead of your Rapport skill to seduce people.


Footwork: With skilled footwork you can parry or avoid anything your opponents throw at you, as long as you have the familiar weight of a melee weapon in your hands to guide you. You may use your Weapons skill for the defence trapping of Athletics as long as you are wielding a melee weapon.
Weapon Focus: You've trained to use a specific type of weapon. Choose a type of weapon. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack with that type of weapon.
Weapon Specialization: You know how to attack effectively with a specific type of weapon. Choose a type of weapon. Your attacks with that type of weapon inflict two additional stress.
Weapon Mastery: It's easier to defend yourself when you are using your weapon of choice. Pick a type of weapon. When using that type of weapon to make a defense roll, add two to your Weapons skill.
Tie 'Em Up: It's actually quite possible to tie a guy up in the middle of a knife fight. It just requires a little bit of skill. As long as you have a lasso, a fighting chain, a set of bolas, or some similar weapon, you may use your Weapons skill to maneuver and grapple against targets up to one zone away. (A similar stunt could exist in Might.)
Master Of Restraints: (Requires Tie 'Em Up) You are very good at restraining people with weapons. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it with your Tie 'Em Up stunt. (A similar stunt could exist in Might.)
Backstab: You aren’t so much a warrior as an assassin. Once per scene, when ambushing someone, you may spend a Fate Point to inflict four additional stress on a successful attack. This stacks with all other damage-increasing stunts.
Hidden Weapons: Your knowledge of weapons helps you conceal them. You may use your Weapons skill to conceal weaponry.
Twist the Knife: You know how to exploit the wounds of your opponents. Add one to your Weapons skill when tagging or invoking one of a character's consequences to benefit a Weapons attack against that character.
Defeat Armour: You are a master of finding weak spots in a coat of armour. All of your attacks with the Weapons skill ignore two points worth of worn armour.
Mounted Combat: You know how to fight from atop a horse. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack while riding an animal.
Power Attack: You put all your strength into an attack, increasing power at the expense of precision. You may take a -1 penalty to an attack roll before rolling to increase the stress inflicted by that attack by 3.
Shield Carrier: You know how to use a shield. Add one to your physical armour score as long as you are carrying a shield.
Phalanx Fighting: (Requires Shield Carrier) You know how to use a shield in a formation. Whenever you take a full defence action while carrying a shield, you may select two other characters in the same zone as you who have this stunt. Increase each of their physical armour scores by one until your next turn.
Quick Draw: You can draw and use a weapon in a single motion. You take no penalty when drawing a weapon as a supplemental action (page YS:213); if you're in a race to see who draws first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to draw, gain a +1 on the roll.
Iaijutsu: (Requires Quick Draw) You are trained in iaijutsu, the art of drawing a sword. The first attack you make with a sword each scene inflicts two additional stress. Furthermore, you may add one to your Weapons skill when making it.
Bows Are Weapons: They totally are. You may use your Weapons skill to wield bows, including crossbows.
Legendary Archer: (Requires Bows Are Weapons) Bows are not just weapons, they're your weapons of choice. When wielding a bow or crossbow with your Weapons skill, increase the range of that weapon by two zones.
Warrior Culture: There’s a certain fellowship among those who fight for a living. You may use your Weapons skill in place of your Contacts skill when dealing with other warriors. Anyone for whom combat is the centre of life is a warrior as far this stunt is concerned.
Know Your Blades: As a result of advanced training, you are able to recognize many styles of combat, using Weapons as a knowledge and perception skill focused on fighting. This enables you to make assessments and declarations related to fighting styles and fighting culture using your Weapons skill. Such rolls are made at +1.
Enchanted Item Master: Using magical weapons is slightly different from using normal ones, and for you it's much easier. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack with an enchanted item.
War Leader: Your subordinates bring out the best in you. Pick a group of people. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack while commanding those people in combat.
Combat Sense: You have learned to compensate for a loss of sight in battle. You never take environmental penalties to Weapons rolls from blindness, even if compelled. What's more, if an aspect based on blindness you possess is tagged or invoked by an opponent of yours during combat, it provides no benefit to the invoker.
Zatoichi: Your non-vision-based methods of fighting are very useful in situations where everyone is blind. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack an opponent who cannot see clearly.
My Weapon Speaks For Me: A guy with a weapon and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Weapons skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a weapon.
Mirror Stance: Your unusual fighting style lets you defend effortlessly when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you are attacked with a weapon of the same type that you are wielding yourself, you may inflict a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so, you must defend against the attack using your Weapons skill.
Reflection Shatters the Mirror: Your unusual fighting style makes your attacks hard to defend against when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you make an attack with your Weapons skill against a target who is wielding a weapon of the same type as you, that target takes a -1 penalty to their defense roll.
Two-Handed Training: Two hands > one hand. Attacks that you make with your Weapons skill using a two-handed weapon held in both of your hands inflict two additional stress.
Focused Strike: Given a moment to aim, your attacks are devastating. Add two to your Weapons skill when using it to make an aim-based maneuver.
Jump Attack: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It's not easy to attack as you land a jump, but you're pretty good at it. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to make an attack in which an aspect created through Fight By Jumping is tagged.
Gravity Helps: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It stands to reason that an attack with the weight of a falling body behind it will deal more damage than one made on the ground. When you tag an aspect created through Fight By Jumping to boost a Weapons attack, that attack inflicts two additional stress.
Perfect Parry: You are a master of not attacking anyone in a fight. Add two to your Weapons defense rolls when taking a full defense action. This stacks with the normal benefits provided by full defence.
Precision Strike: You know where to hit, and how to make it count. Successful Weapons maneuvers that you make are treated as though their thresholds of success were two higher than they actually were.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #317 on: April 08, 2012, 07:29:10 AM »
Okay, I made some unplanned changes.

I limited Mounted Combat to boosting attacks.
I restricted stunts to their linked skill wherever there was any possibility that they could be used with another skill.
I moved the Weapon Body stunts to Fists so that they move all of Weapons into Fists rather than the other way around. They work better this way.
I renamed the Lasso stunts.
I ditched the Experimenter stunt because, as it turns out, experimentation is a basic part of Scholarship's research trapping.
Didn't change Superior Tracking at all, after all.
Limited Backstab to once/scene.

Here are the stunts that have been moved out of the last post:

Futuristic Weapons Proficiency: You're either from the future or very up to date about weapons technology. Increase your Guns skill by one when using it to attack with cutting-edge prototype weapons or weapons from the future. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons.)

Battlefield Schooling: (Requires Armed Arts) Years of combat experience have given you extensive knowledge of weapons and their use. You may use your Fists skill for the Weapon Knowledge trapping of the Weapons skill.
Armed Supremacy: (Requires Battlefield Schooling) All forms of combat are as one to you. You may use your Fists skill in any situation where you would normally use your Weapons skill.

Anyway. The list is very nearly done. All that's left is to look over the thing and to see if anything looks off.

So let me ask y'all for a favour. Read the list. The whole thing, preferably. And if anything looks less than absolutely perfect, say so. Because when this is over, I want it to be over.

I intend to have the whole project over and done with on Easter Monday. So that's when I plan to update the Resources Board thread.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #318 on: April 08, 2012, 08:18:46 AM »
Know Your Blades contains superfluous benefits, knowledge about fighting styles (and thus the ability to make declarations and assessments regarding them) is already included in the Weapons skill.  Merely expanding that to include 'fighting culture' and applying a +1 bonus seems a bit weak.

War Leader seems to provide a counter-intuitive benefit.  It would seem more appropriate, to me, for a stunt by that name under Weapons to move the Command trapping of Presence to Weapons for dealing with soldiers (as well as anyone else who happens to be in or around a combat or similar situation) and provide a +1 bonus for that purpose.
A stunt providing War Leader's benefit, on the other hand, would seem to me to be better served by the title 'Lead from the Front' or something of the sort.

Combat Sense' 'even if compelled' clause is inappropriate.  If they can't take penalties from that situation, then they can't reasonably be compelled for that purpose.  And if they can be compelled for that purpose, then a mere stunt isn't going to change the result.  Wash, rinse, repeat for the enemy-invoke clause.

Mirror Stance should probably just be simplified to provide a +2 to weapons for the purpose of defending against attacks made with an appropriately similar weapon (the margin of error for which should probably be clarified).
Reflection Shatters the Mirror could probably use a similar edit, being careful to word it in such a way that the bonus applies only to the target(s) who happen(s) to be wielding appropriate weaponry.

Focused Strike does not provide the benefit it describes.  It makes aiming easier rather than making attacks more devastating if the attacker had the opportunity to aim.

Jump Attack and Gravity Helps both grant rather standard-issue benefits.  This is not something I'd expect from stunts which have 2 prerequisites.

I really have no idea what Precision Strike is trying to accomplish other than guaranteeing a sticky maneuver, which would only require half of the provide bonus.  This I would call a bad thing.
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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #319 on: April 10, 2012, 02:54:06 AM »
Agh, dammit. I meant to have this reply done yesterday. I guess I'll have to push back the finish line a bit.

If you have any of these comments for earlier posts, please make them. They're very helpful.

Know Your Blades is mostly there as permission for Declarations, so to speak. But now that I think about it, I might be the only GM who uses stunts that way. I'll broaden it a bit.

I will take your suggestions for War Leader.

Combat Sense was written to accommodate various different approaches to modelling blindness. As a result, it's slightly incoherent. I think I'll switch it back to negating 2 points of penalties. And I'll add a note saying that it doesn't work in games that model blindness differently.

Mirror Stance and Reflection Shatters The Mirror is the way it is thanks to the intent of the original author. I think it's weird, personally, but it works so I don't plan to change it.

Will change the fluff of Focused Strike.

The jump stunts are a bit boring for stunts with pre-reqs, I admit. But while pre-reqs do let you push the envelope, they don't mean that you have to do so. So I think I'll leave them as is.

Precision Strike guarantees stickiness, helps with spin if that rule is in use, and makes it harder to remove the resulting aspect since most people seem to use the maneuver result as the difficulty to counter the maneuver. Do you think that that's enough of an effect? If not, what changes do you suggest?

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #320 on: April 10, 2012, 03:38:29 AM »
Spin only applies to defense rolls, so Precision Strike won't affect that.

It affects 'thresholds of success' which I had assumed was a reference to 'degrees of success', in which case it would not make the resulting maneuver more difficult to remove, as that is a measure of how much beyond a minimum success you have achieved, not a measure of how many shifts you actually garnered, which is the basis often used, as you say, for determining the difficulty to remove a maneuver.

The problem with that is that I really don't know what this stunt WAS meant to do.  Because it doesn't really do much of anything meaningful. (sticky-ness isn't worth anything near a whole refresh, even at stunt prices)

Personally, I would rework the stunt in its entirety. 
Judging solely based on the name of the stunt, and that it works with generating maneuvers, I would suggest increasing the bonus value granted by tags of appropriately placed maneuvers.
'When you or an ally tag a Weapons maneuver you placed on an enemy to gain a bonus to an attack against that enemy, it provides an additional +2 bonus to their attack against that enemy.'

The language includes some redundancy that might be able to be cleaned up, but it's there to prevent shenanigans like a single-target maneuver somehow making an entire zone worth of enemies more vulnerable to a fireball.
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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #321 on: April 10, 2012, 04:21:44 AM »
I'll be honest, I'm not scrutinizing these as I know we've discussed most of them.

I am skimming and so far I am not finding much to talk about. 

I'm also rather busy only able to be on the forums for a bit at a time.  Apologies for my relative silence on the matter.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #322 on: April 10, 2012, 04:42:19 AM »
@Silverblaze: Fair enough, I really shouldn't be spending time here either. Should be studying for exams. But whatever.

@Tedronai: Oops, forgot that my approach to spin is idiosyncratic. But the threshold of success thing is easily corrected.

But you're right, the intended effect is unclear and the stunt could use a rewrite. So let's contact the writer of the stunt. I'm sending computerking a PM, hopefully he'll clear things up for us.

@everyone: And now I'm going to do what Tedronai just did, but for the whole list and from my own perspective. Hopefully my biases won't lead me to miss anything important.

Had to force down my nitpickiness to do this, otherwise half the stunts would be getting reworded.

Planned changes:

The Boss will be rephrased to match the other trapping adders. And I'm removing the "in a particular category" restriction, because it seems pointless. I'm also going to make its effects clearer.

Minions is going to disappear. I don't think you need a stunt for this.

Stunts building off of The Boss will be moved into Contacts for clarity's sake. And Minions will be replaced with The Boss in prereqs.

Sermonize will be rephrased to match the other trapping adders. And its effects will be made clear.

It's Part Of The Job needs a typo corrected.

Occult Ceremonies should really be a trapping adder. I don't know if Performance actually does ceremonies.

Artistic Spirit needs to be brought into line with the other modification stunts.

Blank Face doesn't need the **.

I Get By needs to be brought into line with the other modification stunts.

Strategist will be rephrased slightly to match the other trapping adders. And it will be removed from Scholarship, on account if it already being in Presence.

Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference will be made to only work against physical stress.

Any objections to these planned changes?

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #323 on: April 10, 2012, 09:56:42 AM »
Precision Strike guarantees stickiness, helps with spin if that rule is in use, and makes it harder to remove the resulting aspect since most people seem to use the maneuver result as the difficulty to counter the maneuver.
This is what Precision strike was meant to do.
My fault for the confusing language on the original effect. I wanted a stunt for the guy who can hobble a target at will, for example.
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #324 on: April 11, 2012, 05:16:48 AM »
Okay, I'll have it make maneuvers sticky and boost the difficulty to remove them. Seems a touch weak still, but not unacceptably so.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #325 on: April 14, 2012, 03:15:14 AM »
Alright, everyone. It's done. See the final product here.

Is it not beautiful?

If there are no objections to what I have here, I'll update the Resources thread tomorrow.

Anyway, now that the project is essentially over, I want to thank you all.

This was quite a big project, and a fairly tedious one. Simply reading the entire stunt list is a decent bit of work. Working out what's wrong with it is obviously even more work.

But you guys were willing to read the whole thing and to tell me what was wrong with it. And when I was wrong about something, you made sure I knew it.

What's more, projects like this are much easier to do when you have other people to motivate you. I would have given up on this ages ago if not for y'all.

So I'm really grateful to everyone who worked on this.

Give yourselves a round of applause.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #326 on: April 14, 2012, 03:25:13 AM »
'project over''re funny.

I'll give the list another read through tonight and possibly tomorrow (it's a big list) and post any concerns or suggestions here in chunks as I go.
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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #327 on: April 14, 2012, 03:43:13 AM »
Hopefully, you'll come back tomorrow saying "IT'S PERFECT! CHANGE NOT ONE WORD OF THIS FLAWLESS MASTERPIECE!".

But of course you shouldn't say that unless it's true. And I don't think it is.

Anyway, thanks again for the extra revision.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #328 on: April 14, 2012, 07:23:19 AM »
Sentry: 'as long as you stand and watch' is a problematically vague condition, and the bonus does not seem to be in line with the description given
suggest 'endurance never restricts your Alertness skill due to lack of rest, you gain a +1 bonus to Passive Awareness so long as you have remained in the same zone since the previous exchange'
(better defining the condition for the bonus, and splitting the benefit to more appropriately reflect the description given)

Notice Tell: should specify social maneuvers/attacks so as to preclude interactions with other stunts as well as powers such as Incite Emotion, and to keep it from being overly broad

Master of the Tell: see above

Sportsman is overly broad, covering ALL trappings of athletics in an insufficiently limiting scenario (I seem to recall this having been discussed previously, but do not recall details beyond that)

Grew Up Doing This should include parameters or at least examples for what constitutes a reasonable definition of 'environment'

Land On Your Feet could use a rework to eliminate essentially the same problem suffered by Off-hand Weapon Training
recommend +2 to the post-halving result rather than eliminating the halving

Spring-Heeled: this stunt is strictly superior to the canon stunt 'mighty leap'.  it duplicates effectively the same benefit but in all applicable trappings of athletics instead of in a single trapping
suggest removing this stunt and replacing it with Mighty Leap for the purposes of those stunts that treat it as a prerequisite

Fight by Jumping: in accordance with the above change, remove the word 'further' in reference to this stunt's bonus; specify that the maneuvers are created with athletics

'The §$%& Bastard Will Not Escape' sounds more like an aspect than a stunt
this stunt is also worded so as to apply to all trappings of athletics in an insufficiently narrow scenario
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 08:11:14 AM by Tedronai »
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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #329 on: April 14, 2012, 08:45:23 AM »
(going to divide into multiple posts to stave off wall-of-text syndrome; I'll try to keep the multi-posting from getting out of hand)

Security Expert could use a language clean-up
replace 'blocking' with 'against'
replace 'the same target' with 'a target you have successfully Assessed using the Casing trapping to uncover flaws in their security'
replace 'as long as you have a chance to' with 'representing your attempts to'
specify that the time required to set up such a block, and its duration are at the discretion of the GM

Specialized Criminal is yet another example of a stunt inappropriately applying to the whole of a skill

Lupin: see above

Burglar's Signature: see above

Absolute Authority: see above

Friends Everywhere: see above

Chain of Command: see above

The Boss: the purposes, uses, and benefits of this trapping need to be better spelled out

Minions, Attack!: the means of determining weapon rating, range, etc. need to be better spelled out

Minions, Defend!: replace 'to defend against physical attacks' with 'for the Dodging trapping of Athletics'

Coordinated Attack: replace 'with your minions' with 'using the benefit of Minions, Attack!'

Human Wall: specify Dodging trapping as above

I'm Looking for Mr Brown: Maybe it's just me, but this seems to be effectively a +5 stunt
it moves the tracking trapping to Contacts or creates an equivalent trapping to the same end
it provides a +2 bonus for that purpose
it provides a benefit equivalent to a +1 bonus for that purpose
recommend dropping all bonuses and rewording it as a trapping mover/adder

On the Watch needs to specify reasonable limits for the broadness of the topic affected or provide examples to the same effect

Member: I'm going to just start referencing these as 'whole skill'

Too Cool for School: whole skill

Networking: whole skill

Salesman's Network: whole skill, but possibly more narrow than other examples of this issue; I'm wary, but might be convinced

Network of Informants: this one has two distinct problems
firstly, the broadness of appropriate subjects needs to be defined
secondly, it provides a +2 bonus to two trappings, which, unless the above is exceptionally narrow, makes this stunt a 2-for-1 deal

(it seems I may have underestimated the time investment required for this; I'll start on Contacts sometime after I wake up...later today)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 08:52:50 AM by Tedronai »
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.