Author Topic: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG  (Read 3429 times)

Offline JediDresden

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Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« on: October 03, 2011, 09:02:58 PM »
I know there was a thread floating around a while ago about Bulldogs, the new FATE Sci-Fi game out there, but I did not want to raise it from the dead.

This is more of a question for those that are familiar with the Bulldogs game, but would the resource system from Bulldogs work with Dresden.  My players miss the 'loot' they get from other games, and I thought that this would be a good fix.

I just read though it quickly first, and at first blush it seems to me that it should work.  Basically it separates resources out from the skills and there are resource aspects that you can use to affect your resource skill. 

I like what I read and just wanted to bounce the ideas around here on the forums to see what you all thought.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 09:47:43 PM »
I haven't actually read bulldogs, but from what I've heard about it (mostly from the thread you've mentioned) I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 12:58:07 AM »
It would probably work (I'm not familiar with Bulldog rules) but narratively it doesn't really work in an urban setting. First and foremost is the fact that all the characters would be commiting a felony by looting their fallen enemies (whether they are dead or not), secondly unless there is an item that they could not get from a resource roll they can just buy it if they really need it, and if you can't get it from a resource roll just take it from them anyways.
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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 01:34:31 AM »
I was trying to find a specific quote that would sum up Bulldogs' resource system in here, but it's pretty much all good (the first page especially).,28205.0.html

Check it out if you want to know more about how it works, Megapuff.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 03:45:22 AM »
The Bulldogs! Resources rules work great for a game about interstellar trading, with all sorts of Sci-fi gadgets to purchase, and as setting with pangalactic banks and loan sharks. In the modern day setting of the DFRPG they might seem a bit out of place. But I think it really depend on what part your players are missing from the looting experience.

If they are looking for cool mechanically differentiated gear and guns they aren't really going to get it in most FATE games, though Bulldogs! does have a little bit more of that. But a big part of the differences in gear and guns in that game don't apply in a modern day setting like the Dresden Files where all we have is Armor and Ballistic weapons with a few unusual and also usually illegal/military exceptions (Grenade and Rocket Launchers, Tasers, Flamethrowers, etc.). So no blasters, laser pistols, vibroweapons, or personal energy shields. Now since a lot of the weapon damage and extras assume and are balanced to a world were all the other stuff exists, I think some of the numbers might be a bit off if you tried to port in only one or two classes of weapons.

If they are missing the looting for the magic items and power boosts that come from them, I think there are plenty of options and examples in the Dresden Files. It's just that those magic items and power boosts will always have a cost associated with them, and they will have to pay that cost if they want to use them. Either with Refresh points for Powers, or by using them as aspects that cost fate points and can be compelled.

If they are missing the looting for the gold, jewels, money, and all the power it can buy in other games. Well there might be a solution to this in the Bulldogs! rules, but a Dresden Files game isn't really about the accumulation of wealth for it's own sake. Really if you wanted that just put Resources as your character's apex skill and never leave your awesome mansion except to buy and use all the cool toys you can now afford. No character is going to get mega rich simply looting the bodies in a modern day setting.

Really any time that something that would be worth looting is available in a modern setting any loot I'd handle it with an aspect. You took out a bunch of Third-Eye dealers and they had a "Suitcaseful of Cash" just waiting to be looted, awesome. You snuck into a Red Court Vampire's paramilitary camp and picked up a "Crate of Stolen Stinger Missiles", terrific. That powerful Warlock who you fed to the Wardens had a hidden vault of supernatural trinkets like an "Ancient Grimoire", or a "Ruby Necklace the Size of Your Fist", that you decided to keep for yourself. Absolutely fantastic.

I would let any player keep such a looted aspect for quite a while. Because honestly it won't help them any more than any other aspect, and you can bet I'm going to get some nice juicy compels out of them. The government is certainly going to be interested in where those stingers came from if you get caught with them, or use them anywhere that might attract their attention. The spells in that grimoire might lead to some dark places as far as magic goes, just a step or two down the dark path isn't really Lawbreaking and you can handle it right? The Wardens might also be very curious where that ancient fire demon bound in a ruby necklace got to, and since you were so helpful in pointing them at the Warlock you are probably the first one they ask about it. And even if the criminals or the cops don't come looking for that suitcase, the Wardens and all the forces of Hell have nothing on the IRS for being scary should you try to deposit or spend that money without paying your taxes on it.

Of course giving fragile resource aspects similar to Bulldogs! for rewards for successful jobs and as actual payments seems perfectly fine to me. Even Harry Dresden has gotten paid a couple of times in his career. He even picked up some of his best loot by killing Justin and taking his stuff.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2011, 12:38:57 PM »
I think the separate score for resources and the fragile aspects for them are what drew me to the idea.  I did not really want to port new weapons or equipment over.  Just a way to handle 'treasure' and rewards/loot in the game.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 07:46:18 PM »
It would probably work (I'm not familiar with Bulldog rules) but narratively it doesn't really work in an urban setting. First and foremost is the fact that all the characters would be commiting a felony by looting their fallen enemies (whether they are dead or not), secondly unless there is an item that they could not get from a resource roll they can just buy it if they really need it, and if you can't get it from a resource roll just take it from them anyways.

If the players are worried about the felony of looting (stealing) once they commited assault, with deadly weapons ( magic, etc) or even murder or manslaughter...I see a problem.  Many problems actually.

Offline MegaPuff75

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2011, 10:45:06 PM »
Most of the time when you are playing as the good guys those assaults are justifiable, but the moment you follow that up with stealing all their crap your justification for beating the crap out of them is meaningless and you will probably go to prison.
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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 11:41:20 PM »
Vigilante "justice" is very very hard to make justifiable in the legal sense of the word.
Hopefully all of your conflicts start with players being assaulted in public places in front of unbiased witnesses.
The first time they have to "justify" invading some dude's home and shooting him because he was going to cast some black magic at them should be interesting.

Self defense is hard to prove when the world doesn't believe in the things you are fighting.

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Re: Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2011, 01:24:14 AM »
True but I think that is really a discussion for a different thread. However I do like the idea of gaining an aspect from taking a very specific item from your opponents, in a modern setting it makes more sense than taking all their stuff so you can sell it.
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