Author Topic: Help with character ideas...  (Read 5990 times)

Offline The Mighty Buzzard

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Re: Help with character ideas...
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2011, 01:03:11 AM »
Maybe "feeding" is wrong, then.  Possibly gaining strength from it?  They don't have to be a vampire but I thought it would be an interesting angle.  Maybe it can just be empowered by the feelings by acting as a conductor, so that it doesn't really intercept a feeling, but rather is pulled along in the slipstream.

The only power that I would really want is the ability to boots the abilities of the bodyguards; that's really the mechanics I would think would be behind this kind of char.

Wasn't looking to shoot the entire thing down, just offering my take on things that jumped out at me.  Shaping and directing faith has generally been the province of priests and gods for the most part but I don't see any reason it couldn't be the ability of a scion with the proper parentage as well.  Or even just as a faith based power for mortals.

How about a power something like this from the Custom Powers Master List:
Strategist of the Gods [-1]

Description: During battle, you connect to your allies on an almost telepathic level.  Under your guidance their actions are like that of a well-oiled fighting machine, flowing from one enemy to another.

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to tactics, battles, or war (i.e., "Son of Ares").

Effect: During combat - and without their input - you may direct the actions of allies.  This directed action must be described simply and within their abilities (attack that foe, grapple the large one, trip the fast enemy, etc).  Your allies need not follow this action, but if they do they are given the temporary aspect of "Guided by (Player Name)".  This aspect may be tagged for free once during the combat; but subsequent uses require the use of a Fate Point.  This aspect will be removed if you move out of range of the tactician (greater than 2 zones away).

It looks like it could take care of what you're looking for with minimal alteration.

Alternatively, you could create a -2 power that takes the Potent  Prayer trapping from the Righteousness(YW188) power and applies it to your allies (up to one ally per conviction point of yours?) for one scene only at the cost of a fate point to you.  That might even work better since it would jive with the whole their Conviction=the strength of their faith thing.
Violence is like duct tape.  If it doesn't solve the problem, you didn't use enough.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Help with character ideas...
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2011, 03:18:30 AM »
You seem to have a real aversion to simple concepts...

The antimagic guy will also require a custom power.

PS: I'm really not sure about the balance of Strategist Of The Gods.

Offline The Mighty Buzzard

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Re: Help with character ideas...
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2011, 06:08:27 AM »
You seem to have a real aversion to simple concepts...

The antimagic guy will also require a custom power.

PS: I'm really not sure about the balance of Strategist Of The Gods.

It's true. I never settle for a simple solution when I can Rube Goldberg it up.

Me either on Strategist Of The Gods.  I haven't given it much thought though.  But I'm going to declare and tag "yoinked it out of a list you compiled" and use a Deception maneuver to place the blame on you rather than me.
Violence is like duct tape.  If it doesn't solve the problem, you didn't use enough.

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Offline chelatek

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Re: Help with character ideas...
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2011, 02:52:13 PM »
You seem to have a real aversion to simple concepts...

The antimagic guy will also require a custom power.

PS: I'm really not sure about the balance of Strategist Of The Gods.

Simple is boring.  My DM gave me a go-ahead on at least the anti-magic part so that's settled, it's the other things about him. 

I don't want to post the wall-of-text I mortared together last night (yet), but he's going to be a technical and mechanical genius, who can put together any mechanical device and understand any electrical system.  He was working on secret government projects, including developing shielding against a "new kind of radiation" they had been detecting around certain humans (no words about magic or anything like that).  He gets thrown out and loses his security after protesting the experiments on humans and is pretty sure he is under near-constant surveillance at his new work-at-home Navy consulting job.  He has a few devices that charge from his body heat, but are ultra sensitive so that if they leave his immediate proximity while holding a charge, they will probably break just from background magic.  His aura will extend about 3 feet away from him, but with progress and training, he can pull it onto himself as a thin layer or project it outwards to a very large radius.

The thing that my DM liked, as I said, is that it also will be something the group has to overcome.  He can't be affected by healing magic and his reaction to portals and the Nevernever is anyone's guess.  Violent magic thrown at him will have to go through the field, and while small spells may dissipate, large ones can still get through and hurt him anyway.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 02:53:57 PM by chelatek »