I had a more pulmonary-related version of the flu this year, during NYCC. Completely frickin' miserable last days of the con, didn't get to do anything I had planned to do on Monday before flying home, and let's discuss the fun of flying with the flu. Upside: don't need the flu shot now. :/
I hit 12,021 yesterday and stopped there. It was a nice palindrome, as the exxie pointed out (after which we paused for a brief debate over 'palindromically' vs. 'palindromatically'). I had absolutely no plans to try for the 15k Sunday thing that's all over the NaNo boards, but now I'm thinking it's more than do-able. A 3k day is easy enough, especially on a weekend.
Mostly I'm trying to build up a buffer because next weekend I'll have a friend in town, and I haven't seen her in about a year. We've been friends for more than 2/3rds of our lives now, and while I might get a few words down here and there when I'm awake and she's asleep, I have no plans to keep up my wordcount. There will be much eating of the local foodstuffs and consumption of coffee while staring out at the waves on the beach!