Author Topic: Help with some strange items and beings to fill a spirit's private collection  (Read 2921 times)

Offline martellian

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In my on going campaign based in Vancouver, BC,  the trickster spirit Raven features rather prominently (despite being dead/missing) since the start of the game. It's established, like his mundane animal kin he has/had an attraction to interesting objects, and wasn't above stealing them and hiding them in his nest (his personal demense in the Nevernever). Of course as he's a pretty major spirit (especially since he got on the Canadaian $20 dollar bill) so his interesting items can range from people, items of power, and mundane but curious items.

Anyhow I thought I'd ask the community here to help me come up with some possible treasures he has tucked way. So far I've come up with the following: A Mark IV atomic bomb lost off the coast of British Columbia in 1950 (; a book of demon names said to be written by Gilles de Rais in the 1400s (relates to a faction in the city) and a bone from a giant serpent that is said to have the power over life and death (from a local native ledgend).

Offline Riotoku

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Maybe Dino Fossils, or A really Old dragon Skull. Both would be interesting. Depending on your players you should put things in that may be important relics to their backgrounds, like an Ancient Faerie Flag or some such for a Changeling. 

Offline polkaneverdies

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This is a post from the Sanctaphrax, the gm of our game enduring the apocalypse. it was his description of what my character found while exploring the house of a wizard who spent a couple centuries exploring the nevernever. I am giving you the whole post just to emphasize how much the way something is presented can impact its level of coolness. Add a little mystery to some of the items and cool becomes Mindblowing!

"There is, however, a large stone box that floats in midair when empty. Even after being filled with stuff, it's light enough to carry with one hand.

And there is a lot of good stuff to fill it with. When Oscar was active, many denizens of the Nevernever payed him tribute of various kinds. Most of that tribute seems to have been kept here, in his house.

The garden contains plants made of fire from the Blossom of Flame and plants made of ice from Arctis Tor. There are also a number of more-or-less normal-looking plants that undoubtedly have magical properties of some kind.

Each bedroom contains a number of beautiful and decorative magical objects, like faerie-made snowglobes and the feathers of angels. A dead demon of some kind with its body coated in gold stands guard over Oscar's bed.

The workshop contains tools of exquisite quality, most likely of dwarven manufacture. The rune-covered saw lying on the desk is sharp enough to cut iron like like butter, if the metal pieces lying next to it are any indication. Most of the raw material here is iron, but some of it is Sunglass or Hydrium or other exotic stuff.

There is an axe made out of sunlight in the bathtub. It isn't clear why.

The laundry room contains a number of different protective outfits, ranging from a cloak of paper for exploring the Text Sea to a fire-resistant suit and mask for use in the deepest lands of Summer. There's even a suit of plate armour made from magic-drinking Nullite. Unfortunately, the magical amulets that Oscar used to supplement the protection of his clothes are no longer functional. Decades of being left without maintenance have drained their power away.

All of that pales, however, in comparison to what's stored in the storage room. There is a longbow suitable for a giant, so heavily strung that you cannot even budge the bowstring. There is a keyring as heavy as a bowling ball, with keys for every type of door imaginable. There is a fragment of stormphrax, or crystallized lightning, stored in a light-box. There is a vial of green liquid marked ACID VENOM OF UR-NAH-SNIK. There is a device that resembles a jackhammer, with a label saying SIEGE HAMMER. There is a small bag of phraxdust, which purifies water instantly. There are bones from the corpse of an Old God, with the faintest echo of the god's once-vast power contained inside. There is a set of runic throwing knives with an enchantment of unclear providence. There's an animated map of the stars, and an orrery detailing our corner of the galaxy with markings showing where the Nevernever touches on other planets. There's even a small locked casket marked with the words MORDITE: DO NOT OPEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER."

Offline UmbraLux

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Anyhow I thought I'd ask the community here to help me come up with some possible treasures he has tucked way.
For an extensive collection of weird stuff, just look in the basement...if you dare!  :)
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Offline martellian

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Haha, these suggestions have been excellent, keep em coming!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Oh, yay. After the time I put into the post polka quoted, it's very nice to see it turning up here.

Anyway, there are a couple of other threads that you might find helpful here.

The first is a list of items of power, fully statted and ready for use. The second is a very long thread full of suggestions for interesting treasure that characters in D&D could acquire. Both involved a lot of work from me, so I hope they are useful.,26756.0.html!?pg=1

PS: My contributions to the second thread start on page 42. Most of that thread's content can be found in the document that TheApokalypseShovel has linked to in his sig. But I warn you, it's a big document. It may slow down your computer.

Offline computerking

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The first is a list of items of power, fully statted and ready for use.
Should anyone come up with a good idea to submit, would it go in the Master List thread, or is there a minor thread in the main forum for them?
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Additions should go onto the IoP list thread or into a PM addressed to me.

There is no minor thread in the main forum.

The stunt list is different, for various reasons.

PS: What is a minor thread?