Pure Mortal is always available, of course, and depending on how you choose your stunts, they can be pretty powerful. And you get a +2 refresh bonus.
Focussed Practitioner is available, too. They can be almost as powerful as wizards in the starting level, they are just pretty limited. I build a chloromancer once, a wizard specialized in spells involving plants. He is totally screwed, when there are no plants around (Fate point farm!) but hell on roots, when he is in his element. There are a lot of other things you can specialize in, an obvious choice are the typical elements (fire, earth, air, water), but the imagination is the limit.
Wereforms are also a possibility, not as high powered as a werewolf, but smaller things are certainly possible. A weremouse, like in the example in Your Story, or a wereraven, weredog, there are a lot of possibilities.
Not a template, but a wielder of a cool item of power is also a possibility. The item of power grants you +1 or +2 discount on the powers, depending on their size. For example a trinket of "living mercury", that the wielder can shape with his will, creating a shield, a sword, a lasso, anything he can think of, either modelled by "modular abilities" or straight up powers, that can be added to, when you get more refresh.
A true believer is also a possibility. One interesting take on that is "
the practical practitioner", but there are lots of other ways to go, and non of them have to be the same.
Maybe think of 1 core idea, that you would be interested in, I will gladly help you form a character around that.