Author Topic: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions  (Read 6226 times)

Offline metrunui

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Okay i have a series of some homebrew potions that i would like to use in play for the game that is coming up. I have talked with a couple other people who play the game and I am looking for more opinions on them. I am looking to see if i have properly balanced out the potions or if i have under/overpowered them. Please, if you think i have made a mistake let me know, I look forward to your feedback. Keep in mind that the Trouble of the character that is going to be making them is "An Acceptable Risk", so i am trying to make them so that my ST can compel that aspect.

>> Dragon's Breath: Grants a fire evocation strike that has a Weapons score equal to Lore that is aimed by Discipline. Also places a temporary aspect on target based on fire. When potion is consumed the character MUST take a mild physical consequence.

>> Crocodile Tears: This potion grants the imbiber the temporary aspect of "Apparent Prey" for one scene. This is suggested as a plot device to be invoked by supernatural monsters, but mortal "monsters" are also an option.

>> Steeled Heart: This potion grants a bonus of half the makers Lore (Rounded down) to resist mundane and magical (Ex: Incite Emotion) uses of Intimidate for one scene.

>> Bottled Parkour: This potion allows a character to ignore up to *Lore* points of difficulty when moving between or through zones that are caused by physical objects (fences, doors, exc). This can be broken into smaller bonuses as needed. If the bonuses are not all used by the end of a scene the unused negations are lost.

>> Corrosion Ointment: The user of this potion smears it on their hands, and makes the natural acids on them extremely potent. With a successful Fists maneuver you place the temporary aspect of "Smeared with Acid" on a character. In the next number of turns equal to the Lore of the creator the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the acid equal to your Lore minus one per exchange after the first. This subtraction happens regardless of the resolution of the prior Endurance defense(s). The user of this potion must take a mild physical consequense when they use the potion.

((Afternote to the Mods: If i have placed this in the wrong section i apologize, just move it and send me a pm as to where it has been moved please and thank you. ))

Offline UmbraLux

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How did you 'cost' (figure out shifts of power) when creating the potions? 

With a quick glance, I'm not sure you'll be able to keep those under the 2 x Lore limit.  But that will depend on your Lore and how shifts are applied.
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Offline sinker

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While these are all cool ideas, I don't think that they are mechanically possible via RAW. Firstly you can't take stress to increase the effectiveness of a potion. Dragon's breath seems to be doing this, as without the invocation of aspects potions have a shift limit of your lore and it deals lore in damage, plus a maneuver (which is an extra three shifts at least). Seems like you're doing this with the acid too.

Secondly I'm not certain magic is capable of creating "Intimidation armor" though I'd certainly give it to you were I GMing. I just wouldn't count on the book backing you up if someone else calls you on it.

I'm not aware of any effect that allows you to bypass zone borders. I suppose one could create a potion using the "Improbable or impossible tasks" that would act instead of your athletics check to get past the zone border, but it would work once only. Or you could place several aspects on yourself to counteract zone borders but one would still have to make the athletics check and tag the aspects.

Finally there is absolutely no way to create something that attacks every round for a period of time. It attacks once. You can maneuver and then invoke that aspect for effect, however it is entirely up to the GM how that manifests mechanically. If she or he chooses to represent that with environmental damage that's fine, but they would be just as justified to represent it with a single consequence or a completely different set of circumstances. Personally I don't think I'd ever represent that as a series of attacks as that is entirely unbalanced.

In summary potions can only do what evocation or thaumaturgy can do. Evocation can attack, block (which allows for the creation of armor), and maneuver. Maybe grapple if your GM is generous. Thaumaturgy is capable of those things magnified (so multiple maneuvers, attacks on a grand scale, etc) as well as replacing a single roll or conflict. That's about all you can do.

Offline ARedthorn

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To check balance, we need to know your Lore, and any crafting bonuses you have.

Dragon's Breath:
Sinker, you can take a consequence though to improve a generic spell's power or roll (via backlash, though this is optional and usually handled after you've seen how the roll went), and debatably for enchanted items as well... I think I'd probably be ok with the same thing on a potion that provides use of a spell... the consequence doesn't strengthen the potion so much as strengthen the spell it allows you to use.
This could also be an example of the pay-it-forward compel... though I think it'd be more appropriate to leave it as a compel than a consequence (which is far worse, since it takes up a limited number of consequence slots AND can be itself compelled).
Make it a special attack instead, and it might work, for the other purposes. It's a Weapon:Lore attack that instead of dealing stress creates the "On Fire" aspect. Extra shifts of accuracy go to damage.

Crocodile Tears:
Seems fine. Compel any local predators to come after you... may backfire, but I get the idea.

Steeled Heart:
Looks like you're setting up a block vs Intimidate here- and it would be a bit stronger than that... Not sure where the half Lore comes from.
If you're halving an item's effect to make it permanent (semi-perm in this case?), that went the way of the water buffalo in the final release, if that's what you're trying to do, so you'll have to pay the potion's shifts to get it to last the hard way.
If you're halving the effect to try and describe armor, then that's what you need to describe it as. It would reduce any social stress for the duration rather than oppose the roll.

Assuming you're able to make a potion that goes all the way up to double your Lore, and you have a Lore of 5... you could make a potion that provides 3 Social Armor for 9 rounds, which is pretty spiffy. (3*2 = 6 shifts. 4 remaining shifts go to duration at a 2:1 rate like an enchanted item, which I assume is correct, for a total of 9 rounds, which is plenty long for most situations you think you'll need this in).

Bottled Parkour:
Wouldn't it be easier for this potion to give someone a high athletics for the duration? If you want it to last for 5 rounds (1 free, 2 shifts for 4 rounds), then you're still making a potion that gives someone an Athletics of 8 for a few seconds. If that's not sufficient, you're talking about a border/barrier that just isn't gonna be ignored.

Corrosion Ointment:
Mmmm... I'm with sinker on this one. Needs a complete rework... Sounds like you're trying to imitate a power with magic (Claws+Venemous, which would normally cost 3 Refresh to have)... now, if your GM thinks such a thing should be possible with magic, sure thing... but he needs to come up with his own house rule on how to insure it doesn't get out of hand balance-wise (ie, how many shifts of power equate to a refresh's worth of abilities, etc).
Me as a GM, I'd make it fairly steep (at least 3:1), and leave myself room to refuse or allow effects on a case-by-case basis... because you basically just allowed every wizard (hell, every caster with thaumaturgy) in the game free access to Modular Abilities, if at a limited level. Talk about a bargain.

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With thaumaturgy potion you could arguably use the thaumaturgical timescales starting at a few moment (equivalent to a round) and if you spend 4-5 shifts moving up to 15 minutes to half an hour (1 or two scenes) this seems to make sense for some of the more long lived potions which hang about a while (super coffee, Rashids eye rub) .  Running with the thaumaturgy timescale Steeled Heart could be provide Armour 3 for 15 minutes for a total of 10 shifts of power (6 in strength 4 or duration).       
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Dragon's Breath:
Sinker, you can take a consequence though to improve a generic spell's power or roll (via backlash, though this is optional and usually handled after you've seen how the roll went), and debatably for enchanted items as well... I think I'd probably be ok with the same thing on a potion that provides use of a spell... the consequence doesn't strengthen the potion so much as strengthen the spell it allows you to use.

But that is the only place where enchanted item/potion and spell differ. One can take a mental consequence to boost the power of a spell because one is taking mental stress for power. With potions the power is set at a maximum of your lore, unless you have aspects to invoke. That's it. Backlash is a result after the power is already summoned and paid for, so even if we're talking about backlash that still doesn't explain where the extra power is coming from.

I don't actually have an issue with the idea of essentially debt (or as you put it, a pay-it-forward compel) boosting this potion, but were I GMing I'd rather the debt be mine to control, rather than simply going straight to a consequence. I can think of all sorts of fun (and by fun I mean fun for the table not like I'm sitting over here laughing maniacally) things one could do with a compel like that.

Bottled Parkour:
Wouldn't it be easier for this potion to give someone a high athletics for the duration? If you want it to last for 5 rounds (1 free, 2 shifts for 4 rounds), then you're still making a potion that gives someone an Athletics of 8 for a few seconds. If that's not sufficient, you're talking about a border/barrier that just isn't gonna be ignored.

This still isn't possible. Thaumaturgy allows you to replace your athletics for a single roll. I suppose you could multicast the spell to give you several different uses, but that's going to get expensive very quick (8 shifts for one use, 16 for two, 24 for three, etc). Something did occur to me last night in that you could use an inverted block to give yourself a bonus to athletics. That's how I view Rashid's ointment these days, as an offensive armor against fairy glamours.

Corrosion Ointment:
Mmmm... I'm with sinker on this one. Needs a complete rework... Sounds like you're trying to imitate a power with magic (Claws+Venemous, which would normally cost 3 Refresh to have)... now, if your GM thinks such a thing should be possible with magic, sure thing... but he needs to come up with his own house rule on how to insure it doesn't get out of hand balance-wise (ie, how many shifts of power equate to a refresh's worth of abilities, etc).
Me as a GM, I'd make it fairly steep (at least 3:1), and leave myself room to refuse or allow effects on a case-by-case basis... because you basically just allowed every wizard (hell, every caster with thaumaturgy) in the game free access to Modular Abilities, if at a limited level. Talk about a bargain.

If you do want to get yourself a new set of powers it's not that hard. Just take yourself out (at least 5 shifts but possibly 30 if your GM deems necessary) then add shifts for the power (double or triple the refresh cost) and then pay FATE points as per the normal acquisition of temporary powers. Oh and duration if you want it to last more than fifteen minutes.

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This still isn't possible. Thaumaturgy allows you to replace your athletics for a single roll. I suppose you could multicast the spell to give you several different uses, but that's going to get expensive very quick (8 shifts for one use, 16 for two, 24 for three, etc). Something did occur to me last night in that you could use an inverted block to give yourself a bonus to athletics. That's how I view Rashid's ointment these days, as an offensive armor against fairy glamours.

I think you are wrong about the only one uses per skill replacement True Seeing Ointment will continue to replace the same skill trapping (seeing through glamours) for its duration (several hours). Considering also that most tracking spells (which replace investigation with the spell strength) also have a duration and can be used more than once (if the target moves) i don't see where your assumption is based off of. 
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Offline metrunui

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Okay, from what I have read so far, i need to apologize again to you guys. When designing these I must have looked too hard at the theme that i am trying to set for the character and not enough at the rules themselves. I also must thank everyone who has read or posted because this is my first time working with the crafting rules and i am still trying to get them all figured out.

First off from i need to say that currently the character's Lore is at 4. The only powers currently that the character has is Ritual (Crafting) and Refinement x1 for some more Enchanted (potion) item slots. After thinking about it I have noticed that i have, more likely out of habit, created a cross of the Pathfinder Alchamist and one of the Ascending Ones from Hunter the Vigil (White wolf) ::) .

Now to see if i have things sorted out currently:
Dragon's Breath: From what i have read and am understanding with my Lore 4 i COULD technically make this potion. I understand and acknowledge what sinker is saying and i think i will tone it back to just a Weapon:6 flame evocation that has a compel attached to it, probably the "Acceptable Risk" one in this instance. Just to be sure, am i missing something that i could do to improve the potion more? If so than what? (Besides upping my Lore)

Crocodile Tears:
Seems fine. Compel any local predators to come after you... may backfire, but I get the idea.
This is the only comment that i am seeing currently on this potion. At this point I'm figuring that either people think i am crazy or stupid (maybe both) for coming up with this one ;)

Redthorn, you were correct i designed the Corrosion Ointment off of aim was to make a "one shot" use of it that was something like what most people would call a "last ditch effort". I tried to balence it out by making the effect fading, instead of with Poison that it stays until you get medical attention or you get taken out. Making it powerful enough to be noticeable, but have a drawback that would make most people respond with "ARE YOU INSANE?". I can scrap this potion though.

With thaumaturgy potion you could arguably use the thaumaturgical timescales starting at a few moment (equivalent to a round) and if you spend 4-5 shifts moving up to 15 minutes to half an hour (1 or two scenes) this seems to make sense for some of the more long lived potions which hang about a while (super coffee, Rashids eye rub) .  Running with the thaumaturgy timescale Steeled Heart could be provide Armour 3 for 15 minutes for a total of 10 shifts of power (6 in strength 4 or duration).       
Steeled Heart:
Looks like you're setting up a block vs Intimidate here- and it would be a bit stronger than that... Not sure where the half Lore comes from.
If you're halving an item's effect to make it permanent (semi-perm in this case?), that went the way of the water buffalo in the final release, if that's what you're trying to do, so you'll have to pay the potion's shifts to get it to last the hard way.
If you're halving the effect to try and describe armor, then that's what you need to describe it as. It would reduce any social stress for the duration rather than oppose the roll.

Assuming you're able to make a potion that goes all the way up to double your Lore, and you have a Lore of 5... you could make a potion that provides 3 Social Armor for 9 rounds, which is pretty spiffy. (3*2 = 6 shifts. 4 remaining shifts go to duration at a 2:1 rate like an enchanted item, which I assume is correct, for a total of 9 rounds, which is plenty long for most situations you think you'll need this in).
I think i know what you guys are saying. From what i am reading you are both saying approximately the same thing. Again I'm sorry I am still learning the system, but i am confused as to where you got the different time frames rounds vs min...

Parkour in a Bottle i am being told does not function as is within the mechanics. I am still watching the discussion of the mechanics to make a similar potion, and after i have re-read the books i might end up figuring out another way to do so.

I thank all who have helped me to this point. To be completely frank about it I am still edging my way through the mechanics of this and will probably need help in the future, and all assistance is much appreciated.

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With Lore 4, you can create 8 shift potions.  Here's a stab at the ones you've listed:
>> Dragon's Breath: Grants a fire evocation strike that has a Weapons score equal to Lore that is aimed by Discipline. Also places a temporary aspect on target based on fire. When potion is consumed the character MUST take a mild physical consequence.
First point, an aspect placed on someone else is resisted by an appropriate skill.  What you can do with this is split shifts between weapon power and the maneuver.  End result is a Weapon 4 attack and a 4 shift maneuver.  Whether the maneuver is successful or not depends on whether the target can beat 4 with his defense roll. 

Your modified version of weapon 6 would only get you a 2 shift maneuver...probably not enough to successfully place an aspect.

>> Crocodile Tears: This potion grants the imbiber the temporary aspect of "Apparent Prey" for one scene. This is suggested as a plot device to be invoked by supernatural monsters, but mortal "monsters" are also an option.
Sticky maneuvers typically last a scene (or until the situation changes enough to negate it) and it will take 4 shifts to create an unresisted sticky aspect (3 for the aspect, one for sticky).  I'm not clear on the target of this one though...if it's resisted you may want more than 3 shifts in creating the aspect.  If it's not resisted, you could create two aspects with 8 shifts.

>> Steeled Heart: This potion grants a bonus of half the makers Lore (Rounded down) to resist mundane and magical (Ex: Incite Emotion) uses of Intimidate for one scene.
Here you'll have to make a choice, either a couple maneuver created aspects (as above), a skill replacement, or a block / armor.  Skill replacement would cost approximately a number of shifts equal to the skill (possibly more if particularly high) plus a number of shifts for duration.  An 8 shift potion could potentially get you a Superb skill for about an hour (starting at a few minutes for a scene and increasing 3 time increments).  As a block, you could have Block 5 for a scene or Armor 2 for a bit longer.  (Spending 3 and 4 shifts on duration respectively.)  The disadvantage to a block is it's shattered / broken once it's pierced.  Armor isn't. 

>> Bottled Parkour: This potion allows a character to ignore up to *Lore* points of difficulty when moving between or through zones that are caused by physical objects (fences, doors, exc). This can be broken into smaller bonuses as needed. If the bonuses are not all used by the end of a scene the unused negations are lost.
This probably has the same choices as above - maneuver created aspects or skill replacement.  Aspects are probably the closest to what you're describing, each use would give you a +2 to bypass a barrier.  However you'd only get 2 free uses with 8 shifts before needing to spend fate points.

>> Corrosion Ointment: The user of this potion smears it on their hands, and makes the natural acids on them extremely potent. With a successful Fists maneuver you place the temporary aspect of "Smeared with Acid" on a character. In the next number of turns equal to the Lore of the creator the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the acid equal to your Lore minus one per exchange after the first. This subtraction happens regardless of the resolution of the prior Endurance defense(s). The user of this potion must take a mild physical consequense when they use the potion.
The closest I can come to this requires spending fate points to get Claws + Venomous for a scene.  Alternatively, you can create the aspect via maneuver and invoke for effect / compel.  At that point it's up to you to negotiate the effects with your GM. As a GM, I'll tell you I wouldn't allow a Lore weapon attack for Lore rounds...that's more powerful than 8 shifts should get you.  At least without spending fate points.

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With Lore 4, you can create 8 shift potions.

It kinda bugs me that you would say this like that with no further explanation to someone who is clearly new to the system.

It's true that your upward limit is lorex2. However that does not mean that all of the potions can be like that, nor even most potions. In order for them to make an 8 shift potion they will have to invoke two aspects, which means that in most circumstances they will need 2 Fate points laying around.

The issue with describing it the way you have is that if one creates these potions, then they can create circumstances where a potion is useless because they don't have the FP. Consider your Weapon:4/4 shift maneuver potion. Is it a weapon:2/2 shift maneuver under normal circumstances? By your own admission this is less than effective.

I think it's best to create a potion that stands on it's own while it's at your lore, then understand how to change it if you have the spare FP.

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Re: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 10:07:27 AM »
Of course- if you pick up an extra refinement or two, you can spend those on crafting bonuses and/or crafting foci that will allow you to make max-level potions without spending FPs, or taking a scene to actually describe the whole process (setting up maneuvers to tag, which I presume is as legal in potion-crafting as it is anywhere else... I just wouldn't allow the player to take short-cuts if they go this route).

As it stands though- no, if you only have Lore 4, and 1 refinement (which is exclusively for extra potion slots), then you're stuck at making Lore 4 potions without FP's or tags to work with.

Umbra- I was trying to describe the special attack rules, rather than splitting shifts between an attack and maneuver. Under special attack rules- it operates exactly like an attack, except instead of dealing Weapon:Rating to Stress in addition to Accuracy Bonus... you only deal Accuracy Bonus in Stress, and Weapon:Rating becomes a Maneuver. This is the rule that the game uses to represent things like a taser, where it acts like a weapon, but the primary effect is more like a maneuver. This seems to me the route to go with dragon's breath...

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Re: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2011, 11:20:13 AM »
It's true that your upward limit is lorex2. However that does not mean that all of the potions can be like that, nor even most potions. In order for them to make an 8 shift potion they will have to invoke two aspects, which means that in most circumstances they will need 2 Fate points laying around.
Incorrect.  Or at least incomplete.  They can simply make two declarations while creating the potion.  Since that's trivial, almost every pre-created potion can be at Lore x 2.  The only real question is what level you put declared potions at...and there's little reason not to keep the power levels the same.

The issue with describing it the way you have is that if one creates these potions, then they can create circumstances where a potion is useless because they don't have the FP. Consider your Weapon:4/4 shift maneuver potion. Is it a weapon:2/2 shift maneuver under normal circumstances? By your own admission this is less than effective.

I think it's best to create a potion that stands on it's own while it's at your lore, then understand how to change it if you have the spare FP.
This is simply incorrect.  With the exception of last minute declarations, potions are created ahead of time.  If you do use fate it was done during creation.  But it's far more likely to increase the power via declaration and maneuver.
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Re: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 11:27:27 AM »
Of course- if you pick up an extra refinement or two, you can spend those on crafting bonuses and/or crafting foci that will allow you to make max-level potions without spending FPs, or taking a scene to actually describe the whole process (setting up maneuvers to tag, which I presume is as legal in potion-crafting as it is anywhere else... I just wouldn't allow the player to take short-cuts if they go this route).

As it stands though- no, if you only have Lore 4, and 1 refinement (which is exclusively for extra potion slots), then you're stuck at making Lore 4 potions without FP's or tags to work with.
Since I don't usually want to spend a lot of game time with a single player setting up background resources, I don't usually require specific declarations to be made.  I may if they're pulling out a declared potion in a tight spot...but not for normal potions.  Declarations are simply too easy. 

Umbra- I was trying to describe the special attack rules, rather than splitting shifts between an attack and maneuver. Under special attack rules- it operates exactly like an attack, except instead of dealing Weapon:Rating to Stress in addition to Accuracy Bonus... you only deal Accuracy Bonus in Stress, and Weapon:Rating becomes a Maneuver. This is the rule that the game uses to represent things like a taser, where it acts like a weapon, but the primary effect is more like a maneuver. This seems to me the route to go with dragon's breath...
That would work if the GM is generous.  :)  I generally require at least one shift of power in weapon / damage for a spell to cause damage.  But I tend to think spellcasters have enough advantages.  :)
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Re: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2011, 12:51:21 PM »
General stuff:
I am going to assume here that you have a Lore and Discipline of at least 4, and that you spent at least 4 refresh on crafting. (so you got at least Ritual Crafting and 2 refinements). This means you got a focus of Crafting Frequency +2 and a focus of Crafting Power +2, with 4 potion slots.

>> Dragon's Breath: Grants a fire evocation strike that has a Weapons score equal to Lore that is aimed by Discipline. Also places a temporary aspect on target based on fire. When potion is consumed the character MUST take a mild physical consequence.
Enchanted items are usually aimed by discipline anyway, though a potion could also be aimed with athletics, depending on its form. Now, your base potion power is 6. The mild physical consequence would give you a +2 as a complication in drinking the potion (preaccepted compel), raising it to 8. So, the potion's effect could be 4 damage plus a 4-shift maneuver (such as adding the aspect "On Fire"). The good thing is that the potion has three uses due to crafting frequency focus +2, so you can breathe fire three times.

>> Crocodile Tears: This potion grants the imbiber the temporary aspect of "Apparent Prey" for one scene. This is suggested as a plot device to be invoked by supernatural monsters, but mortal "monsters" are also an option.
That's the easiest of the potions you want; just a 6-shift maneuver on yourself gives you a sticky aspect and is well within the potion's effects. As above, the potion is usable three times (i.e. in three scenes or three people using it for one scene)

>> Steeled Heart: This potion grants a bonus of half the makers Lore (Rounded down) to resist mundane and magical (Ex: Incite Emotion) uses of Intimidate for one scene.
Half your Lore means a +2 bonus, or a single aspect. Base potion power of 6 could give one sticky aspect for the scene, x3 because the potion is usable three times. Now, if you made a declaration, paid a fate point or preaccepted a compel when you crafted the potion, the power would be raised to 8. This is enough for two 4-shift maneuvers per use, giving you a total of six "Steeled Heart" sticky aspects you can tag. Since you usually won't be doing more than six or so resist rolls vs Intimidate in a single scene, that counts as having a flat +2 bonus.

>> Bottled Parkour: This potion allows a character to ignore up to *Lore* points of difficulty when moving between or through zones that are caused by physical objects (fences, doors, exc). This can be broken into smaller bonuses as needed. If the bonuses are not all used by the end of a scene the unused negations are lost.
Take a look at the "escape" potion example in the books. It does all you need and more. Now, since you only need to ignore barriers and not teleport more distance than you could normally move, the base effect doesn't need to be any stronger than your athletics for a teleportation of, say, up to 4 zones. The extra shifts go to extra uses, so the potion could be used up to 5 times - this takes care of the "broken into smaller bonuses" requirement. And you don't need to use up all the "doses" of the potion in a single scene.

>> Corrosion Ointment: The user of this potion smears it on their hands, and makes the natural acids on them extremely potent. With a successful Fists maneuver you place the temporary aspect of "Smeared with Acid" on a character. In the next number of turns equal to the Lore of the creator the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the acid equal to your Lore minus one per exchange after the first. This subtraction happens regardless of the resolution of the prior Endurance defense(s). The user of this potion must take a mild physical consequense when they use the potion.
Now, this one is hard to do exactly as you want it. Let's look at the Orbius spell, a magic that slowly suffocates the target. A power 4, duration +4 Orbius spell fits your 8-shift potion just fine (8 shifts after taking the conseuence you pay into account). It is going to attack its victim with a 4-shift grapple vs Endurance for 5 turns, dealing continious damage and incapacitating them. The incapacitation is a bonus over your "poison" descriptor. The drawback is that a successful defense is going to break the ongoing effect. Unless the GM specifically allows it, there is no way to make the effect keep attacking after a successful defense.
OTOH, the potion has thee uses. If they break it, attack again.

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Re: ((worried I am placing this wrong)) Need assistance in balancing some potions
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2011, 01:29:48 PM »
 I think Corrosion Ointment is meant to be based off the venomous power in this case of Corrosion Ointment I would have the person add  4 complexity to justify the venomous mechanics (being a 2 refresh power) and then class the potion as a strength 4 poison (a 8 shift potion in total), so they roll endurance against 4 each round, until they can get medical attention.   
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 01:35:20 PM by ways and means »
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.