Author Topic: Character Request Game  (Read 17375 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2011, 04:23:54 AM »
Thanks, Silverblaze.

Now for, Gideon Glass's backstory.

Gideon Glass was a university student once, studying for a degree in ecology and crusading on behalf of the environment. But one day a protest went way too far, some people got killed, and Gideon ended up wanted by the police.

He knew that he had no chance of escaping justice. He also knew that a criminal record would ruin his life. So, in a moment of short-sighted (and massively drunken) determination, he decided to sacrifice his life in a grand act of protest. He would burn himself alive in front of the local police station.

For some reason, a force called the Phoenix took an interest in Gideon at that point. It brought him back to life and gave him power. Gideon immediately used that power (and the fact that he was legally dead) to escape the police and return to his crusade.

But he needed help. So he tried to find the Phoenix again. Unfortunately, what he found was a demon lord impersonating the Phoenix. Said demon lord gave him even more power, and helped him start a cult.

Gideon wants to use his cult to protect the environment. But his sponsors have other ideas, and his debt is so great that they essentially own him.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 06:20:37 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Belial666

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2011, 09:17:28 AM »
It's "Phoenix", not "Pheonix".  ;D

Mechanically, his Mythic Recovery should be priced at about +4 catch. It won't help him during a fight with quick recovery and it won't give him immunity to exhaustion/sleep because he can't be immolated all the time (he's not immune to fire). Also, his regaining of consequences essentially requires a small ritual.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2011, 06:23:52 AM »
Thanks for pointing out the typo. It's fixed now.

Dunno about the catch. I figure a 7-shift fire evocation would be enough to trigger his recovery.

Losing the Shrug Off trapping is probably worth a bit more than 1 refresh.
Losing the tirelessness trapping is probably worth about 1 refresh.
The restriction on his between-scenes healing is probably worth less than 1 refresh.

So maybe +3?

Eh, it doesn't matter anyway.

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2011, 06:01:34 AM »

Powers: Sponsored Magic (Grim Reaper), Item of Power.
Aspects: Never met a problem a Bullet Didn't Fix, Wiseass, Problems with Authority.
Primary Skills: Burglary, Guns

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2011, 03:14:22 PM »
High Concept: Crafter Vigilante
Stunts: Rule with Fear, Interrogator, Martial Artist, Footwork
Powers: Thaumaturgy (Crafting Specialty)
Aspects: I gave up casting spells the day it killed my _________ (Trouble), I'm not Batman Damnit!, Hunting evil ain't easy
Primary Skills:
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2011, 02:26:40 AM »
? (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Were-Sharktopus
Trouble Aspect: Watches Too Many B-Movies
Other Aspects: Only A Mild Psychopath, Secret Identity, ?
Skills (Beast Form):
Superb: Fists, Athletics
Great: Might, Intimidation
Good: Alertness, Endurance
Fair: Discipline, Survival
Average: Conviction, Presence
Tentacles (Might): +1 to maintain a grapple in beast form.
Beast Change [-1]
Echoes Of The Beast (Sharktopus) [-1]
Human Form [+1] affecting:
Aquatic (Not Amphibious) [-0]
Extra Appendages (Flurry Of Blows) [-3]
Claws [-1]
Blood Drinker [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Long Reach [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch (unknown) [+0]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 02:28:22 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2011, 02:35:31 AM »
Boats have been disappearing from the sea around here recently. Judging by their last radio broadcasts, the boats were attacked by something big and nasty with a lot of tentacles.
The local Warden did a bit of divination, worked out what was behind the attacks. It's a were-sharktopus. That is, it's an ordinary person who's learned how to turn into a real monster.

The were-sharktopus doesn't seem to have a motive. Personally, I think it just gets off on the idea of being a B-movie-style monster. But hey, what do I know?

We've been trying to hunt the monster down, but we've had no luck so far. We can't catch it at sea, and we can't work out who its human form is.

It's got to be someone around this town.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2011, 02:49:37 AM »
His Highness Anaxamander II (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Mortal Prince Of Ghosts
Trouble Aspect: Expected To Lead An Army
Other Aspects: Sorry Mario But Your Princess is in Another Castle; Where There's a Whip, There's a Way; That's No Moon, it's a Space Station; Make It So Number One, Ghastly Gaze
Superb: Presence, Contacts
Great: Investigation, Intimidation
Good: Alertness, Deceit
Fair: Rapport, Empathy
Average: Discipline, Conviction
The Boss (Contacts): May hire people and ghosts with Contacts.
Minions (Contacts): May declare presence of ghost soldiers with Contacts.
Minions, Attack! (Presence): May treat ghost soldiers as a weapon, use Presence to attack with it.
Minions, Defend! (Presence): May use Presence to defend with ghost soldiers.
Marked By Power (Ghost King) [-1]
Psychometry [-1]
Ghost Speaker [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2011, 02:04:13 AM »
Ghosts are not normally big on political organization, but there are a few rulers among them. Perhaps the most powerful of those rulers is King Anaxamander I, the ghost of a powerful Greek wizard who died before the birth of Christ.

About 20 years ago, Anaxamander felt the need for an heir. So he manifested himself physically and impregnated a cultist of his. She bore a son, who was named Anaxamander II.

Anaxamander II was groomed for leadership from birth, with mixed success. The child grew up to be an excellent leader and a reliable ambassador. But he wasn't the badass mage-warrior-general that his father had hoped for. His supernatural abilities were limited to a sort of weak divination, looking into the ghosts of memories past. And he was not at all good at fighting.

The main reason for this is that he was not born with any interest in fighting. He's a lonely young man without any violent ambitions. His main interests video games, geek culture, and playing elaborate tricks on people he dislikes.

Nonetheless, he is trying to become what his father expects. He's cultivated a real talent for harsh, tyrannical leadership. He's learned how to trick his enemies into devious traps. He's drilled his father's war ghosts into a solid fighting force. And he knows how to lead that force in battle, even if he personally couldn't win a salad fight.

Fortunately, he'll never need to win a salad fight himself. He's got Number One, the ghost of a powerful Warden Of The White Council and his father's most powerful minion, to back him up. Number One acts as Anaxamander's bodyguard and butler. He's a bit like a more violent ghostly wizard Jeeves.

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2011, 05:38:10 AM »
"Sarah Brown" (Submerged)

High Concept: Fetch Changeling
Trouble Aspect: I'm A Fake Person
Other Aspects: Circus Acrobat, Nickname "Squirrel", Pawn Of Mab, Always In Control, Going Native
Superb: Intimidation, Discipline
Great: Performance, Deceit
Good: Presence, Conviction
Fair: Rapport, Empathy, Lore
Average: Scholarship, Driving, Survival, Contacts, Resources
Emotional Vampire (Fear) [-1]
Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting:
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Human Form [+1]
Modular Abilities [-6] (The Catch for any Toughness abilities taken is Cold Iron)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2011, 06:30:47 AM »
The being that calls itself Sarah Brown is not a human being. It is a changeling, born of a fetch mother and a human father.

Once, there was a man who sold his firstborn child to Queen Mab. But after making the pact, he refused to have any children. So Mab sent a fetch to rape him. Nine months later, a baby was born. The father had killed himself long before, out of trauma from being raped and guilt from having sent a child into fey ownership.

The baby was raised by mortals in an orphanage, with her fetch mother watching the whole time. Every midwinter, her mother would take her back to Arctis Tor for training in social skills and mental toughness. After about 18 years of this, the girl was a self-loathing mess with severe identity issues. She was hopeless and totally alienated. She was an excellent tool.

On the midwinter day of her 19th year, the girl was taken to see Queen Mab. Mab essentially forced her to make most, but not quite all, of her Choice. Just enough of her humanity remained for her to act as something other than an extension of the Winter Queen. This meant that she could avoid fey limitations, which made her very useful.

The girl has been acting as an infiltrator on behalf of Queen Mab for a little over a decade. She's grown good at it, developing her self control and her ability to manipulate people to truly impressive levels. This has done precisely nothing to improve her mental health.

However, the girl might be changing. Her most recent fake identity, that of a circus acrobat named Sarah Brown, has lasted over a year. In that time, she's grown to like being Sarah Brown. She has friends and a place in the world and even an affectionate nickname of "Squirrel". It's all fake, of course, but you can't have everything.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2011, 05:16:41 AM »
Ayyapan Aadidev (Submerged)

High Concept: Magician By Day, Wizard By Night
Trouble Aspect: Faerie "Friends"
Other Aspects: Old Man, Young Face; Always On Stage; The Ultimate Bullet Catch; Tricky Bastard; Hindu Brahmin
Superb: Deceit
Great: Performance, Discipline
Good: Conviction, Lore, Presence
Fair: Empathy, Rapport, Contacts
Average: Scholarship, Endurance, Athletics, Stealth, Craftsmanship, Alertness, Investigation
Stage Magician (Deceit): +1 to make quick distractions or pick pockets, may perform magic tricks with Deceit.
Faerie "Friends" (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when contacting the fey.
Evocation (Fire/Water, Earth/Air, Spirit): +1 spirit power
Thaumaturgy: +1 illusion control
Foci: Gloves Of Bullet Catching (+2 defensive spirit power and control, only for Bullet Catch rote, actually 2 foci)
Enchanted Items: Top Hat (Creates a Good quality stuffed rabbit clearly larger than the hat it came out of), Playing Cards (Weapon 3, aimed with Discipline), 2 potion slots (strength 3)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

PS: Evocation elements depend on fey court association.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 12:11:05 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2011, 04:51:19 PM »
"Sarah Brown"...

I quite like this one.  Poor kid.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2011, 07:59:06 PM »
Here is an idea.

An Ectomancer who lost control and now has multiple spirits, some benevolent, some sadistic possessing him. While he has come to a sort of an arrangement to retain primary control of his body, these spirits do occasionally act out and do there own thing.
I'm so making that my next character.
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Re: Character Request Game
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2011, 10:15:18 PM »
Templates: Wizard
Aspects: Wizard of the Round Table Order, Blood and Honor, Servant of the Good,
Primary Skills: Weapons, Discipline, Conviction, Lore
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I think.