I have a player who currently plays a changeling with Unseelie Magic as her primary ability. The player is considering Choosing to become a mortal, now, but would also like to become an apprentice wizard. While I have no particular issues with that, mechanically speaking, I have some questions about the process.
First, giving up sponsored magic. How do you think I should handle this? Does the sponsor have any say in it? Would it incur any debts? What sort of long-term personal or social consequences might it have?
Second, I'm tempted to make finding a mentor a book-length goal. Other than looking down their collective nose at her, would the White Council have any particular problems with a wild talent like this? She hasn't broken any laws of magic at this point -- she was already running at 1 Refresh.
Third, having used "magic with training wheels", so to speak, do you think the character would be able to pull off Focused Practitioner-level magic without further training? Like maybe allow her to take either Channeling or Ritual? "Flying blind" and with lots of spell-failure compels against the new high concept, of course.