McAnally's (The Community Pub) > The Bar

Edumacation And Enlearnment

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Don 't know if I posted my edumacation here. Bach. in English. Though, the only valuable I got from college was my wife, Traci. They can have that piece of paper back.

I'm an English studies graduate. Both my BA and MA were in literature, one of them in humour translation (I'm Polish). So far I've mostly worked as a translator and proofreader, not of literature, though.

Formal education = High School diploma.  But, I'm about to turn 59 and have tons of practical, real world experience in a number of things.

Did one of those "life credit" things at a local college about a decade ago.  Thankfully it was one of those where you test first and then they tell you what it will cost to get all those credits applied to a degree.  I scored in a variety of areas including 4 Bach, 2 Mast and a PhD in subjects I can't even remember any more.  It would have cost me over $50k to get diplomas so I let it drop.

"I don't need no stinkin' diploma" to prove I'm educated.



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