Author Topic: Star Wars Style Villan  (Read 1794 times)

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Star Wars Style Villan
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:14:51 AM »
I was fiddling with making an Emperor Palatine style villain for my one shot magitec in space game using Dresden files system.  Do people think this villain is too difficult for a big party of Submerged Player given he won't have time to call for backup.

Name: Serand Duval
High: Supreme Ruler of the Magitec Empire
Aspects: For the Glory of the Empire, Necessary Sacrifices, Commander and Chief, A King leads from the front, Exemplary of the Blood.

+8: Contacts and Resources (both should be higher him being emperor and all.)
+7: Presence, Lore
+6: Discipline, Conviction
+5: Deceit, Scholarship
+4: Intimidation, Empathy
+3: Endurance, Alertness
+2: Weapons, Athletics
+1: Might, Fists

Emperor: +2 to Contacts when dealing with people in the Empire
Resources of the Empire: +2 resources in Imperial Space
Royalty: +2 Presences on those who admit him as their rightful emperor.


Voice of the Empire [-8]: The emperor can make mental attacks inciting obedience on anyone that can hear him at weapons 4 and at +2 his Presence. (His voice can be broadcast across the empire with specially made transmitters).

Magitec [-4] you can use gravity and matter control powers along as you have focus (amp). (Standard casting rules) 

Pinnacle of the Abyss Power Armour [-19]
Obvious Item of Power [+2]
Physical Immunity [-8]
Catch of +0 Planet Destroying Weapons 
Super Amp:  [-5] (including the free refinement with Magitec)
 + 7 Power Magictec Offence Focus
 + 7 Control Magitec Offence Focus
Titanic Strength [-8]
+8 Stress in physical combat + 24 lifting and breaking

Refresh [-34]
Total Refresh [4]
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Re: Star Wars Style Villan
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 03:26:52 AM »
He might actually be too weak if the party has access to his catch or he isn't in armour. With Good initiative, Fair defence rolls and no Toughness powers, he'll probably get killed before he can act.

But his offensive power is brutal. Players are gonna get one-shotted unless they either spend large numbers of FP or take serious consequences.

I suggest replacing the PI with some level of Toughness, giving him better defence rolls somehow (maybe a Speed power, if you also want initiative and mobility), and reducing his firepower somewhat.

Take the +2 off of his Voice Of The Empire and split his foci between offence and defence.

The Strength feels a little superfluous, since he lacks the skills to use it.

Some skills seem a bit high, but no biggy.

Offline ways and means

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Re: Star Wars Style Villan
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2011, 04:50:53 AM »
Thanks your right, about the changes.
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.