Author Topic: Some unexpected dangers of the Sixth Law  (Read 2623 times)

Offline wyvern

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Some unexpected dangers of the Sixth Law
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:40:07 PM »
Consider: the effects of magic in the dresdenverse tend to follow the laws of physics.

Which should include the correlations between time and space.

So, slow down time for a region?  That means all the incoming light gets blueshifted - becoming higher energy as its wavelength decreases.  Things moving by get deflected inwards (because the portion of the object inside the effect is moving slower, which causes the overall trajectory to bend).  Hm.  That sounds an awful lot like a black hole, doesn't it?

Speed up time for yourself?  Things moving towards you get deflected away.  Light redshifts.  Push it too far and you explode.


Note that this post is not 100% serious.  It mostly just amuses me.

Offline mstorer3772

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Re: Some unexpected dangers of the Sixth Law
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2011, 06:11:20 PM »
Consider: the effects of magic in the dresdenverse tend to follow the laws of physics.

Which should include the correlations between time and space.

The interesting thing about spacetime is how flexible it is.  As you pour more velocity into an object and it aproaches the speed of light, it's velocity stops changing so much and SPACE AND TIME change instead.  Gravity warps spacetime.

And we know time can travel differently in different corners of the Nevernever... but folks don't have to "pay the piper" later for that, at least knot that weave scene.

OTOH, magic might cause a steep enough spacetime "sheer" to compress molecules entering the sheer to fuse.  That would be bad.

OTOOH, physics is convoluted enough and good enough at avoiding "free lunches" that changing spacetime like that might also change the way matter compresses to a point where that's not an issue.  No "cheap" fusion for you "just" by changing the flow of time.

Lots of options for a GM to take.  Time traveling suicide bombers that go up remarkably like nukes.  The Gatekeeper steps in, Things Get Dicey.  Or just ignore it and let magic create a temporary "speed" power, just be sure to follow the rules for temporary powers as closely as possible (ie: fate point cost at the very least).
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