Are you serious? That sounds awesome! 
I will definitely order the RPG now 
"An Urseminite is small, about three or
four feet tall, and looks remarkably like a living teddy
bear. They’re short and pudgy, covered in soft fur that
ranges from pink to brown, and everything about their
physical appearance is completely non-threatening.
They have no claws and their teeth aren’t pointed.......
Urseminites revel in vice. They smoke huge, disgusting
cigars that they roll themselves; they drink to excess;
they hit on everything that moves; they pick fights;
they lie, cheat, steal, and kill—all for amusement
and personal gain. Urseminites are supremely selfish
creatures; there’s a theory that something within the
Urseminite brain prevents them from empathizing
with other creatures, prevents them from realizing that
other creatures aren’t mere playthings for their own
grotesque amusement."
Please buy this game. You will not regret it.

*Note that the quoted text is from "Bulldogs!" and is owned by Fred Hicks, Brennan Taylor, Brian Engard, etc etc. I am not stealing anyone's stuff, just trying to promote it.