Author Topic: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)  (Read 5576 times)

Offline gojj

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2011, 11:04:59 PM »
Ah, I see now. Another question, because I don't have Evocation of any type would my Enchanted Items be any element I wanted or just default to Spirit, the most "neutral" element I guess you could say.

And thank you all for you advice/insight/critique.

Offline Vairelome

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2011, 11:17:28 PM »
My impression from the text is that your items could generate effects from any element of Evocation, or any thematic area of Thaumaturgy, since Crafting is a "functional" subset of Thaumaturgy, not a "thematic" subset, like Ectomancy.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2011, 05:35:09 AM »
I think that Vairelome is correct on all counts save for his judgement that Potent Potions is weaker than Refinement. I disagree about that.

Anyway, crafters are possibly the most powerful things in this game. And they are very easy to make.

I would be very careful with skill replacement, it's risky territory.

There are no elemental restrictions on Crafting.

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 07:07:59 AM »
Concerning Potent Potions, when I wrote that, I thought about sticking a caveat in there, because it is a debatable point, but I thought it would derail my overall explanation.  I do think, and I think Sanctaphrax would agree(?), that it's an appropriately-powered supernatural stunt.  (I call it a supernatural stunt because only a character with Ritual or Thaumaturgy could take it and have it DO anything.)

The specialization vs. focus item debate is somewhat simpler in the context of Thaumaturgy, because you don't have the offensive/defensive split of Evocation focus items.  One refresh of Refinement gives two points of augmentation, either by spec or focus item, in the same manner.  Specialization must follow the pyramid, though, and focus items could be lost or broken, temporarily removing their bonuses from the practitioner's use.

In a sense, Potent Potions is the best of both worlds.  It need not follow the pyramid, and as a stunt, it's not particularly removable by plot circumstances.  It also grants the same net bonus as Refinement for the same price.  If that was it, the stunt would be overpowered, but it's limited by a restriction to Potions, and therefore would not apply its Power bonus to enchanted items.  Sure, if the Crafter in question decided not to make any enchanted items, the stunt would always apply, but I'm not overly concerned with Potent Potions being a bit overpowered in a character that's only using half of Ritual: Crafting.

As a practical matter, I'm still of the opinion that sinking one Refinement into focus items to boost Crafting Strength is slightly better than Potent Potions because the points of Power boosting your enchanted items outweighs the risk of focus item destruction.  I think this is especially true for a Crafter, because Crafting focus items tend to stay in your lab, rather than travel with you in the field.

Is there a consideration I've overlooked, Sanctaphrax?  I'll admit, I'm short on actual experience playing the game, but the above was my reasoning process, such as it is.

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2011, 06:03:11 PM »
No, I don't think you've overlooked anything.

I'm just very careful with the pyramid, that's all.

And I honestly don't like it when stunts horn in on Refinement's mechanical space.

Offline Arcteryx

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2011, 06:20:27 PM »
With regards to crafters - how many GMs out there make sure that the characters have workspaces and the like? I realize a lot of it can be glossed over and handwaved but I don't think it's unreasonable to at least reflect that you have some requirement for a home-base or some kind of mojo lab where all this crafting - and research, and study, and library - is happening.

Even Harry has a sub-basement to brew his potions in, and enough crap happened there in the books that these spaces can figure in your own games without necessarily being just window dressing.

To me this goes for all practitioners to some degree, even the focused ones; it just figures larger for some more than others. At the very least there are story and plot opportunities to be had.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2011, 06:22:44 PM »
And I honestly don't like it when stunts horn in on Refinement's mechanical space.
Have to second this.  Creating a stunt simply to avoid a power's limitations seems "munchkinny".
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Offline EdgeOfDreams

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2011, 06:45:55 PM »
With regards to crafters - how many GMs out there make sure that the characters have workspaces and the like? I realize a lot of it can be glossed over and handwaved but I don't think it's unreasonable to at least reflect that you have some requirement for a home-base or some kind of mojo lab where all this crafting - and research, and study, and library - is happening.

To me this goes for all practitioners to some degree, even the focused ones; it just figures larger for some more than others. At the very least there are story and plot opportunities to be had.

The crafter character I run justifies this by running a magic shop called "The Art and Craft".  He sells ingredients, symbols, potions, protection amulets, etc. and does all his crafting in a back-room workshop.  He'll even take custom orders for enchanted items, but at a hefty fee.  This has become a plot point at times as his shop has been target by various enemies at times.  He's also become a bit of a figure in the local community.  Related aspects include "I Run a Clean Shop" and "Everyone wants my help... EVERYONE".

Offline gojj

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2011, 01:38:38 AM »
The crafter character I run justifies this by running a magic shop called "The Art and Craft".  He sells ingredients, symbols, potions, protection amulets, etc. and does all his crafting in a back-room workshop.  He'll even take custom orders for enchanted items, but at a hefty fee.  This has become a plot point at times as his shop has been target by various enemies at times.  He's also become a bit of a figure in the local community.  Related aspects include "I Run a Clean Shop" and "Everyone wants my help... EVERYONE".

My character seems very similar to yours, my crafting related aspect is "Your friendly neighborhood potion man". Thank you all again for your help. I decided on taking 5 refinements instead of 6 for the time being, I just don't think I'm going to need the four extra enchanted item slots, but I could be wrong.

Offline Arcteryx

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Re: I feel like I'm doing something wrong...(Making a Crafter)
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2011, 04:50:25 AM »
The crafter character I run justifies this by running a magic shop called "The Art and Craft".  He sells ingredients, symbols, potions, protection amulets, etc. and does all his crafting in a back-room workshop.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about - just a reminder to folks that sometimes, "game balance" can be done in the narrative and doesn't have to be - or even should be - in the rules.

Nice one :)