Author Topic: FPs used for Evocation Casting are twice as good...?  (Read 9675 times)

Offline jb.teller4

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Re: FPs used for Evocation Casting are twice as good...?
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2011, 06:31:37 PM »
Regarding mental stress: how my group does it is if you want to pump up your spell with stress its a stress box for each point. For example, if you wanted to increase your spell's power by two you would have to fill in your one, two, and three mental stress boxes instead of just box number three. In my opinion this is more effective than limiting how much power someone can throw into a spell. If they want to throw down a legendary attack (assuming they have Superb Conviction with no focus items) than they can just tick off all of their mental stress boxes, but they won't be able to cast anything else without harming themselves in some way.

Huh. I like that. So if they want to throw out one massive spell that does like 22 damage, then they can, but they're totally tapped out. I'm going to think about that some more.

-John B.

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