Author Topic: Long Term Character Development andother stuff  (Read 2093 times)

Offline fantazero

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Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:07:02 PM »
So we've been playing about 6 months (REAL TIME) in our game. So I think we've hit several Major Milestone, and our characters have changed a lot since we started playing them.

So should we have to keep our aspects from the start of the game? Or can we ADD to them? Or replace them with something more important. Like looking at Harrys Stats from the RPG I would say hes grown a lot since Book 1. Or like Murphy shes not the same Murphy as book 1.

I guess what i'm saying is, what is the proper way to update a character after a bunch of life changing stuff has happened to them? do you just DO it, can you change core aspects on the fly or do you just update your trouble? What I was thinking of introducing to my group GM *who reads this board Hi Ren!* and the rest of the group is that after our last 9 hour Battle Royale we JUMP forward into the future 3-6 or more Months
1. To kinda shake things up aka make life hell for our characters.
2. Let people rewrite some character aspects/stunts/ skills if need be
3. To get rid of some dangling plot points

Offline Blackblade

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Re: Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 04:09:15 PM »
Isn't that what minor milestones are for?  They don't do much individually, but over time they allow for a lot of changes.

Offline EdgeOfDreams

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Re: Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 04:43:25 PM »
The rules specifically allow for re-writing an aspect at a minor milestone, and you get the benefits of a minor whenever you get a higher tier milestone.  Also, it is completely legitimate to change an aspect in the middle of a story if the current plot justifies it and the table agrees.

Changing aspects over time can definitely contribute to the growth of a character.  For example, I once played a character with the high concept Ignorant Emissary of the Great Phoenix.  He was getting strange fire magic from an unknown source, kept getting dragged into adventures, etc. etc.  Eventually, he set up a ritual to try to contact the source of his power, and we had a wonderful scene where he interacted with an avatar of the Great Phoenix called up by his ritual.  After that, we crossed out the Ignorant part of his high concept.

Offline TitaniumMan

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Re: Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 04:55:34 PM »
You'll also want to change Aspects so they continue to fit so you can invoke/compel them in-game and have it make sense.

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 04:22:22 AM »
Another thing you can do with your minor milestones is to change your aspects around to bring out the bits of your character that will show up 'this book'; for example, in some of the books Tomas doesn't really play a major role, so one doing that 'mechanically' is having Harry's player change out his Tomas related aspect(s) for other ones.  It's not really that the character has changed, just that we'll be focusing on some other aspects for a while.