You'd need a Great Might result. Otherwise, you'd just be filling in the previous stress boxes.
Missing things like this is one of the big disadvantages of reading so many different versions of Fate: They all seem to want to do Stress differently.
Dresden does roll-up style. You fill in one box per hit, and repeats roll up to the next available box.
One of the suggestions to fix SotC (one adopted by some other games) was "Stress as hit points." In these games, if you take 3 Stress, you fill in the first three available boxes.
Kerberos Club uses... I guess you'd call it a sort of hit point roll-up combo. If there's no Stress in a track, the first hit fills in the first X boxes, where X is the inflicted Stress. If the second hit does less damage, it just rolls up one more box. If a hit does Y Stress, where Y is greater than the amount of stress already inflicted, you fill up to box Y.
Awesome Adventures doesn't do Stress tracks. You just take Consequences based on the amount of Stress that gets through.
And there are more.
It gets confusing.