Author Topic: how to work out a logias powers?  (Read 1826 times)

Offline Solborn

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how to work out a logias powers?
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:08:04 AM »
for those who dont know what one piece's logia powers are:
they imbue with the essence of the type of devil fruit (I.E light, fire, magma, lightning, and ice)
             Taking the ice example  if a person with it gets slugged in the face with a baseball bat he can choose to react as if he was made of snow, slush or ice, causing him to break apart and reform almost instantly. (-8 physical immunity is what i thought would work best here)
            Second example, a fire-type logia can shoot fire from her hands
and otherwise wield it as -2 channeling (with the possabilty of getting refinement because she isnt likely to branch out but getting better at what she does is an option I think)
             Third example lightning's "weakness" in the series is that they cant use their immunity on things their element cant affect. For example, a lightning-type wielder getting shot at with rubber bullets would effect them as a normal vanilla person would be. (-? I am not sure what that refresh refund would be)
             In addition, that dissolve thing can affect actions, say if you shoot a ice type in the hand while he is carrying a briefcase or a weapon he takes the hit normally or drops the item.
           As a conclusion, any other powers and description advice from that knows the series would be appriciated

Offline EdgeOfDreams

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Re: how to work out a logias powers?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 04:37:39 PM »
My only advice is to remember that some things don't need to be represented mechanically if the effects come up rarely enough for an aspect to cover it.  An aspect related to the character's powers can be invoked for unusual uses or advantages, and compelled for unusual drawbacks.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: how to work out a logias powers?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 04:16:01 AM »
I have spent an excessive amount of time thinking about this. Glad to see it's coming in handy.

Logia users get Physical Immunity with a catch. Maybe some custom powers (like Amorphous Form) too. It might also be appropriate to use a variant on Channeling that gives no focus slots but allows pyramid-less specializations.

The briefcase-dropping-type things are probably maneuvers or compels.

Haki is a mixture of an Incite Emotion variant and All Creatures Are Equal Before God.

Actually, I think I might try writing up some One Piece characters. Any requests?